Why Digestion Is So Important

Many people have digestive troubles today, and that’s a concern for overall health — because proper digestion is an important key to healing.

Now, for people with a healthy digestive system, raw food is easiest for digestion. Raw foods have their own enzymes to help the food break down and metabolize. But it’s not that easy for people with irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, or stomach issues.

In fact, many doctors will tell people in these situations that they cannot have raw food at all.

However, it’s not the raw food that’s the problem, per se. It’s the fiber. The juice is just fine, and in fact, can help the body overcome digestive issues.

Most of the nutrition in raw food is found in the juice, the fiber just holds it all together. So, a person with digestive issues can drink freshly extracted juice to help heal their condition without the fiber. Then, once healing begins, they can usually begin to include whole, raw foods that have been blended in a blender.

Why put raw food in a blender? Blended food is much easier to digest because the blender has done much of the digestion work already.

Blending breaks open the cells of the food in a much more efficient way than chewing can, which means that more nutrition is released.

Blended food can deliver as much as seven times the amount of nutrition of food chewed in its whole form.

Quite often, the very reason a person has any illness at all is that they’re not absorbing nutrients, even if a digestive-related illness has never been diagnosed.

You can have the greatest diet in the world, but if your body cannot absorb what you are eating, your great diet is not doing any good.

You have toxins in your body (as everyone does), but you don’t have the nutrient absorption to fight back, you’re not going to be able to defend yourself against sickness and disease.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

How To Escape Disease Statistics

A wise man once said, if you’re doing something that no one else is doing, chances are you’re doing something right.

When your diet and lifestyle are healthier than everyone else around you, you may be perceived as strange or extreme. But if you’re doing something the rest of the world is not, suddenly the world’s disease statistics don’t apply to you.

Think about it: A statistic that says that “1 in ‘x’ Americans will get stuck in an elevator in their lifetime” doesn’t apply to you if you never use an elevator.

Likewise, a statistic that claims “1 in ‘x’ Americans will develop ‘this or that’ disease” is derived from a sample of typical Americans from all walks of life who may or may not be watching their diet and lifestyle.

If you are one of the rare ones actually looking after your health and lifestyle in a way that the rest of that sample group is not, then you are not part of that statistic, and the results do not apply to you.

Those scary ‘diseases-of-affluence’ statistics will NOT apply to you.

When you decide to take care of your health in a way that seems “weird” to everyone else, you are protecting and empowering your health better than everyone else. You’re changing the game, actually, you’re taking yourself OUT of the game.

If you eat better foods than everyone else, your health will be better than everyone else because you literally ARE what you EAT.

Your cells will be more vibrant and resistant to the symptoms of disease because you are fueling them with foods that are jam-packed with life-giving force, and that gives you a health advantage.

The way your body responds to everyday lifestyle factors is significantly superior when you choose to eat a high percentage of raw, living, plant-based foods and juices because your body is properly equipped to deal with the situation instead of succumbing to disease.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

Why We Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving… or is that Happy “Squanto” Day? Squanto, a first nations American Indian did not start out “happy.”

Squanto was taken captive and sent to England as a slave; he eventually became a believer because his master was a Christian.

Squanto came back to the United States (before it was named as such), when the separatist pilgrims had landed. The pilgrims were praying to Almighty God to help them survive. It was then that Squanto who came to their aid, speaking English he had learned overseas, rescuing them from certain disaster

This is why we celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It is a day of thanksgiving to God.

At this time, we ask you to join us in thanking YeHoVaH, to God Almighty, for what he has allowed us to do in this nation. We are the nation that is reaching out to around the world with the message of our Messiah, Yeshua.

We have been endowed with such prosperity in this country and empowered with laws that enable us to benefit at tax time by giving to ministry. We are asking you at this time, before the end of the year, to give to A Rood Awakening.

The Almighty has equipped us to bring the gospel of the Kingdom, the very gospel that changed Squanto’s life, to the world. That gospel is changing people’s lives in every nation, in every culture, in so many languages.

But we need your help to continue on with this message.

If you have been blessed by this ministry, we ask you to remember us, and to give bountifully at this time. We need this, not for our own sakes, but because we need to get the message out to the world.

Join us before December 31st. Write that check. If we’ve been a blessing to you, then thank YeHoVaH. Thank God Almighty, and this Thanksgiving, remember A Rood Awakening.

THANK YOU – Your donations keep Michael Rood on the air! 
Click the button below to give your tax-deductible gift, or give by phone at 888.766.3610.

How Free Radicals Rob Your Health

If we eat when we are not really hungry, we are overeating, which causes a traffic jam in our digestive system that causes oxidative stress, which in turn causes free radicals.

Now, free radicals are not all bad. We need a certain amount of them for our bodies to work correctly. But just like anything else, too much of a good thing is NOT a good thing.

A free radical is a molecule that lacks an electron, and that makes it unstable.

In order to stabilize itself, a free radical needs to another electron, which it will rob from another molecule in your body.

As you can imagine, this causes a domino effect of damage because every time a molecule is robbed of an electron, another cell becomes damaged (i.e. oxidation). A certain amount of cellular damage is normal, but too much cellular damage leads to disease.

So, what can we do to stop a free radical?

Just as a free radical is missing an electron, ANTI-oxidants contains an extra electron.

The extra electron in the molecular structure of an antioxidant will fill the void the molecular structure of a free radical, which stabilizes it and stops it from hunting down electrons from other molecules.

And the richest source of antioxidants? You guessed it… raw fruits and vegetables.

As much as we try, we can’t stop ALL free radical production; it happens with every metabolic process in the body. It happens with exercise. It even happens with breathing and thinking.

The key is to counteract it as much as possible by ensuring that most of your diet consists of raw, living foods that have antioxidants your body needs to stop oxidation and reverse the damage.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

Understanding the Fall Feasts

By observing the Fall Feasts, we progress through repentance and redemption in order to experience His joy.

Leviticus 23 reveals God’s plan to meet with His People, Israel and those who have been grafted in through faith in Israel’s Messiah. It tells of a time when Moses heard the voice of the Lord saying:

“Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.”

The last three holy convocations or “festivals” that the Almighty commanded the Torah observing people to celebrate are:

  1. The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah)
  2. The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and
  3. The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Each of these feasts occurred in the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, the month called Tishri.

Yom Teruah, the first of the Fall Feasts, heralded the arrival of the seventh month. It also began what is known as the Ten Days of Awe between Yom Teruah and the Yom Kippur. This is the period in which the penitent would humble themselves in preparation for the Day of Atonement.

During these 10 days we are to forgive those that have wronged us… but more importantly, we should look within and ask forgiveness from those we ourselves have wronged.

Yom Kippur is considered the holiest day of the year. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Torah observant people traditionally observe this holy day with fasting and intensive prayer.

Sukkot is the harvest festival that commemorates the Israelites’ wandering the desert following their Exodus from Egypt. The week-long period is observed by building and spending time in a sukkah, a temporary outdoor structure that represents our temporary life on earth as we look toward eternity with the King of Kings.

On Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets), the sound of the ram’s horn calls upon each person to repent and confess his sins before his Maker.

Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) is that ominous day when peace is made with God.

During Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles), Israel obeys God’s command to rejoice over the harvest and the goodness of God.

By observing the Fall Feasts, we progress through repentance and redemption in order to experience His joy.

Perhaps most significant, the Fall Feasts remind us that we are laborers in his field. The fields are ready and it is time for us to work for the greatest harvest of all — the Harvest of Souls for a celebration that will last for all eternity.

How and What To Juice

Whether you’re sick or well, your body replaces cells at the rate of 300 million every minute. The quality of the replacement cells depends on the quality of food you are providing to your body.

There are 3 ways this can go; you can get sicker by eating more and more poorly; you can stay the way you are by not changing your food habits; or you can get better by changing what you eat to living foods that help the body create healthier cells than the ones it is replacing.

Obviously, you want to provide better cells than the ones your body is replacing — this is how you reverse disease; and juicing is the best source of high quality nutrition your body can get to create superior cells to do it.

Now if you’re juicing a quart of vegetable juice or more every day, it can get expensive, especially if you’re trying to do everything organically. But here’s my little money-saving secret…

Most chemicals used on conventional produce are hydrophobic. That means they stick to the pulp of the fruits and vegetables, not the juice.

So don’t be afraid to juice conventional produce instead of organic; you’re getting a lot less exposure to these chemicals that you might think. However, it’s still a good idea to wash everything first.

So what about juicing fruit? Well, juicing fruit is not really a good idea. Part of the function of fiber in a whole piece of fruit is to regulate the release of the fruit’s sugar in the bloodstream. When you juice a piece of fruit, you separate the fiber from the juice, which concentrates all of the sugar from that whole piece of fruit into a small amount of juice.

Without the fiber to regulate the sugar in a piece of fruit, the sugar in fruit juice is released into your body too quickly, and that’s not conducive to healing.

Vegetables, on the other hand, are the best thing to juice to get maximum nutrients into your body with the least amount of digestive effort; and that promotes healing.

So remember this rule of thumb: eat your fruits, juice your veggies.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

REPORT ON CHINA: Your Donations At Work

In China, I presented “The Gospel of the Kingdom”, a presentation that took 13 hours each of 3 times that I gave it (including line-by-line translation courtesy of Paul Hsieh of Kingdom for Jesus). It was so electrifying to the audience there because they had never heard the TRUE Gospel. Not to mention, it’s not taught in American Christianity, either! In churches today, we’re told “sweet baby Jesus” stories, but nobody is teaching what Yeshua taught!

I realized as I was teaching this in China, that America needs “The Gospel of the Kingdom” presentation, too!

As you know, I‘ve been going to churches in my local area, recently. I’ve been going to Sunday School classes, men’s Bible studies and all. What I’ve discovered is that the true understanding of Yeshua’s ministry and what the Gospel of the Kingdom is all about is simply gone! People here in America don’t even know what the “gospel” really is when they speak of it. So, I am on a mission to take what I presented in China and present it here in America. Then, once it’s completed in English, we can do it in Spanish, and any other language. I’m determined to do it because it’s WORTH IT! And something that’s worth it means it’s not free.

It takes funds to do these types of things. It took funds to develop this and present it in China — and YOU made that happen! You helped to change hundreds of lives.

In fact, there were literally hundreds of people lined up at a book signing we had for the new, Chinese version of “The Mystery of Iniquity”, a book I wrote many years ago in English. I signed more books in that one session than I ever did for the English version! There’s a real revival at stake, and it’s our job to facilitate it… because WE in America have the means to do it. In America, we have such abundance, but it’s not for us to keep. It’s intended to be used for the Kingdom

We in America are to be the financiers of these missions. That’s why we have the abundance in this country. As you step out in obedience with your finances, YeHoVaH will keep on multiplying it so that you can do even more. That’s the way the biblical economy works.

I want to thank you for standing with us to help us get this message out. Your reward is building in an account for eternity — keep building it! Stand with us… THANK YOU!

Biblical Keys To A Happy Marriage

Many of the problems we face in our marriages are ultimately rooted in an unrealistic expectation of what marriage is supposed to look like.

Movies and TV shows have given us a distorted perspective that marriage will provide ultimate fulfillment. And so we demand things from our marriage that it was never designed to give. God doesn’t promise that we’ll never face difficulties in marriage. However, with a right perspective on marriage and using the tools He gives us in His Word, we can know how to handle conflict. Here are three biblical keys that can help you stay on track to a happy marriage:

Number one… Respect.

Respecting your spouse means that you value them and hold them in high esteem. Value their feelings and opinions just as you value your own. Don’t disregard what your spouse shares with you. Don’t get frustrated or angry if you don’t like what they say. Just be patient and listen.  Remember, your marriage is a picture of the Messiah’s relationship with the Church. Respecting your spouse is ultimately connected to respecting God.

Key number two… Support

Being happy in marriage requires you to take the focus off of yourself. When you are selfless and focused on fulfilling your spouse’s needs instead of striving to get what you want, you’ll often find that your spouse is more than willing to reciprocate.
“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” – Proverbs 11:25
Support takes many forms. The simplest and often most needed form of support is encouragement and verbal affirmation. This goes back to Respect. If you value your spouse, you’ll value their hopes, dreams, trust, and sense of security. You’ll put their needs before your own.

