Starting the Path

"Narrow is the path that leads to life, and few are those who find it."

The Road to Freedom is a narrow trail

The Narrow Path, as Yeshua called it, begins by discovering our own identity as part of the people of Israel. Once we are aware of this truth, it is imperative to intimately know our Eternal Father, for which we need to turn to His Word. There, we will discover His instructions (Torah) to guide our lives, and then it will become clear to us how to relate to those around us. We will also develop an awareness of caring for the Creation in which we have been placed. We invite you to consider the material presented below as a guide to embark on this challenging and valuable Path.

Accept our heartfelt greeting as you join the A Rood Awakening family!

Explore these topics to lay the foundation for the beginning of your journey.

Your Identity

You are part of the people of Israel

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Torah Study

Yehovah's instructions

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The Jewishness of Yeshua

Jesus? or... Yeshua

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The Shabbat

Twenty-four hours to rest and to get to know YeHoVaH better.

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Yehovah's Calendar

The Creator's way of reckoning time

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Yehovah's Feasts

The Appointed Times for meeting Him

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