God’s First Instruction: Diet

Did you know that diet was God’s FIRST instruction to Adam?

It’s true – look it up! Immediately after creating Adam and telling him to be fruitful and multiply, the first instruction God gives to mankind is telling him HOW to do this. Yes, the FIRST and arguably most IMPORTANT instruction — is HOW to nourish the human body.

The principles of a plant-based diet for everyday health and even reversal of disease symptoms are in the very beginning of the Bible (in Genesis) and at the end (in Revelation). You may have never recognized it, but that’s because we often short-change God’s Word by considering it only as a spiritual book, not a how-to manual for physical healing.

But it really is. Let me explain what I mean.

“See, I have given you every herb bearing seed (vegetables, legumes, grains, herbs and spices), which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.”

– Genesis 1:29

Notice here that God does not say, “After you eat some plants, put that cow I just created into a corral, raise it, drink its milk, then kill its offspring, cut it up, roast it over fire, and eat it.”

He didn’t even tell Adam to go fishing.

In fact, the verse before, Genesis 1:28 says explicitly that Adam is to have “dominion” over the fish, the fowl and every living thing” but says NOTHING about eating these animals. The first mention of what is to be “food” for the human body is in verse 29 – plants.

The ONLY thing he instructed Adam to do for nourishment was to eat what grows from the ground.

Now, think about this for a moment. God loved Adam. He created Adam to be the ONLY being that was created in His likeness. Adam is His baby, His crown jewel, His masterpiece, the crescendo in the creation symphony.

Obviously, he wants Adam to be healthy. And he’s not going to forget to tell Adam to eat something or deliberately wait and then add some more to the menu later. No.

God, in his very first conversation with mankind, immediately and deliberately tells Adam what to eat in order to live and be healthy in one simple statement: raw, whole, plant-based foods.

Are animals allowed to be food? Sure… but it’s not the best. It’s not what God originally intended. He intended a plant-based diet, but allowed an omnivore diet, even if it’s not the best, it will do.

It’s just like another original intention: one man, one woman, for life.

Now, God allows divorce, but it’s not his original intention. It’s not the best. I think you see what I’m getting at here – we should strive for the best, and that is God’s ORIGINAL intention for EVERYTHING in our lives.


But you can read it ALL right now in my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape