Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Ep 8

EPSODE 8 of 10: Back To The Beginning

This week (July 5) on Shabbat Night Live, in the Book of The Revelation, we read that the congregation in Ephesus had been led astray by false prophets. Who were these false prophets? Where did they come from and what were they teaching?

Michael Rood takes us back to the beginning when Paul first spoke to the Ephesians and what we can learn from their mistakes.

Watch the episode — included in this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 08:52) What is the significance of Apollos’ teachings in Ephesus, and how do they reflect the original message of repentance and adherence to the Torah as preached by John the Baptist?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 10:57) How did Aquila and Priscilla’s guidance enhance Apollos’ understanding of Yeshua’s ministry, and what impact did this have on his ability to proclaim Yeshua as the Messiah to the Jews in the synagogue?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 16:22) What does Paul’s interaction with the disciples in Ephesus reveal about the evolution from John’s baptism of repentance to the baptism in the name of Yeshua Messiah, and how does this signify a new understanding of life and identity for believers?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:11) In what ways did the baptism as performed by Paul and the subsequent reception of the Holy Spirit redefine the disciples’ faith in Ephesus, and how did this spiritual awakening contrast with the resistance and misunderstanding from others within the community?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 23:42) How did the failed exorcism attempt by the seven sons of Sceva, a chief priest, lead to widespread fear and reverence for the name of Yeshua, and what were the consequences for the practice of magic and the growth of the Christian faith in Ephesus?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 26:04) What economic and religious concerns did Demetrius and the craftsmen of Ephesus express regarding Paul’s teachings, and how did their reaction illustrate the conflict between traditional pagan worship and the emerging Christian doctrine?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 31:38) What role did Alexander, the son of Simon of Cyrene, play in the events at Ephesus, and how does his attempt to address the crowd relate to the broader conflict between the early Christian movement and established religious traditions?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 35:27) How does Paul distinguish between true apostles and false ones, and what consequences does he describe for those who deceitfully claim apostleship and mislead others for personal gain?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 37:10) How does Peter characterize false apostles, and what criteria does he suggest for distinguishing them from those who are truly sent by the divine?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 42:21) How does the message to the believers in Ephesus emphasize the importance of returning to their ‘first love’ and the original teachings of Yeshua, and what does this reveal about the contrast between their past pagan practices and their new life in the Messiah?

Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Ep 7

EPISODE 7 of 10: What Happened At Ephesus?

This week (June 28) on Shabbat Night Live: When John encounters the risen Yeshua in a vision, he is given a scathing message to deliver to seven specific churches — one of which is Ephesus. Paul was instrumental in delivering the Gospel to Ephesus, so what went wrong?

Michael Rood explains the back story and why the risen Savior mentioned Ephesus by name.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 05:47) How does the scroll of Revelation connect the stories of the Torah and the prophets to the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 12:19) What is the significance of Yochanan’s vision of Yeshua amidst the seven flaming lamps, and how does it relate to his role as a messenger to the seven congregations in Asia Minor?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 15:31) In the context of the Revelation, what is the significance of Yeshua commanding Yochanan to write the things that he had just seen, the things that are now, and the things that shall be hereafter, and how does this instruction relate to the message for the seven congregations?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:41) What is the relationship between obedience to Yeshua’s commands and the fulfillment of prophecies, as outlined in the communication to Yochanan regarding the future events leading to the establishment of Yeshua’s dominion?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 22:24) What is the role of the messengers to the seven congregations in the context of Yeshua’s vision, and how does their faithfulness relate to the responsibilities and rewards described in the Revelation?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 29:11) What are the consequences for the congregation if they fail to repent and return to their first love?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 33:35) What significant change did the Jewish tallit makers implement in their craft after it became illegal to be openly Jewish in the Roman Empire?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 36:11) How does Acts 18:6 challenge the interpretation of replacement theologians regarding Paul’s declaration to go to the Gentiles?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 38:44) What actions did Paul take that contradicted the interpretation that he would only minister to the Gentiles, and what was his reasoning for these actions?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 41:48) What was the role of Aquila and Priscilla in enhancing Apollos’ understanding of the teachings he was spreading?

Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Episode 6

EPISODE 6 of 10: The “Helmet” of Salvation?

This week (June 21) on Shabbat Night Live: Are we saved now or in the future? The answer is BOTH!

Michael Rood shares a step-by-step explanation of the resurrection and the things that must come to pass before Yeshua returns, including the often misunderstood “armor of God” — most importantly, the so-called “helmet” of salvation!

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.
While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 06:32) What is the significance of the grace and peace mentioned in the opening salutation of the Revelation scroll, and how does it relate to the teachings communicated to Titus and the experiences of the believers in Thessalonica?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 10:29) How does the ‘sea of fire and glass’ concept serve as a metaphor for divine judgment and purification, and what is its significance in the context of the resurrection and the final events described, such as the Battle of Armageddon?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 13:03) How does the belief in Yeshua’s death and resurrection shape the understanding of the resurrection of the dead, and what is the significance of the ‘Last Trump’ and ‘Yom Teruah’ concerning the events of the end times?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 16:52) What is the metaphorical significance of ‘the Day of Yehovah coming as a thief in the night,’ and how does this imagery relate to the concepts of vigilance, faith, and salvation?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:17) How does the concept of ‘hope of salvation’ function as a protective ‘helmet’ for believers during times of tribulation, and what role does this hope play in the anticipation of the resurrection and the ultimate judgment?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 23:39) What is the role of tribulation in the lives of believers, and how does the promise of Yeshua’s return and the subsequent judgment provide hope and comfort amidst these trials?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 28:20) How do the ‘prophetic shadow pictures’ and temple liturgy established by David reflect the fulfillment of messianic prophecies, and what is the significance of these practices in understanding the events described in Psalm 2 and the Book of Revelation?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 33:59) What are the consequences for those who reject divine authority and pursue their own path, and how does this contrast with the fate of those who put their trust in Yeshua?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 37:47) What is the importance of ‘hearing and obeying’ the words of the prophet revealed as the Messiah, and how does this principle relate to events such as the stripping of the seals from the scroll and the ensuing tribulation?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 41:21) How does Yochanan’s experience of exile and revelation reflect the broader theme of faithfulness amidst tribulation, and what is the significance of his vision of Yeshua as ‘Aleph and Tav’ in the context of the prophetic message he is instructed to write?

Kindgom Killers, Episode 3

EPSODE 3 of 4: Who’s In Control?

This week (June 7) on Shabbat Night Live: When things don’t go our way, we say it’s an attack of the enemy — but is that true? Are we being attacked or are we being tested by a loving Father?

Dr. Gail Davis brings us back to the Garden of Eden to redefine obedience and consequences when given the choice to follow or reject YeHoVaH’s commandments.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 6:20) Considering that Yehovah is in control and allows challenges to test decision-making, how can we discern between acts of disobedience and obedience?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 9:20) How does the belief in Yeshua as the tree of life influence one’s perspective on overcoming challenges and their focus in life?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 12:38) How can the repetitive messaging of mainstream media impact our beliefs and decisions, and how can we critically assess the information presented to us to avoid manipulation?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 17:26) How do technology and food industry practices reflect on societal behaviors and the potential consequences for personal health and autonomy?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 20:45) What is the primary concern regarding food products from corporations like Kraft and Subway?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 24:03) How does the process of apoptosis contribute to preventing cancer cell accumulation, and what role does fasting play in enhancing this process?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 27:33) What is the significance of seeds in the Bible, and how do they relate to Yehovah’s design for creation?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 31:45) How does the concept of seed diversity relate to the principles of agriculture mentioned in Deuteronomy, and what are the potential consequences of manipulating this diversity as described in the Green Revolution?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 36:06) How can individuals and communities navigate the challenges posed by corporate control of food sources and the potential ethical implications of genetic manipulation in agriculture?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 40:16) Considering the potential risks and ethical concerns, how should global food policies evolve to address the introduction and regulation of genetically modified crops?

Kingdom Killers, Episode 2

EPSODE 2 of 4: False Evidence Appearing Real

This week (May 31) on Shabbat Night Live: YeHoVaH has not given us a spirit of fear — so why do we give in to it?

In this episode, Dr. Gail Davis explains why fear is the genesis of all negativity in our lives and encourages us to stop thinking of fear as a threat and start thinking of it as an acronym that exposes it for what it really is: False Evidence Appearing Real.

Watch the episode — included in this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 5:18) How do emotions like anger and resentment specifically affect the liver in the context of Chinese medicine?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 12:14) How does the concept of ‘connecting the dots’ relate to the discussion of fear and doubt in the context of health and spirituality?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 14:21) How does the concept of ‘do not fear’ as a commandment relate to the physiological responses in the body and overall health?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:56) How does the ‘fear based emotion of hate’ demand more space in the brain, and what are the implications of this on one’s thought life and health?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 21:56) How does the process of taking ‘every thought captive’ relate to the concept of love overcoming negative emotions?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 24:32) How does the Hallelujah Diet propose to impact the outcomes of individuals with cancer, and what role does emotional state play?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 27:34) Considering the significant influence of emotions on health, how might the current medical education system be improved to incorporate a more holistic understanding of health and wellness?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 32:11) How does the parable of the farmer in Matthew 13:20-23 relate to the concept of spiritual growth and the challenges of maintaining faith amidst life’s distractions and temptations?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 35:18) How does the concept of ‘renewing the mind’ relate to the idea of brain detoxification, and what role does personal choice play in the effectiveness of such a process?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 39:10) How does faith and personal belief influence the process of overcoming challenges and negative thoughts?

Kindgom Killers, Episode 1

EPSODE 1 of 4: Pollution From Inside Out

This week (May 24) on Shabbat Night Live: When you think of pollution do you think of smog and dirty water? What about negative thoughts, doubt, fear, and distrust in YeHoVaH’s plan?

Dr. Gail Davis shares her personal story of triumph and how she unraveled the pollutants from her home, her dinner plate, and especially the junk in her mind controlling it all!

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 6:50) How does Dr. Gail Davis’s new book, “The War on Health,” address the connection between our daily lives and our spiritual battles, and what personal experiences led her to write it?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 10:14) How did Dr. Gail Davis’s struggle with stress and illness lead her to seek help from a business coach, and what key lesson did she learn about running her practice in a way that aligned with her faith?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 14:31) How did Dr. Gail Davis’s discovery about the connection between her diet and her health lead her to realize the importance of proper eating habits, and what specific condition did she learn about that was affecting her well-being?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:31) How did Dr. Gail Davis’s journey with a naturopath lead to her understanding of the importance of maintaining an alkaline balance in the body, and what surprising sources of acidity did she discover?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 22:49) What did Dr. Gail Davis discover about the importance of eating according to her blood type and how did it influence her views on consuming meat and other foods?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 27:05) How did Dr. Gail Davis’s experiences with food-related emotional struggles and toxic thoughts influence her understanding of the connection between nutrition, mental health, and spirituality, and what steps did she take to regain control of her well-being?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 29:27) How did Dr. Gail Davis’s journey teach her about the importance of maintaining mental and physical balance, and how did she integrate spiritual practices to overcome challenges and achieve overall well-being?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 33:30) How did Dr. Gail Davis incorporate the understanding of the mind-body connection and the power of affirmations into her journey of healing and spiritual growth?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 38:25) How did Dr. Gail Davis integrate the concept of daily affirmations into her approach to healing and spiritual growth, and what significance does this practice hold in her journey?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 40:09) How do pollutants, both inside and outside the home, affect our health, and what steps can individuals take to mitigate their exposure to these toxins?

