Special Announcement

Dear Friends and Partners,

Earlier this year, we were thrilled to announce that Jake Hilton would be joining A Rood Awakening! International to share biblical teachings and further our mission of spreading the truth of YeHoVaH’s word to the nations.

After much prayerful consideration and many discussions, it became clear that there were differences in how we each envisioned presenting the message of the Gospel. While we share the same passion for spreading biblical truth, we ultimately could not align on certain aspects of how this vision would be carried out.

With mutual respect and understanding, the decision was made to part ways. This decision was not made lightly, and we deeply appreciate the contributions Jake has made during his time with us.

As always, the mission of A Rood Awakening! International remains unchanged. We are steadfast in our commitment to proclaiming the Gospel and providing insightful, biblically-grounded teachings to inspire and equip our community.

We sincerely thank you for your prayers, support, and trust as we continue this journey. We also encourage you to share your suggestions for speakers and topics you’d like to see on our programs. Your input is invaluable to us as we move forward, confident in the plans that YeHoVaH has for this ministry.

We wish Jake the very best in his future endeavors and will continue to pray for his success in the work that YeHoVaH has called him to do.

With love and gratitude,
The Rood Crew

The Kingdom of Heaven – Maljut haShamaim

Just as there are kingdoms and empires in this world which are born, expand, and ultimately pass away, there is also in contrast a kingdom that is eternal –  the kingdom of God.

The term “the Kingdom of Heaven” is famous in Christianity since it is used by Yeshua throughout his ministry – from exhorting people to “become little children” in order to enter it (Mt 18:3); comparing it to a treasure hidden in a field (Mt 13:44) or a mustard seed (Mt 13:31); to even talking about how the halakhic rules would be within the Kingdom (Mt 22:29).

What many people do not know is that this term, “Malchut haShamaim” (the kingdom of heaven), and the term “Malchut Elohim” (the kingdom of God; sometimes “Malchut Shaddai”), were terms widely used in the Jewish temporal context in which Yeshua lived.

The Roman Empire had complete sovereignty over the land of Israel and economically oppressed the people through tribute (i.e., taxes) to the emperor. Dissident Jews who decided to refuse or even question those authoritarian imperialist regulations were crushed by the Roman military arm, and their bodies were displayed on crucifixes as an example for others so that everyone would think twice before rebelling or questioning their authority. The Zealots were a dissident group, mentioned in the New Testament, who fought against the Roman authorities, hoping to regain Jewish autonomy, just as the Maccabees fought against the Greeks a couple of centuries before.

A thought, rooted in biblical doctrine, became popular during that time: just as there are kingdoms and empires in this world which are born, expand, and ultimately pass away, there is also in contrast a kingdom that is eternal –  the kingdom of God.

A very clear picture of this appears in the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream given by Daniel in the second chapter of his book: In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and this kingdom will not be left to another people. It will crush all these kingdoms and bring them to an end but will itself endure forever.

What is an Omer?

Shalom Torah fans.

Many of you may have heard the term Omer but perhaps have no idea what it means. Others know that it is something that represents the days that we count between Passover and Shavuot, but may not have an idea of what the word originally means. And this is what we will learn in this audio blog.

If you have been celebrating the Biblical Feasts for at least a year, you have probably noticed that one of the most important Feasts, in fact, one of the three so-called Pilgrimage Feasts in which every man had to go up to Jerusalem, is the Feast of Shavuot. This is called Pentecost, or Feast of weeks (Shavuot means weeks). What is unusual about this Feast is that its celebration does not fall on a specific day of the Biblical calendar, but rather it is celebrated on the fiftieth (50th) day of what is usually called “the counting of the Omer” (s’firat haOmer in Hebrew).

Why is it called “the counting of the Omer”, and what is an Omer?

The best place to start our search is in Leviticus 23.

“Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye are come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring the sheaf of the first-fruits of your harvest unto the priest” (Leviticus 23:10).

The word sheaf in Hebrew is Omer (עֹמֶר), and we are talking about the Omer of the “first fruits”. This is an important detail, since it determines the moment in which the seven weeks began to be counted, which is from the day the first fruits were presented.

This is why we call it “the counting of the Omer.” It could also be called “the count (of the days) from the offering of the Omer (of the first fruits)”.

We now understand why it is called the counting of the Omer, but we still need to understand what an Omer is.

The simple answer would be that it was a unit of measurement that was used in biblical times. As in our days, there were then ways to quantify measures of length, weight and liquids among others. An Omer is part of the measurement to quantify the volume of dry things, such as a measure of flour for an offering, or, in this case, the amount of barley that had to be presented on the day of first fruits.

An Omer was one tenth of an ephah (Exodus 16:36). Another known measure was the se’á, which was one-third of an ephah. An ephah is approximately 22 liters in modern measurements. Note: Although liters is a unit of measure for liquids, it is also used in modern times to determine the volume of something, for example, the space in a travel backpack. In the same way, the measurement of the Omer refers to “the amount of something” according to the capacity of a container of an Omer (the weight can be different according to the density of different elements).

The first time this word appears in Scripture is in Exodus 16:16, where the word Omer was not even translated in some versions of the Bible (!!!):

“This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Gather as much of it as each person needs to eat. You may take two quarts (an Omer) per individual, according to the number of people each of you has in his tent.”

As we count down the 49 days of the counting of the Omer, we also remember the manna that Yehovah fed the children of Israel with, from which each family took exactly one measure of an Omer per day.

In a more spiritual sense, the counting of these 50 days represents a conciliation between the individual and the Creator. This can be correlated to the bible passage regarding the children of Israel that traveled from Egypt to Mount Sinai. They were slaves, representing the lowest spiritual level; upon reaching their destination they heard the voice of the Almighty himself – the highest spiritual level that can be reached. During these days of the counting of the Omer, it is a great opportunity for each of us to get in tune with this ascending path of personal and spiritual development.

Mitzraim – The meaning of slavery in Egypt

We understand reality through polar opposites. We can say that something is bad because we compare it to the concept of what is good, we can think that someone is cruel because we know what compassion is…

One of the most prominent topics in the Scriptures is the subject of slavery. This is not because slavery itself is important, but because liberation from slavery is most significant.

All concepts in this existence are based on duality. As early as Genesis 1 with the concepts of heaven and earth, light and darkness, day and night… Adam himself was conditioned to understand reality based on duality when he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

To this day, no matter who you are or what background you come from, we understand reality through polar opposites. We can say that something is bad because we compare it to the concept of what is good, we can think that someone is cruel because we know what compassion is, we appreciate something as beautiful because we can conceive the concept of what is horrible.

In the same way, in the biblical story, we are taught about freedom, based on what slavery is and what it represents. The children of Israel understood freedom through slavery. There are those who say, especially those who have been deprived of their liberty, that one cannot know what liberty is at all unless he has been deprived of it first.

Mitzraim (מִצְרָיְם) was one of the sons of Ham (Gen 10:6), and is the Hebrew word for Egypt. However, this word has a deeper meaning that reveals the biblical understanding of what slavery means, as well as freedom.

Breaking down the Hebrew word, we see that the “im” at the end of Mitzraim indicates the plural form of the word. In the singular, it would be matzor (מָצוֹר). Interestingly, Egypt is referred to in this way in certain places, such as Isaiah 37:25:

“I dug wells and drank water. I dried up all the streams of Egypt (matzor- מָצוֹר) with the soles of my feet.”

A matzor in Hebrew is a siege when an army surrounds a town or city before attacking it – usually to prevent supplies from coming in.

Matzor, comes from the root tzar (צָר) which means narrow. The pressure that an army applies to a besieged people has to do with this idea. Tzar is also related to the suffering that can be experienced.

Tzorer is the word generally translated as enemy, but it also comes from this root and would be better translated as “one who causes tzar”, one who causes pain or suffering.

One of the Hebrew words for rock is tzur (צוּר). This word is used a lot in the Psalms when David says “Yehovah is my rock.” The word tzur, once again, comes from the same root as all of these words. In this case, the idea of ​​pressure or the concept of something narrow has to do with the conditions in which this stone was formed under the ground. 

Tzur in Hebrew has to do with a specific stone, although this detail is lost in translation. In English, it is called flint, which is one of the hardest stones in existence, used to make tools and weapons in the stone age.

With all this, we have enough material to meditate on the concept of where the children of Israel were when they suffered during the period of slavery in Mitzraim, Egypt.

Suffering is not necessarily physical, but mental. In this world, the strongest chains and limitations are in our mind. Emotions like worry or anxiety make us feel as if we are in a narrow place. In appearance, we have already left Egypt and were freed from physical slavery, but how many of us can say that we are free in our mind?

This is the truth that Yeshua preached, when he taught:

“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls..” Matthew 11:28-29

How to Escape the System of the Beast

With regulations and government restrictions on the world’s population, increasingly resembling George Orwell’s dystopian nightmare of 1984, it’s hard to have hope that things will get better.

For those of us who believe in Bible prophecy, we know that the good guys win in the end, even though we forget it sometimes or aren’t fully aware of it. Another point to consider is exactly how long evil will have to reign; how long it will be night before the day comes; how long will we go through tribulations, until we reach that promised land, metaphorically speaking.

First, to put it in perspective: there is nothing new under the sun

For each of us, our own trials and challenges seem “the hardest.” We think about our own lives first and that makes our own problems the worst. This same distortion in perspective can be projected communally or globally. Therefore, we believe that the problems affecting us in the world today are the worst in the history of humanity: the most tyrannical governments, the most violent climate changes, the greatest depravities of the population, etc. But the truth is, there is nothing new under the sun. The evils that plague the world today have existed since the beginning of history!

As soon as two human beings existed, envy and jealousy were born. From the birth of the first communities, hierarchies of power arose, which were later corrupted by the carnal ambition for power and dominance, which later developed into the need for conquest and control over other communities. Nations and empires were founded and, in the last 250 years, we have the most familiar concept of the state which resembles the forms mentioned above – with the exception that we live in a democratic system, in which, in my opinion, there is an illusion of choice, in hopes that there will be a positive change one day.

There are three types of responses

When we are faced with any type of threat, there are three ways in which we respond. These are described in the reactions of fighting, fleeing or paralysis, which refer to involuntary physiological changes that occur in the body and the mind when a person feels threatened. These responses exist to keep people safe, preparing them to face, escape, or hide from danger.

Let’s analyze these three kinds of responses in relation to the threat in which we currently find ourselves.

Fighting. If we decide to fight the beast system, this would be a noble sentiment. Many in the past have fought physically to preserve freedom and rights, whether at the familial, communal, or national level. Many times, it is not about overthrowing an entire government, but simply preserving order, advocating for the poor and promoting justice in our own neighborhood.

An important point to keep in mind in this mode of reaction is that we must choose our battles wisely. Although there are many just causes, we must invest our time fighting where we can have a real impact and make a difference in a tangible way.

Fleeing. It is wise to realize when there are no more battles to fight, or when we are outnumbered, or simply when the war is lost. It would be sensible to begin thinking of a plan to change our circumstances, such as moving to another city, removing children from the public school system, etc. Meaning, in this case, “fleeing” would be the necessary thing to do at that moment. A family or individual can flee a country in which they feel threatened, searching for economic prosperity or simply to preserve their physical integrity. These are the main reasons people have migrated from one place to another throughout history.

I want to emphasize. These two types of responses, fighting and fleeing, are not mutually exclusive. Our response to a threat can change according to the circumstances. Yeshua instructed his disciples to buy a sword, but then scolded Peter for using it. There is a time for peace and there is a time for war.

Paralysis. This type of reaction to a threat is, essentially, the absence of a reaction. In the face of fear, confusion, surprise or lack of motivation, our nervous system can become paralyzed, leaving us immobile and defenseless against a threat. This is the reaction that those in power want to project on the population. That’s why the news transmits fear and uncertainty. That is why during the last two years of the pandemic the information that has come out from government sources has always been confusing or fatalistic, or both. And that is why, it is no coincidence that paralysis is the state in which the majority of the population finds itself.

Escaping the system

In the times when Yeshua walked through Judea and Galilee, the Roman Empire exercised control over the land. They collected taxes, controlled transportation and movement, imposed restrictions of all kinds and decided who lived and who died. It was in this same setting that Yeshua preached about the Kingdom of Heaven. But unlike the redemption that everyone expected at that very moment in order to be freed from the unbearable Roman oppression, through political change and the coronation of a Jew (Yeshua) over Israel, the Messiah was speaking of another Kingdom.

A Kingdom that was possible to access at that very moment; regardless of who the emperor or the president of a country was; a kingdom that could not be damaged by the hand of man nor does it age with the passage of time. A Kingdom that existed before Creation and will continue to exist when everything is finished; the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of God.

To escape the system of the Beast, we must first realize that whatever happens around us on planet Earth, in this physical world, does not change in the slightest the power and sovereignty of the Creator over the entire Universe.

Second, it is imperative not to fear. This is a COMMANDMENT that appears in the Scriptures dozens of times, many of them accompanied by the tool that allows us to overcome fear; Courage. “Be strong and courageous!” the Creator told Joshua before entering the Promised Land.

Fear is a mechanism by which our brains help to protect us from danger. But there are times when overcoming that fear is the only way to overcome the obstacle. Overcoming fear and obstacles is precisely what makes us stronger, wiser, and more resilient.


Good times create weak men; weak men create hard times; hard times create strong men; strong men create good times.

What ails us is not only the system of the Beast, but our feeling of helplessness to fight it. Whether we choose to fight (by physical, legal, mental or spiritual means) or we choose to flee, it is important to take a good look at our circumstances and then make the appropriate decisions, based on prayer, good counsel and rational logic. And in other cases, all it will take to escape the system of the Beast, will be to simply turn the TV off, and restrict phone and social media use.

Michael Rood’s Stroke and Recovery

We know that you pray for Michael Rood every day and now he needs your prayers more than ever. A few weeks ago, Michael had a stroke. He has been in the hospital and rehab, but now he is home with his wife Analil and is making remarkable progress toward a full recovery.

Michael and the entire “Rood Crew” would like to say thank you for all the support you have shown him. He feels each and every prayer you have sent to the Father on his behalf.

Just before the stroke, Michael was in the studio taping programs and love gift teachings and he wanted me to let you know that there are plenty of teachings to air while he is recovering. We also have several ministry friends who will be filling in, such as Bill Cloud, Kevin Fisher, Miles Jones, Nehemia Gordon, and our very own Scott Laird and David Robinson.

Finally, Michael wants you to know how much he loves each and every one of you. If you are asking yourself, “What can I do to help?” the biggest thing you can do right now is continue to pray for strength, wisdom and a complete recovery — and to continue to support the ministry with you prayers and financial support.

We need you to stand with us now more than ever during these prophetic days we are living in. Michael has many messages yet to share and will be continuing to spread the truth, with your help.

Another thing you can do, if Michael has made a difference in your life, is to get out your phone and send Michael a video message, wishing him a quick and speedy recovery. Or if you prefer, please jot down a short email message to him, speaking from your heart and wishing him well. These messages will go a long way to help speed his recovery and show him the love you feel for him. You can send your videos or emails to bestwishes@michaelrood.tv

From all of us here at The Rood Crew, we wish you the peace and happiness of our Father and thank you again for all you do to help Michael and the ministry continue to spread the gospel, like the waters cover the sea.

Is Your Mineral Supplement Worth It?

Organic in the sense of “organic minerals” means that the mineral was derived from something living.

The definition of a mineral is surprisingly simple. A mineral is “an organic substance needed by the human body for good health.” Now let’s stop for a minute and examine an important word in that definition: Organic.

Typically, when we see the word “organic”, we think of organic vs conventional produce; in other words, grown without chemicals or genetically modified seeds. That is indeed one definition of organic, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.

Organic in the sense of “organic minerals” means that the mineral was derived from something living.

Organic minerals come from plants; they are bioavailable. What that means is that they are very absorbable into the cells of the human body.

Organic minerals break down slowly, increasing their stability. This stability enables organic minerals to complete their journey to the parts of the body where they are needed without breaking away and binding to other compounds in the body, which would render them less absorbable or even completely unabsorbable.

Inorganic minerals, on the other hand, are mineral salts derived from non-living things (i.e. rocks and soil). Inorganic minerals are less bioavailable because they are less stable.

Inorganic minerals have a tendency to become “unbound” too quickly; they may bind with other molecules that make them less bioavailable or even completely unabsorbable. Obviously then, organic minerals are best to rebuild your cells, which are dying and being replaced at a rate of 300 million per minute.

So how do you know which type of mineral is being used in that supplement in your cupboard? Dr. Robert J. Thiel, author of Naturopathy for the 21st Century has a good rule of thumb:

Most mineral salts are listed on the label with a two-word description, while most food complex minerals list the mineral and the source. For example, if next to the word ‘calcium’ the label says ‘carbonate’, it is clear that this is a mineral salt. If on the other hand, next to the word ‘calcium’ it says it is in a food complex (or otherwise states the food source) then it is usually from a food (it is of interest to note that calcium citrate is actually the rock known as limestone processed with lactic and citric acids — it is not a product of citrus fruits).”

Incidentally, your body cannot convert inorganic minerals into organic minerals — only plants can do that. The plant’s roots go into the soil, absorb the mineral salt, and convert it into something that is best for the human body to use. That’s why plants are so important to human health.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

Fighting Cancer With Plants

Silymarin consists of flavonoids found in the milk thistle plant.

What if there was a natural way to fight both breast cancer and prostate cancer? And what if you could do it without side effects and increase the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments while you’re at it?

The Creator of the universe is way ahead of us. Such a compound has always existed in the milk thistle plant: Silymarin.

I first learned about the power of silymarin in The Blaylock Wellness Report, written by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon. Silymarin consists of flavonoids found in the milk thistle plant. Silymarin has long been heralded for its antioxidant and liver-protective qualities and is now being researched for its anticancer attributes in both breast and colon cancers.

In breast cancer, it works by interfering with cancer growth. It binds to estrogen receptors, essentially putting up the “no vacancy” sign to cancer, preventing tumor growth.[i]

Amazingly, it goes exactly where it is needed, accumulating its cancer-fighting power in breast tumor tissue.[ii]

Equally remarkable, silymarin does the opposite to help men deal with prostate cancer. Instead of “putting up the no vacancy sign”, it opens a door.

Aggressive types of prostate cancer are typically unresponsive to conventional radiation treatment, but silymarin helps by being a “radiosensitizing” agent; it opens the door of cancer cells, putting out the “welcome mat” for radiation therapy to do its thing far more effectively.

In fact, one study in 2015 showed that use of silymarin in conjunction with radiation therapy resulted in 10 times better kill rate of prostate cancer cells. Even better, the silymarin only helped to kill the cancer cells and actually protected normal cells that would typically experience radiation poisoning and injury.[iii]

Silymarin also beats cancer at its own game in the colon.

As a survival mechanism, colon cancer cells will suppress their vitamin D receptors in an effort to protect themselves from vitamin D’s cancer-fighting effects. Silymarin reverses the effect, allowing vitamin D to break into the cancer cells and do what it does best: stop the cells’ proliferation and spread.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

[i] Agarwal R, Agarwal C, Ichikawa H, Singh RP, Aggarwal BB. Anticancer potential
of silymarin: from bench to bed side. Anticancer Res. 2006

[ii] Lazzeroni M, Guerrieri-Gonzaga A, Gandini S, Johansson H, Serrano D, Cazzaniga
M, Aristarco V, Puccio A, Mora S, Caldarella P, Pagani G, Pruneri G, Riva A,
Petrangolini G, Morazzoni P, DeCensi A, Bonanni B. A Presurgical Study of Oral
Silybin-Phosphatidylcholine in Patients with Early Breast Cancer. Cancer Prev Res
(Phila). 2016 Jan;9(1):89-95.

[iii] Nambiar DK, Rajamani P, Deep G, Jain AK, Agarwal R, Singh RP. Silibinin
Preferentially Radiosensitizes Prostate Cancer by Inhibiting DNA Repair
Signaling. Mol Cancer Ther. 2015 Dec;14(12):2722-34.

The Healing Power of Vitamin C

Meeting the “% Daily Value” of any particular nutrient is usually not enough

I have routinely included 3,000 to 4,000 mg of vitamin C in my morning breakfast/vitamin routine. It may sound like a lot, mainly because we are conditioned to the “% Daily Value” we read on the “Nutrition Facts” panels on packaged foods.

What most people do not realize is that those “Daily Value” percentages are just enough to avoid a deficiency. If a person is already deficient in a certain nutrient, ingesting enough to reach 100% is not going to help the deficiency.

These recommendations are, essentially, just enough to keep a person alive! Yet, in today’s nutrient-draining, stress-filled world, most people are deficient in at least one nutrient or another.

Meeting the “% Daily Value” of any particular nutrient is usually not enough. It’s like trying to re-fill a quickly draining bathtub with a slowly dripping faucet.

So why take so much vitamin C? What does it do?


Vitamin C helps to heal bruises, wounds, fractures, and scar tissues. It strengthens blood vessels and supports a healthy appetite and stable moods. In fact, it supports overall good health including regular heartbeat, good digestion, and healthy levels of hemoglobin.

Studies have also shown that Alzheimer’s patients given anti-oxidants (in a formula containing vitamin C) demonstrate significantly improved cognitive scores. Research has also shown that people with higher vitamin C levels experienced 50% less death from cancer than those with low vitamin C levels.

Many of those with advanced lung and colon cancers who underwent intravenous vitamin C completely recovered, and as Dr. Thomas Levy mentions in his book Primal Panacea vitamin C has the potential to eradicate cancer altogether.

In a press release dated January 26, 2020, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service reported, “The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.”

Ironically, as all-powerful as vitamin C may seem to be, it is very fragile when exposed to heat. So, processed foods and cooked foods that contained vitamin C before they were cooked or processed likely won’t have much benefit.

Rule of thumb…

Eat foods rich in vitamin C raw, and make sure that any vitamin C supplement comes from a whole food source. If it does, it will say so right on the supplement facts panel.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

Meat, Eggs, Dairy, and Cancer Risk

For many reasons, the gut is indeed the command center for human health. It is a fascinating warzone, a seesaw balancing act between good bacteria and pathogenic bacteria.

Many factors in today’s world can lead to bacteria imbalance, which is why supplemental probiotics have become so popular. Probiotics help to maintain a proper balance of good bacteria and pathogenic bacteria. This helps the body to absorb nutrients and to heal itself of disease.

One of the more eyebrow-raising gut bacteria discoveries in recent years is the role that animal-based foods play when it comes to cancer risk. The surprising thing about this discovery is that cancer risk does not come directly from the animal-based food itself (or even the fat of said foods).

The problem arises in the process by which the human body digests these foods. When the human body’s intestinal bacteria digest red meat, eggs, and dairy, the liver responds by producing a substance called trimethylamine-N-oxide (or TMAO for short).

High levels of TMAO in a person’s blood are now considered to be the “smoking gun” for colon cancer risk.

In fact, a recent, five-year study showed that women with the highest level of TMAO in their blood plasma had the highest risk for rectal cancer — up to 340% greater risk than women with the lowest TMAO levels!

Remember, this has NOTHING to do with genetics. It’s all about cancer risk from eating red meat, eggs, and dairy.

What if you cut out red meat and dairy as many people are doing nowadays? Are eggs really that bad?

Well, another study, which focused solely on egg consumption, found that colon cancer wasn’t the only concern. It found that elevated TMAO levels from eating 5 eggs or more per week is associated with a “modestly elevated risk of breast cancer, and a positive association between egg intake and ovarian and fatal prostate cancers cannot be ruled out.”

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape