Who is Scott Laird?
Scott Laird is a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND), CEO of LairdWellness.com and Director of Biblical Health Development for A Rood Awakening! International who focuses on nutrition and wellness restoration from a biblical perspective. Breaking down the complexity of natural health solutions into logical, easy-to-understand terms is Scott’s specialty, and empowering others to heal themselves is his passion.
the health awakening show
The world-renowned health professionals we talk to on this show see things from a natural point of view, working with the body in harmony with the way the Almighty intended, not the way human wisdom would dictate!
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Improving Your Health
The Health Awakening with Scott Laird, ND is all about finding answers for your health — answers you won’t find in mainstream media! You’ll be amazed at the simple, yet marvelously effective ways you can change your health for life, just by understanding and harnessing the power of your own amazing, self-healing body!

Is Your Mineral Supplement Worth It?
Organic in the sense of “organic minerals” means that the mineral was derived from something living. The definition of a mineral is surprisingly simple. A

Fighting Cancer With Plants
Silymarin consists of flavonoids found in the milk thistle plant. What if there was a natural way to fight both breast cancer and prostate cancer?

The Healing Power of Vitamin C
Meeting the “% Daily Value” of any particular nutrient is usually not enough I have routinely included 3,000 to 4,000 mg of vitamin C in

Meat, Eggs, Dairy, and Cancer Risk
For many reasons, the gut is indeed the command center for human health. It is a fascinating warzone, a seesaw balancing act between good bacteria

What Your Eyes Say About Your Health
Did you know that when a natural, unprocessed food comes into contact with your taste buds, your body knows exactly what to do with it?

Why Digestion Is So Important
Many people have digestive troubles today, and that’s a concern for overall health — because proper digestion is an important key to healing. Now, for

How To Escape Disease Statistics
A wise man once said, if you’re doing something that no one else is doing, chances are you’re doing something right. When your diet and

How Free Radicals Rob Your Health
If we eat when we are not really hungry, we are overeating, which causes a traffic jam in our digestive system that causes oxidative stress,

How and What To Juice
Whether you’re sick or well, your body replaces cells at the rate of 300 million every minute. The quality of the replacement cells depends on

The Ultimate Wellness Weapon
Nutrition — concentrated nutrition — is the key to health; this is why so many nutritional supplements have been introduced in recent years. But raw,

Why Raw Food Matters
The most basic of biological principles on this earth is called biogenesis. And the definition of biogenesis is that life begets life. Living things provide

Should You Do A Cleanse?
Many people consider a cleanse the fastest and easiest way to fit into their favorite clothes after months or even years of dietary missteps. That’s

Is Breakfast Cereal Healthy?
Breakfast cereals, especially ones marketed to children, often claim that the cereal contains “A good source of calcium and vitamin D.” At face value, the

God’s First Instruction: Diet
Did you know that diet was God’s FIRST instruction to Adam? It’s true – look it up! Immediately after creating Adam and telling him to

How to Avoid Disease
Is there truly an escape route that enables you to sidestep the disease statistics of the modern world? Indeed there is, and it’s simpler than