Charting The End, Episode 5

FINAL EPISODE: Understanding The Resurrection

This week (May 17) on Shabbat Night Live: How many resurrections are there? It’s an intriguing question and the answer is even more intriguing.

Michael Rood explains, in detail, how the end-time resurrection sequence unfolds in the Book of the Revelation, thanks to the teaching of a celebrated ancient Pharisee-turned-believer we know as the Apostle Paul.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 6:04) How does the scroll of the revelation serve to fulfill the prophecies of the Torah and the prophets, and what significance does Yeshua’s role as the ‘firstborn from among the dead’ hold in the context of the resurrection?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 10:20) Considering Paul’s affirmation of the resurrection and the distinction between the terms ‘Christ’ and ‘Messiah,’ how does the cultural and linguistic context of these terms influence our understanding of Yeshua’s role as the anointed king?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 14:37) How does understanding the context of the Torah and the prophets enhance our comprehension of the Gospels, particularly concerning Yeshua’s role as the ‘first fruits’ and the events surrounding his resurrection?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 20:46) In the context of the resurrection, how does the analogy of a seed dying and transforming relate to the concept of the dead being raised, and what implications does this have for understanding the ‘first fruits’ and the ultimate defeat of death as described?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 21:48) What is the significance of the contrast between ‘godless’ and ‘fool’ in the context of the resurrection, and how does this distinction relate to the concept of earthly and celestial bodies as described in the teachings of Yeshua and Paul?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 25:32) How does the concept of being ‘changed’ and the promise of immortality relate to the idea of resurrection, especially in the context of Yeshua being the firstborn from among the dead?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 25:32) What is the significance of the ‘last trump’ in the resurrection narrative, and how does it relate to the transformation of the dead and the living?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 29:03) How does Paul’s message to the believers in Thessalonica regarding the resurrection and hope differ from common Christian beliefs, and what role does the word of Yehovah play in clarifying this understanding?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 37:43) How does the concept of the ark of the covenant, the bowls of wrath, and the marriage of the Lamb relate to the idea of intimacy with Yeshua and the renewed covenant?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 42:36) How does the concept of the renewed covenant, as described in Jeremiah and reiterated by Yeshua, differ from common misconceptions about grace and the Torah, and what role does the Spirit of God play in this understanding?

Charting The End, Episode 4

EPISODE 4 of 5: Translation Matters

This week (May 10) on Shabbat Night Live, sometimes people hesitate when diving into the origins of biblical manuscripts because they’re afraid of what they’ll find. They’re afraid they’ll discover something that contradicts their faith — in reality, what they find only strengthens it.

In this episode, Michael Rood shares why translations matter when understanding the Book of The Revelation.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 4:55) How does Michael Rood’s approach to studying the book of Revelation differ from traditional daily devotional practices, and what is the significance of the ‘scroll’?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 9:16) In what ways does Michael Rood suggest the book of Revelation should be understood concerning the chronological structure of the gospels and the observance of biblical feasts?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 11:59) What is the significance of the feasts of Hanukkah and Purim in the context of the book of Revelation, and how do they relate to Yeshua’s role as the Messiah?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 18:58) How does the narrative in the book of Revelation emphasize the importance of obedience to Yeshua’s teachings, and what role do the ‘seven seals’ play in the unfolding events on Earth?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 22:14) What is the relationship between the events described in the book of Revelation and the concept of obedience and judgment and how does this contrast with common teachings?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 23:30) What are the challenges in understanding the chronological order of prophetic events, and how does this impact the interpretation of the scriptures?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 28:07) What is the significance of the ‘greatest story never told’, and how does it relate to the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 30:41) How does the emphasis on repentance and the proclamation of Yehovah’s name relate to the broader theme of revival and the interpretation of scriptural teachings?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 35:59) How do Paul’s teachings in 1 Corinthians 15 challenge the Christian faith’s common understanding of resurrection and confession?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 38:58) What is the significance of the order of resurrections?

Charting The End, Episode 3

EPISODE 3 of 5: The Plan

This week (May 3) on Shabbat Night Live, since Genesis 1:1, YeHoVaH’s plan was for man to choose righteousness and live forever — despite our inability to do it on our own!

Michael Rood takes us on a journey through the Bible, weaving together the perfect plan of the Almighty to create us, teach us, rescue our eternity through Yeshua, and prepare us for the things that must come to pass before our Master returns.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 14:18) What is the significance of the Revelation Scroll, and how does it connect to Michael Rood’s personal experience and interpretation of the covenant at Mount Sinai?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 17:53) What was the unique role of Adam in the garden, and what does his interaction with the Tree of Life and the Forbidden Tree symbolize?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 24:37) How does the statue in Paris serve as a metaphor for Adam’s realization of the consequences of his actions, and what does this imply about the transfer of dominion from Adam to another entity?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 28:34) What is the role of Yeshua’s sacrifice, and how does it relate to the concept of redemption and restoration described in the Book of Revelation?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 32:42) What is the nature of temptation and divine grace, and how do they relate to the roles and promises given to the faithful?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 37:12) What is the contrast between the corrupt earthly kingdoms and the ultimate sovereignty of the ‘Ancient of Days,’ and what implications does it have for the concept of divine justice and revelation?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 42:07) What does the ‘Son of Man’ symbolize in the visions described in the Book of Revelation, and how does this reflect the portrayal of divine authority and judgment?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 45:29) In Zechariah 12:10, what is the significance of the ‘spirit of grace and supplication’ that will be poured upon the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 49:20) What is the term ‘doulos’, and how does it relate to the broader themes of servitude and commitment?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 51:51) What does the master boring the servant’s ear symbolize, and how does this relate to the concept of servitude and commitment in the vision of Yeshua Messiah?

Passover 2024

The Split Rock

This week (April 26) on Shabbat Night Live, a few years ago, Michael Rood challenged the staff at A Rood Awakening to do the impossible — recreate the split rock at Horeb in the middle of a hotel ballroom, complete with lightning, thunder, and running water.

Well, we did it and on this episode, you get to witness how it came together and hear Michael Rood’s masterful storytelling of how that rock perfectly prophesied Yeshua’s salvation

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:55) What was the sign given to Moshe by Yehovah to convince the children of Israel that the God of their fathers had appeared to him, and what was its significance?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 22:51) Why did Pharaoh repeatedly refuse to let the Israelites go, even after witnessing Yehovah demonstrate His power?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 28:08) Which plague led to Pharaoh’s servants beginning to obey Moses instead of Pharaoh in the biblical account of the plagues of Egypt?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 31:53) Which plague led to Pharaoh’s eventual acknowledgment of his lies just before the impending final plague in the biblical account of the Exodus from Egypt?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 33:18) How did the final plague and the institution of Passover signify a turning point in the biblical narrative of the Exodus, and what were the specific instructions given to the Israelites to prepare for this event?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 35:01) What specific instructions did Moses give to the Israelites to protect themselves from the final plague in the biblical account of the Exodus, and how did this event lead to the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 40:40) How did the children of Israel’s journey from Egypt, as described in the text, symbolize a fulfillment of the promise made to Abraham, and what was the significance of the ‘mixed multitude’ that accompanied them?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 45:16) What were the significant events and lessons learned by the Israelites and the ‘mixed multitude’ during their seven-week journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai, and how did these experiences prepare them for their encounter with the Almighty at Mount Sinai?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 47:32) What is the significance of the rock at Rephidim in the narrative, and how does its role as a source of water and a test of obedience relate to the broader themes of divine provision and sanctity in the context of the Israelites’ journey and the teachings of Paul in Colossians?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 49:20) In the context of the narrative, how does the rock symbolize both salvation and division and what is the prophetic significance of Moses’ actions and Yeshua’s teachings regarding the Holy Spirit and the Feasts of Yehovah?