Key number three… Listen

Most of the problems we face in marriage happen because we don’t know how to communicate effectively. Instead of listening to our spouse and validating their feelings, we get busy formulating counter arguments and building our case against them. We listen to reply rather than listening to learn. But this response puts them on the defensive and makes it more difficult to resolve the problems.
“A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” – Proverbs 18:2
Spouses can get so distracted with “winning” the argument that they lose sight of the goal, which is to resolve the conflict! Marriage cannot flourish in a self-centered environment. It can’t flourish without mutual respect and support. It all boils down to this: Love your spouse more than yourself. Respect them, support them, and listen to them. And then watch as new life is breathed into your marriage!

The Ultimate Wellness Weapon

Nutrition — concentrated nutrition — is the key to health; this is why so many nutritional supplements have been introduced in recent years.

But raw, whole, plant-based foods are still the best because they contain a complete profile of natural compounds that work in synergy as nature intended.

Isolated nutrients developed into a supplement can help give the body a boost, but can never have the same, superior synergy that matches the human body’s complex need for nutrients found in their natural state, accompanied by all of the cofactors that make each nutrient function to their maximum God-given capacity.

Freshly extracted, raw vegetable juices are the ultimate expression of this synergy — they are the best of the best.

Juicing vegetables provides the most amount of living food nutrition with the least amount of digestive effort from your body because the juice has been separated from the fiber, enabling the body to get much more nutrition to the cellular level much quicker and with much less energy.

This allows your body to rest while arming it with the nutrients it needs to address deficiency, detoxify, and fight the symptoms of disease.

In effect, you are addressing toxicity and deficiency — the two things that cause disease — at the same time. This is why juicing is the ultimate wellness weapon.

So why is juicing better than just eating? Well, let’s take the example of a raw carrot…

Even if your digestive system is healthy, you can only assimilate a maximum of 35% of the nutrition in a carrot.

Why? Because of the effort involved. Your body first has to break down the fiber of the carrot to get at the nutrients inside the carrot’s cells — because most of the nutrition is in the cells of the juice, not the fiber. The fiber just holds everything together.

But if you use a juicer to separate the carrot’s fiber from its juice and drink only the juice, all the work of breaking down the food into liquid has already been done.

So now, instead of assimilating 35% of nutrition from a whole carrot, your body can now assimilate up to 92% of the nutrients from that same carrot by drinking the juice alone.

That means, you can get the nutrition of a pound of carrots in just 8 ounces of juice; that’s the kind of concentrated nutrition your body needs to reverse the symptoms of disease!

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

Why Raw Food Matters

The most basic of biological principles on this earth is called biogenesis. And the definition of biogenesis is that life begets life. Living things provide life to other living things.

Dead things cannot provide life to living things. For example, it takes a living mother to give birth to a living baby. But most of us don’t think about this principle when it comes to what we eat.

You see, we have to remember that our bodies are living organisms; and according to biogenesis, living food is the only way to provide life to that living organism.

Now on the surface you may say that sounds ridiculous. You’ve eaten cooked food your whole life and you’re still alive. Yes, but, if the human body is starved of raw, living foods it will respond with stress.

Stress leads to inflammation, which leads to malfunctioning cells, and malfunctioning cells build up until we have symptoms of disease.

So is all cooked food bad? Of course not. But too much cooked and not enough raw, plant foods WILL put stress on your body because cooked foods have no life; no living ENZYMES to be specific.

Enzymes that help to digest your food can come from only two places, raw food and your pancreas.

Enzymes are proteins that break down food. When you eat a raw apple, for example, the living enzymes in that apple break down the apple with very little effort needed from the enzymes secreted from your pancreas. It’s living food for your living body.

Cooked foods do not have enzymes because enzymes are very temperature sensitive.

All enzymes die at 122 degrees Fahrenheit, and most cooked foods are cooked at temperatures much higher that that.

So, without any enzymes of their own, the digestion of cooked food can only happen with enzymes from YOUR pancreas. And just like wear and tear on any other part of the body, the more your body has to generate enzymes to digest food, the more stressed your body becomes. And that unnecessary stress can lead to cellular malfunction, and ultimately, serious disease.

The antidote is obvious. Get more living food into your body — raw, whole, plant-based foods.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape