The Creator’s Diet

Does God really care what we eat? If not, then where in Scripture does it say that God changed his mind from what he said to his people in the book of Genesis? Are you thinking of Acts 10, Galatians 2, Mark 7, or maybe Colossians 2? You will be surprised and amazed to see for yourself that for over 1800 years we have read in the Scriptures things that are not there. You will be truly stunned to discover the power of tradition and how the doctrine of the “death of Jesus so we can eat it all” has survived for so long. 

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The Creator’s Diet

Does God really care what we eat? If not, then where in Scripture does it say that God changed his mind from what he said to his people in the book of Genesis? Are you thinking of Acts 10, Galatians 2, Mark 7, or maybe Colossians 2? You will be surprised and amazed to see for yourself that for over 1800 years we have read in the Scriptures things that are not there. You will be truly stunned to discover the power of tradition and how the doctrine of the “death of Jesus so we can eat it all” has survived for so long. 

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