For many reasons, the gut is indeed the command center for human health. It is a fascinating warzone, a seesaw balancing act between good bacteria and pathogenic bacteria.
Many factors in today’s world can lead to bacteria imbalance, which is why supplemental probiotics have become so popular. Probiotics help to maintain a proper balance of good bacteria and pathogenic bacteria. This helps the body to absorb nutrients and to heal itself of disease.
One of the more eyebrow-raising gut bacteria discoveries in recent years is the role that animal-based foods play when it comes to cancer risk. The surprising thing about this discovery is that cancer risk does not come directly from the animal-based food itself (or even the fat of said foods).
The problem arises in the process by which the human body digests these foods. When the human body’s intestinal bacteria digest red meat, eggs, and dairy, the liver responds by producing a substance called trimethylamine-N-oxide (or TMAO for short).
High levels of TMAO in a person’s blood are now considered to be the “smoking gun” for colon cancer risk.
In fact, a recent, five-year study showed that women with the highest level of TMAO in their blood plasma had the highest risk for rectal cancer — up to 340% greater risk than women with the lowest TMAO levels!
Remember, this has NOTHING to do with genetics. It’s all about cancer risk from eating red meat, eggs, and dairy.
What if you cut out red meat and dairy as many people are doing nowadays? Are eggs really that bad?
Well, another study, which focused solely on egg consumption, found that colon cancer wasn’t the only concern. It found that elevated TMAO levels from eating 5 eggs or more per week is associated with a “modestly elevated risk of breast cancer, and a positive association between egg intake and ovarian and fatal prostate cancers cannot be ruled out.”
I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at
4 Responses
Did these studies differentiate the way the animals were bred, treated, raised on organic Healthy foods – or were the results from animals in crowded inhumane conditions and fed non-organically? Did these animals receive drugs and vaccines? Were they in pastures and with and fed by their moms? Were they happy? Animals as sentient beings have feelings and the hormones stress and fear and sadness all are chemicals/hormones that affect anyone who eats their bodies, milk, eggs, etc. Then we also have the issue of the digestive problems you pointed out….
Just wondering if the statistics are the same no matter what the scenario is? As in the Bible we have quite a few scriptures that seem to tell us that milk is a good food….
It seems that fake science… God made these type of food for us: meat, milk and eggs. It is not possible they can be bad for us. In fact there are researches and evidences, some of ex vegans, about how good for health is the Carnivore diet. I was vegan for more than a decade…. it becomes a cult. All suggestions to stop eating animals are pushing the vegan comunist agenda, God allowed and “science” is about to forbid and criminalize eating animals. This post is far from being about biblical food.
I do love your teachings, but in this regard I can’t agree.
Best wishes.
I agree 100%. It is fake science. Plant-based diets are directly linked with the NWO, globalist agenda and gnosticism. I was fooled and had many gut issues arise while leaning plant-based. Two strict vegans led me to carnivore. Now, I am clearer in my mind and stronger than ever at nearly 40 (e.g. yesterday I did 21 pull-ups in my barn) without ever using PEDs. I eat mostly read meat, salt and water, some raw egg yolks, sheep yogurt and kefir……like Abram outside his tent with the Angel of the Lord. Of course, I recommend the meat to be wild, organic as well. We are not all that different. When one’s body runs down all heal on meat, salt and broth. One’s gut has to be in tight condition to handle vegetables and grains…. This angers me because it is making Believers weak and sick. Plus, I have seen a family member get sick and doctors push this deception. I know of many who have healed from cancer on meat-based diets. Follow Shawn Baker, MD and Paul Saladino, MD. Cholesterol is essential for hormone production and brain health! Listen to the fine print at the end of the pharakia commercials. Torah put a lot of emphasis on what meats were clean for meat not to be essential……..wake up Believers! Look at old vegans. They look frail and unhealthy. I know too many young men fat, mentally struggling and low T yet men much older than me thriving on meat. Plant-based is the same camp as global warming…..complete foolishness.
Land flowing with milk&Honey Dummy! Lived through the demonization of egg milk&butter. Actually involved in the production of all these including pasture raised 🥩 & Lamb…etc. Check out what Father Abraham Avah fed Father Yahweh Yahshua Trio during the laughing Visit#SaraiGhostofHagar…All things pure in themselves…Tell Mike SABAOTH NOT A LEGALISTIC THING…MADE FOR MAN…ANYTIME ANY DAY…#YOMKIPPURE…ATONE..ONCE..FOR ALL….WHO HAVE RUACH HAKODESH…AMEN SELAH