Why Raw Food Matters

The most basic of biological principles on this earth is called biogenesis. And the definition of biogenesis is that life begets life. Living things provide life to other living things.

Dead things cannot provide life to living things. For example, it takes a living mother to give birth to a living baby. But most of us don’t think about this principle when it comes to what we eat.

You see, we have to remember that our bodies are living organisms; and according to biogenesis, living food is the only way to provide life to that living organism.

Now on the surface you may say that sounds ridiculous. You’ve eaten cooked food your whole life and you’re still alive. Yes, but, if the human body is starved of raw, living foods it will respond with stress.

Stress leads to inflammation, which leads to malfunctioning cells, and malfunctioning cells build up until we have symptoms of disease.

So is all cooked food bad? Of course not. But too much cooked and not enough raw, plant foods WILL put stress on your body because cooked foods have no life; no living ENZYMES to be specific.

Enzymes that help to digest your food can come from only two places, raw food and your pancreas.

Enzymes are proteins that break down food. When you eat a raw apple, for example, the living enzymes in that apple break down the apple with very little effort needed from the enzymes secreted from your pancreas. It’s living food for your living body.

Cooked foods do not have enzymes because enzymes are very temperature sensitive.

All enzymes die at 122 degrees Fahrenheit, and most cooked foods are cooked at temperatures much higher that that.

So, without any enzymes of their own, the digestion of cooked food can only happen with enzymes from YOUR pancreas. And just like wear and tear on any other part of the body, the more your body has to generate enzymes to digest food, the more stressed your body becomes. And that unnecessary stress can lead to cellular malfunction, and ultimately, serious disease.

The antidote is obvious. Get more living food into your body — raw, whole, plant-based foods.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

Should You Do A Cleanse?

Many people consider a cleanse the fastest and easiest way to fit into their favorite clothes after months or even years of dietary missteps. That’s fine, but make sure you do it right.

When people ask me if I think that they should do a colon cleanse or some other type of cleanse, I always tell them the same thing: I would not do it IF I was not willing to improve my diet and lifestyle after the cleanse was complete.

It defeats the purpose.

Without an improvement in your diet and lifestyle at the end of the process, all you’re going to do is strip away the bad, which is a good thing, but then go right back to pouring in more junk. You’re no further ahead than when you started.

Not to mention, you’re going to have to go through those same detox symptoms all over again the next time you decide to “cleanse”.

In fact, some health professionals say that a cleanse without an intentional improvement in diet and lifestyle on the other side puts one even further behind.

Once you strip away the junk, your body is in pristine condition, meaning that it can now absorb nutrients (and junk) better than ever.

If, after your cleanse, you go right back to pouring bad food into a freshly cleaned body, it’s going to be absorbed into your bloodstream even more efficiently than before, dragging you down even further (and faster).

It’s a lot like the principles the Messiah taught about following him: don’t bother if you’re not willing to change your ways.

Have you ever noticed His actions on this manner? He NEVER apologized for demanding repentance (i.e. changing one’s ways). Think about any and every story in the Bible where He was teaching and preaching — not ONCE did He chase after someone who wasn’t willing to live by His example.

If someone wasn’t willing to do what was necessary (like the rich young ruler – Luke 18:18-25), He essentially said, “That’s OK. Knock yourself out… see ya!” Why?

Because half-way NEVER cuts it — in terms of faith or good health.

If you’re a new creation, you’re a new creation, period. Not a new creation with a new supply of old habits that you have to purge all over again. That’s not the idea of accepting Messiah and walking in His ways. And it’s not the idea of a physical cleanse, either.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

Is Breakfast Cereal Healthy?

Breakfast cereals, especially ones marketed to children, often claim that the cereal contains “A good source of calcium and vitamin D.” At face value, the claim is essentially true.

Calcium and vitamin D will indeed help children grow up strong IF, that is, these nutrients are derived from plant-based, whole food sources, which contain all of the naturally-occurring co-factors present in their natural state.

Of course, in the case of refined, boxed breakfast cereal, this is not the case.

The amount of sugar and refined grains in breakfast cereal completely nullify the amount of calcium and vitamin D that may be added to it, not to mention that the calcium and vitamin D had to be artificially inserted into the cereal to make the claim.

These nutrients are “isolated” nutrients, meaning they have been extracted from their natural state and separated from countless, complementary, naturally-occurring nutrients that help it carry out its expected benefits in the human body.

Not to mention, the refined sugar in the cereal — regardless of how many “vitamins and minerals” are added:

  • suppresses the immune system
  • upsets the mineral relationships in the body
  • causes blood proteins to function less effectively
  • produces a significant rise in triglycerides
  • can contribute to juvenile delinquency and obesity
  • contributes to premature aging
  • aggravates arthritis, and
  • is associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease.

