Join Us On Ham Radio
Tuesday Nights at 8:00pm ET
The Messianic Net: 40m 7.290MHz
Your Net Controllers

Tedd Clayton (K4TLC)

Don Goodrich(AF7DG)
We Hear You!
After explaining all the benefits of having emergency communications know-how on Shabbat Night LIVE, we decided that a quick how-to video would be the best way to explain it. All the links to all the stuff you’ll need are found in the description below the video on YouTube. WATCH NOW and get started on a fun hobby that could save your life… when the brimstone hits the fan!
Ham Radio General License Class
Whether it’s extreme weather, political unrest, or the Book of Revelation coming to pass, disasters can take out communications — including your cell phone! How will you communicate with loved ones if cell towers and even electricity are unavailable?
Tedd Clayton and Don Goodrich are teaching a FREE HAM Radio General License Class (NEW DATES COMING SOON) that will prepare you to pass the Ham Radio General License test so that you can have a reliable means of communication when the brimstone hits the fan!
HAM Radio Class FAQ
What does it cost?
The General License Class is FREE.
When does it start?
What time commitment is required?
The class will be 2 hours per day via Zoom at 7 PM Eastern for 4 days (Monday through Thursday).
Do I need to buy any books?
Though not required, it is highly recommended that you purchase the General Class License Manual for Ham Radio 9th Edition for Level 2 (approx. $30). Click here to buy on Amazon. (PLEASE NOTE: This is an affiliate link. This means that, at zero cost to you, A Rood Awakening! International will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.)
Do I need anything else before starting?
Yes. CLICK HERE to register for an FRN number (to be eligible for the test after the course). Also, be familiar with the Technician class topics (taken the class or seen the recordings).
Are there practice exams online?
Yes, there are several practice exams you can take in preparation for your Technician exam:
Is there a fee to take the General exam?
The official AARL exam is online and costs $15.
How does the exam work?
There are approximately 453 possible questions, of which only 35 will be on the exam (one or two from each section of the book). You can miss 9 and still pass the exam. TIP: Focus on the stuff you know and come back to the missed ones later.
Are there other fees associated with operating HAM radio?
There is an FCC fee of $35 for a license after passing the exam.