Speaking of disease, we spend all kinds of time and money on disease research and therapeutic solutions, but cutting disease out or poisoning it or, more accurately, its symptoms, into submission is not the answer.

We need to focus on examining the fuel that made the body break down in the first place and using better fuel to reverse the damage.

As we have already established, that “breakdown” called disease, no matter what form it takes, is simply malfunctioning cells.

NEXT TIME… we’ll get into the secret to keeping your cells functioning at their maximum potential.

But you can read it ALL right now in my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

God’s First Instruction: Diet

Did you know that diet was God’s FIRST instruction to Adam?

It’s true – look it up! Immediately after creating Adam and telling him to be fruitful and multiply, the first instruction God gives to mankind is telling him HOW to do this. Yes, the FIRST and arguably most IMPORTANT instruction — is HOW to nourish the human body.

The principles of a plant-based diet for everyday health and even reversal of disease symptoms are in the very beginning of the Bible (in Genesis) and at the end (in Revelation). You may have never recognized it, but that’s because we often short-change God’s Word by considering it only as a spiritual book, not a how-to manual for physical healing.

But it really is. Let me explain what I mean.

“See, I have given you every herb bearing seed (vegetables, legumes, grains, herbs and spices), which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.”

– Genesis 1:29

Notice here that God does not say, “After you eat some plants, put that cow I just created into a corral, raise it, drink its milk, then kill its offspring, cut it up, roast it over fire, and eat it.”

He didn’t even tell Adam to go fishing.

In fact, the verse before, Genesis 1:28 says explicitly that Adam is to have “dominion” over the fish, the fowl and every living thing” but says NOTHING about eating these animals. The first mention of what is to be “food” for the human body is in verse 29 – plants.

The ONLY thing he instructed Adam to do for nourishment was to eat what grows from the ground.

Now, think about this for a moment. God loved Adam. He created Adam to be the ONLY being that was created in His likeness. Adam is His baby, His crown jewel, His masterpiece, the crescendo in the creation symphony.

Obviously, he wants Adam to be healthy. And he’s not going to forget to tell Adam to eat something or deliberately wait and then add some more to the menu later. No.

God, in his very first conversation with mankind, immediately and deliberately tells Adam what to eat in order to live and be healthy in one simple statement: raw, whole, plant-based foods.

Are animals allowed to be food? Sure… but it’s not the best. It’s not what God originally intended. He intended a plant-based diet, but allowed an omnivore diet, even if it’s not the best, it will do.

It’s just like another original intention: one man, one woman, for life.

Now, God allows divorce, but it’s not his original intention. It’s not the best. I think you see what I’m getting at here – we should strive for the best, and that is God’s ORIGINAL intention for EVERYTHING in our lives.


But you can read it ALL right now in my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape

How to Avoid Disease

Is there truly an escape route that enables you to sidestep the disease statistics of the modern world?

Indeed there is, and it’s simpler than you might think. In fact, I’ve met hundreds of people who have seen the symptoms of their life-threatening diseases simply disappear after making a simple diet change.

In some cases, it took a year or more; in others, less than a month.

I’ve seen diabetics reverse the symptoms of their condition in as little as two weeks, and I interviewed a woman a few years ago who reversed all symptoms of an egg-sized breast cancer in just three months.

One interview I’ll never forget was with a worship pastor who had lost his ability to play the piano because of multiple sclerosis. He had an MRI at the time of his diagnosis that showed lesions on his brain, confirming that his symptoms were due to MS.

He decided to forgo modern medical treatments and adopt the diet discussed in my book, Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness.

One year later, having refused any medical treatments, he had another MRI. The lesions were gone and so were his symptoms. The doctor in charge of his care told him plainly, “You could quit your job right now and make a living going with me to every medical conference in the world to show them your before and after MRIs, because you have the proof that diet change alone can reverse symptoms of MS. Doctors have never seen that before.”

I’ve seen symptom reversal from several diseases in my own family. Because of the diet discussed in Escape Root, I no longer have acid reflux or heart palpitations. My wife has been able to bring hypothyroidism, or Hashimoto’s Disease, under control. My parents, who both had colon cancer within three years of each other, have had perfectly clear colonoscopies since adopting the diet change — in their 70s! And my children, who both had asthma, no longer have any symptoms; all signs disappeared less than a month after giving up foods that were causing the problems.

How can a diet change do all of this? Don’t you need a special diet for this and a special diet for that? No!

The truth is that all disease is the same thing; it’s just different manifestations. All disease is simply malfunctioning cells. And the best way to ensure that cells function properly, especially after they have malfunctioned is with a plant-based diet.


But you can read it ALL right now in my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at ARoodAwakening.tv/Escape