Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Ep 10

FINAL EPISODE: The Synagogue of Satan

This week (July 19) on Shabbat Night Live, much of the Christian church and Jewish synagogue have the same problem — both claim to be Israel, and yet they’re not. In fact, Yeshua says they belong to the “synagogue of Satan!” What is each group missing, and how can anyone truly be “Israel”?

Michael Rood brings an answer for the end times from the beginning of the Book of the Revelation!

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 08:46) What does Yeshua promise to those in the congregation of Smyrna who remain faithful despite tribulations?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 14:16) What is the significance of the 10 days of tribulation mentioned in the Hebrew text of the Revelation, and how are believers encouraged to respond during this period?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 17:52) What assurance does Yeshua give believers regarding the second death and their resurrection at the seventh trumpet?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 20:52) What is the significance of the double-edged sword mentioned in the letter to Pergamos, and how does it relate to Yeshua’s words and actions?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 25:11) What were the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans, and how did they affect the congregation in Pergamos?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 30:28) Why did Balaam initially refuse to go with the princes of Moab and Midian, and what was his response when they returned with more honorable princes and greater gifts?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 35:48) Why did Yehovah’s anger kindle against Balaam, and what was the role of the angel of Yehovah in this situation?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 36:54) How did Balaam’s ass save him from the angel of YAH, and what lesson did Balaam learn from this encounter?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 44:37) What was Balaam’s response to Balaak’s request to curse Israel, and how did he justify his stance?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 46:46) What significant events occurred at the three United Nations summit meetings involving Israel, and what was the outcome of each summit?

Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Ep 9

EPISODE 9 of 10: The Doctrine of The Nicolaitans

This week (July 12) on Shabbat Night Live, in The Book of The Revelation, Yeshua tells John that He “hates the deeds of the Nicolaitans.” Who were these people? And what did they do that was so terrible?

As Michael Rood explains, “the deeds of the Nicolaitans” continue today in every Christian church and, sadly, in many Torah-observant congregations as well!

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 08:51) What did Yeshua instruct John to write to the seven congregations in Asia Minor?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 12:24) What did Yeshua ask James and John about their ability to endure?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 16:32) What did Yeshua teach his disciples about true greatness and leadership?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 21:13) What did Paul emphasize about the importance of unity among believers in his first letter to the Corinthians?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 25:24) What reward does Yeshua promise to those who overcome the deeds of the Nicolaitans?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 28:15) What is the significance of the doctrine and deeds of the Nicolaitans in the context of church hierarchy and its impact on moral behavior within the church?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 31:22) What did Yeshua promise to the man crucified alongside him?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 36:10) What happens during the last resurrection and final judgment according to the Revelation scroll?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 39:47) What lesson does Yeshua convey through the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 42:41) What does Paul explain about the state of the dead and the resurrection?

Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Ep 8

EPSODE 8 of 10: Back To The Beginning

This week (July 5) on Shabbat Night Live, in the Book of The Revelation, we read that the congregation in Ephesus had been led astray by false prophets. Who were these false prophets? Where did they come from and what were they teaching?

Michael Rood takes us back to the beginning when Paul first spoke to the Ephesians and what we can learn from their mistakes.

Watch the episode — included in this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 08:52) What is the significance of Apollos’ teachings in Ephesus, and how do they reflect the original message of repentance and adherence to the Torah as preached by John the Baptist?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 10:57) How did Aquila and Priscilla’s guidance enhance Apollos’ understanding of Yeshua’s ministry, and what impact did this have on his ability to proclaim Yeshua as the Messiah to the Jews in the synagogue?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 16:22) What does Paul’s interaction with the disciples in Ephesus reveal about the evolution from John’s baptism of repentance to the baptism in the name of Yeshua Messiah, and how does this signify a new understanding of life and identity for believers?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:11) In what ways did the baptism as performed by Paul and the subsequent reception of the Holy Spirit redefine the disciples’ faith in Ephesus, and how did this spiritual awakening contrast with the resistance and misunderstanding from others within the community?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 23:42) How did the failed exorcism attempt by the seven sons of Sceva, a chief priest, lead to widespread fear and reverence for the name of Yeshua, and what were the consequences for the practice of magic and the growth of the Christian faith in Ephesus?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 26:04) What economic and religious concerns did Demetrius and the craftsmen of Ephesus express regarding Paul’s teachings, and how did their reaction illustrate the conflict between traditional pagan worship and the emerging Christian doctrine?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 31:38) What role did Alexander, the son of Simon of Cyrene, play in the events at Ephesus, and how does his attempt to address the crowd relate to the broader conflict between the early Christian movement and established religious traditions?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 35:27) How does Paul distinguish between true apostles and false ones, and what consequences does he describe for those who deceitfully claim apostleship and mislead others for personal gain?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 37:10) How does Peter characterize false apostles, and what criteria does he suggest for distinguishing them from those who are truly sent by the divine?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 42:21) How does the message to the believers in Ephesus emphasize the importance of returning to their ‘first love’ and the original teachings of Yeshua, and what does this reveal about the contrast between their past pagan practices and their new life in the Messiah?

Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Ep 7

EPISODE 7 of 10: What Happened At Ephesus?

This week (June 28) on Shabbat Night Live: When John encounters the risen Yeshua in a vision, he is given a scathing message to deliver to seven specific churches — one of which is Ephesus. Paul was instrumental in delivering the Gospel to Ephesus, so what went wrong?

Michael Rood explains the back story and why the risen Savior mentioned Ephesus by name.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 05:47) How does the scroll of Revelation connect the stories of the Torah and the prophets to the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 12:19) What is the significance of Yochanan’s vision of Yeshua amidst the seven flaming lamps, and how does it relate to his role as a messenger to the seven congregations in Asia Minor?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 15:31) In the context of the Revelation, what is the significance of Yeshua commanding Yochanan to write the things that he had just seen, the things that are now, and the things that shall be hereafter, and how does this instruction relate to the message for the seven congregations?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:41) What is the relationship between obedience to Yeshua’s commands and the fulfillment of prophecies, as outlined in the communication to Yochanan regarding the future events leading to the establishment of Yeshua’s dominion?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 22:24) What is the role of the messengers to the seven congregations in the context of Yeshua’s vision, and how does their faithfulness relate to the responsibilities and rewards described in the Revelation?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 29:11) What are the consequences for the congregation if they fail to repent and return to their first love?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 33:35) What significant change did the Jewish tallit makers implement in their craft after it became illegal to be openly Jewish in the Roman Empire?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 36:11) How does Acts 18:6 challenge the interpretation of replacement theologians regarding Paul’s declaration to go to the Gentiles?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 38:44) What actions did Paul take that contradicted the interpretation that he would only minister to the Gentiles, and what was his reasoning for these actions?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 41:48) What was the role of Aquila and Priscilla in enhancing Apollos’ understanding of the teachings he was spreading?

Charting the End: VOLUME 2, Episode 6

EPISODE 6 of 10: The “Helmet” of Salvation?

This week (June 21) on Shabbat Night Live: Are we saved now or in the future? The answer is BOTH!

Michael Rood shares a step-by-step explanation of the resurrection and the things that must come to pass before Yeshua returns, including the often misunderstood “armor of God” — most importantly, the so-called “helmet” of salvation!

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.
While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 06:32) What is the significance of the grace and peace mentioned in the opening salutation of the Revelation scroll, and how does it relate to the teachings communicated to Titus and the experiences of the believers in Thessalonica?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 10:29) How does the ‘sea of fire and glass’ concept serve as a metaphor for divine judgment and purification, and what is its significance in the context of the resurrection and the final events described, such as the Battle of Armageddon?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 13:03) How does the belief in Yeshua’s death and resurrection shape the understanding of the resurrection of the dead, and what is the significance of the ‘Last Trump’ and ‘Yom Teruah’ concerning the events of the end times?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 16:52) What is the metaphorical significance of ‘the Day of Yehovah coming as a thief in the night,’ and how does this imagery relate to the concepts of vigilance, faith, and salvation?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:17) How does the concept of ‘hope of salvation’ function as a protective ‘helmet’ for believers during times of tribulation, and what role does this hope play in the anticipation of the resurrection and the ultimate judgment?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 23:39) What is the role of tribulation in the lives of believers, and how does the promise of Yeshua’s return and the subsequent judgment provide hope and comfort amidst these trials?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 28:20) How do the ‘prophetic shadow pictures’ and temple liturgy established by David reflect the fulfillment of messianic prophecies, and what is the significance of these practices in understanding the events described in Psalm 2 and the Book of Revelation?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 33:59) What are the consequences for those who reject divine authority and pursue their own path, and how does this contrast with the fate of those who put their trust in Yeshua?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 37:47) What is the importance of ‘hearing and obeying’ the words of the prophet revealed as the Messiah, and how does this principle relate to events such as the stripping of the seals from the scroll and the ensuing tribulation?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 41:21) How does Yochanan’s experience of exile and revelation reflect the broader theme of faithfulness amidst tribulation, and what is the significance of his vision of Yeshua as ‘Aleph and Tav’ in the context of the prophetic message he is instructed to write?

How To Teach The Torah (Episode 4)

FINAL EPISODE: Hear, Learn, Keep, Do

This week (June 23) on Shabbat Night Live, the Torah is our example for everything — in fact, the way that YeHoVaH wants to hear and obey, learn from him, and keep his word and do it is the same way we need to teach our children.

Kraig and Anne Elliott explain how inspiration and visions from the Father set the framework for their Torah-observant homeschool curriculum.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 16:00) How has the component of leadership as an outcome of a good education become almost forgotten in our contemporary world? To what extent has the marginalization or elimination of our Judeo-Christian culture contributed to teaching and learning as a relativistic or even arbitrary activity that is no longer oriented toward the pursuit of truth?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 20:00) Similarly, how has the weakness throughout conventional education for theoretical jargon and superfluous innovation in classroom approaches served to further undermine student awareness of their own innate capabilities and limitations? How has the trendy notion that “learning styles have changed” ultimately raised more questions than it has answered?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 24:00) How might the Hebrew language serve as a model for the next generation of students who must learn proper English to assume significant positions within the professional world? How does the Hebrew tradition of close reading, textual accuracy, and spiritual interpretation suggest an orientation for the lingua franca of English that could improve communication through precision and articulation? 
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 28:00) What are some examples of how the Bible could be utilized as remediation for students who have experienced brain damage or who are afflicted with vision or comprehension difficulties? How does the Hebrew practice of transcription recall the simplicity of learning through copying, which has become lost in the present-day administrative categorization of “special needs” students?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 32:00) Similarly, how has the familiar reflex toward bureaucratization throughout our schools and universities prevented many otherwise intelligent students from reaching their potential because of categorization and division? How do expressions such as “learning disability,” “individualized education,” and “compensatory programs” become euphemisms that can impede improvement through the stigma of demarcation?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 38:00) Many theologians and media commentators throughout the Christian world have recently advocated for a rediscovery of discipline and application in both schooling and professional life. How has a growing lassitude toward the practice of diligent, focused work as a fundamental value undermined the learning potential of today’s students, many of whom view education more as an entitlement than an earned goal?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 42:00) Similarly, how has our educational system lost sight of instilling the value of having a purpose in life in the minds of students? How are our arbitrary and time-worn distinctions between “vocational-technical” and “social science-humanities” belied by the ethos of Proverbs 22:29: “Do you see a man who excels in his work? / He will stand before kings”?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 46:00) How can the questionable approach toward educational training (its lack of scholarly specialization in teacher programs, its syndrome of overwork, and low pay for teachers) be blamed for our diminishing educational profile against other nations? To what extent can this also be blamed on the relegation of Sunday school programs to well-intentioned but unlearned volunteers?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 50:00) In light of the imagery and sentiment of Isaiah 57:14, what constitutes the “stumbling block” that has impeded our Western approach to education over the past half-century? What are some examples of attempts to clear the path of learning that have failed through over-theorization, politicized curricula, and so-called deep learning through technology?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 54:00) How might latter-day infiltrations of such elements as LGBTQ Pride, gender dysphoria, or pedophilia effectually undermine and corrupt our educational institutions to the breaking point?  How does the hyper-sexualization of vulnerable young people in this environment serve to demonstrate the power of demonic influence that appears to be marshaled against marriage and the nuclear family?

How To Teach The Torah (Episode 3)

EPISODE 3 of 4: Curriculum By Conversation

This week (June 16) on Shabbat Night Live, school is not what you think it is, and neither is homeschooling!

In this episode, Kraig and Anne Elliott explain how to make the most of your children’s education — in far less time per day than you might think — and why having a conversation with your kids is the best way to teach.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 16:00) Why have numerous educational innovations in recent decades – homeschooling, charter schools, asynchronous online learning – failed to cohere into a satisfying standard for most parents who seek proper schooling for their children? Are biblical- or Torah-based curricula sufficient to counteract the relativism and sexualization of children that have become entrenched in most public schools?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 20:00) Despite the historical reputation of the “one-room schoolhouse” as an inferior model, its recent repurposing as the “microschool” purports to offer an affordable, constructivist dynamic of hybrid and real-time learning for today’s young learners. How could its flexible schedules and lack of age restrictions be further enhanced by curricular programs that are grounded in scripture to combat the politicization of today’s classrooms?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 24:00) Similarly, how likely is a rediscovery of unstructured learning to provide enhancement of education for all age levels through the mentoring of beginners by advanced students? Is this practice vulnerable to loss of a valuable resource like time through vapid, endless discussion, or could it potentially enrich both learning and morale by removing the stigma of age-based grade levels and false distinctions of students’ “falling behind”? 
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 28:00) How has the reflex toward homeschooling ironically served to remind the general public of the still-controversial adage that the most important life lessons are “learned at home”? How do various overlooked passages in texts like Deuteronomy and Proverbs underscore the need for engagement between parents and children for enculturation and formation of a faith-based intellect?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 32:00) Similarly, how does Ephesians 4:11 serve as a reminder of the importance of education as part of YeHoVaH’s plan for our individual apostolic work during our lives? How is its reference to teachers further enhanced in verse 14 by its warning against children being misled “by the trickery of men,” whether in ministry or through those who would trivialize the educational endeavor through false teaching or power-seeking?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 38:00) How does today’s reflex toward faith-based education differ from previous efforts in times of excessive politicization, such as the founding of Great Books programs in liberal arts colleges in the 1990s, many of which were sponsored by major denominations? Will current endeavors also be marginalized or dismissed as reactionary and impractical, or will they inspire a developing trend?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 42:00) Similarly, how might this earlier development be likened to the experience of the younger Hebrews, who, having been brought to the Promised Land, then faced the prospect of settling, civilizing, and cultivating it? Is today’s generation of proactive educators like that of Joshua’s followers?  If so, how might they prevent the decadence of their successors, who were castigated in the Book of Judges?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 46:00) Why have such factors as the time-efficiency and personalized potential of homeschooling and asynchronous learning been prevented from development by an adherence to the 9-month agrarian calendar that still dominates primary, secondary, and higher education? What are some examples of questionable bureaucratic interests or influences that continue to confound ongoing efforts of reform?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 50:00) How has the constant updating and revision of curricula that is made possible by the online environment not only transcended the limitations of print culture, but also that of administrative agendas and their resistance to change? How might this contemporary factor provide an unexpected parallel with the Hebrew ethos of fostering a constant, interactive practice of learning between parents and children?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 54:00) Similarly, how is this ancient example poised for rediscovery in the near future thanks to geopolitical and infrastructural changes that have occurred since the millennium? If, as recent commentators have said, we now inhabit a leaderless, multipolar, and digital-based world order that is largely governed by technology companies, how has the struggle for control of our children’s education escalated to the scriptural perspective of a battle between good and evil?

How To Teach The Torah (Episode 2)

EPISODE 2 of 4: The Torah Is The Schoolmaster

This week (June 9) on Shabbat Night Live, is it possible to use the Word of God to teach every subject in school? Even most Christian homeschool curriculum programs say “no.

Kraig and Anne Elliott explain why they decided to take a leap of faith and develop their own way to teach school using the Bible as a master textbook.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section, and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 16:00) How does the contemporary argument in favor of sustainability conflict with the Hebraic proscription against particular foods? How should faithful followers of the Torah attempt to negotiate the latter-day reflex of highly processed comestibles that purport to prolong both human life and the environment, yet also violate the dietary laws that support the faith lives of many?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 20:00) Why is it difficult for many believers to discern the sometimes inexplicable paths on which YeHoVaH leads us as part of our individual apostolates? How do such figures as King David, Elijah, and Paul demonstrate our need to accept interruption and even obstruction as inextricable elements of our spiritual growth and as cautions against presumption or false pride?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 24:00) How does the ongoing proliferation throughout religious education of new programs, teaching approaches, and curricula serve to indirectly reveal scripture as the most fundamental and influential “syllabus”? How have efforts to make doctrine more contemporary or relevant to successive generations of learners reflected a man-centered and secular ethos?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 28:00) Similarly, how can the marginalization of the Bible as a source of diverse instruction be viewed as a factor in our chaotic present-day educational environments, from primary to college-level? What are some examples of subjects, ideas, and intellectual orientations in today’s curricula that flagrantly violate the moral and ethical precepts delineated and developed from the Tanakh through the Christian New Testament?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 32:00) Despite the inherent personal drama of conversion, how does one’s earliest experience of religious formation often continue to influence or even compromise future spiritual growth? How does the imperative for every believer to recognize this factor become an inextricable element in the critical perspective that we must develop as we engage with YeHoVaH’s plan for our salvation?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 38:00) Although Psalm 23 remains unsurpassed as a popular verse used for personal testimony of praise for YeHoVaH, how might Psalm 19 become a rediscovered text that stands as a comprehensive statement delineating a code of conduct as well as belief? How do its images hearken back to the ethos of the Torah and foreshadow the fulfillment of Messianic worship?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 42:00) How has the notion of dietary restriction become narrowly defined or even ridiculed throughout the Judeo-Christian world, both within religious institutions and among the general public? Why has a more enlightened view of such practices as the refusal of pork, abstinence from alcohol, or vegetarianism as voluntary apostolates failed to become accepted by many as examples of strength and integrity within faith?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 46:00) As referenced earlier, how does YeHoVaH often guide us on our apostolic path through restriction, frustration, or delay as part of a providential plan of discovery of our own hidden resources? Further, how can the “easy grace” of much evangelical Christianity offer a false perspective of material prosperity as reward for spirituality that can potentially lead to the sin of despair through its absence?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 50:00) What is the likelihood in today’s climate of agnosticism of a reflex toward Western religion as a response to curricular needs in public education? How might scripture provide a subtle but formidable template for virtually all disciplines as a delineation of moral, ethical, and cultural values that would illuminate the inherent failure of ongoing back-to-basics efforts?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 54:00) Aside from its fundamental importance to our engagement with YeHoVaH, how is obedience an essential element in our efforts to persevere in the face of limitation while seeking answers to our prayers?  Why are we, as fallen creatures, so often reluctant to make an examination of conscience part of our faith lives, even amidst evidence of its place in our private revelations?

How To Teach The Torah (Episode 1)

EPISODE 1 of 4: Teachers Become The Students

This week (June 2) on Shabbat Night Live, just when you think you have it all figured out, YeHoVaH takes you to the next level.

From coaching football, teaching in France, and detouring through a Native American reservation, Kraig and Anne Elliott learned to trust the Almighty’s leading — and ended up with everything they needed for a dream career they could never have imagined.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section, and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 16:00) How has the advocacy of cultural relativism, sexual transgression, and radical egalitarianism by the radical Left continued to undermine homeschooling, despite its utilization throughout contemporary faith communities? Have Christian colleges and universities been negligent in recognizing forgotten values owing to their reputations as reactionary institutions?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 20:00) How has the notion of teaching as a higher calling become corrupted by the cynicism of administrative pursuit of power and control, along with falling standards of competency within faculties? Is it still feasible for an educator to pursue an apostolate in primary and secondary education in the face of inflated bureaucracy and massive teacher unions?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 24:00) More optimistically, can the hand of YeHoVaH be discerned in the potential fragmentation of public and higher education thanks to the moribund nature of accreditation, tenure, and the brick-and-mortar campus? Could the homeschooled children of believers soon redefine independent learning through their utilization of digital media?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 27:00) How has the latter-day normalization of sexual transgression and promiscuity throughout our culture served to corrupt our standards of education, particularly at the primary level? How can recent curricular changes and textbook selection be viewed as evidence of Satan’s attempt to target the family as part of his agenda of the destruction of YeHoVaH’s creation?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 31:00) How is the difficulty of evangelizing Native American communities as described here further compounded by forces on the cultural Left who continue to exploit these peoples as victims of colonial oppression? How has a view of Christian faith efforts as cultural imperialism only served to reduce them to a stereotype of unurbanized nature-worshippers rather than viable converts to lives of faith?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 36:00) Similarly, how has the familiar practice of community outreach toward other faith cultures in the United States been obstructed by ostensible collusion with the very same media-industrial complex that could facilitate its success? Is the provision for religious freedom in our First Amendment in danger of extinction, despite its anti-state orientation?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 40:00) As with homeschooling, why does the larger matter of homemaking as a career continue to be controversial, despite its proven advantages to the personal and spiritual growth of children? What is the fear behind the reiteration of the chauvinist cliché of the “stay-at-home mom”?  How does this reflect the failure of the cultural Left to recognize the nurturing power of women as a defining characteristic of genuine feminism?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 44:00) How has the spiritual ethos of today’s clergy been progressively undermined by the same bureaucratization that has afflicted most professional institutions in our contemporary world? How have members of the laity unwittingly contributed to ecclesiastical “administrative bloat,” owing less to spiritual zeal than to the temptations of power, however illusory?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 48:00) Furthermore, how has this phenomenon indirectly encouraged the exploitation of disabled or special needs children as a designated group for public education in its perpetual search for funding? How could a reintroduction of Judeo-Christian values into today’s curriculum, however incremental, arguably achieve more rapid results than merely demarcating these students as an unofficial “cash cow”?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 52:00) Similarly, how could an innovative ministry such as that introduced by the Elliotts be viewed as a viable conduit for these values?  How might such a program of study lead to the rediscovery of an Old Testament text such as Proverbs, which continues to be a relevant source of learning, professionalism, and ethics despite its ancient provenance and its general neglect within denominational Christianity?

Impossible Odds (Episode 3)


This week (May 26) on Shabbat Night Live, it’s difficult to truly understand Yeshua’s love without understanding what it means to be adopted — to have all the rights, privileges, and freedoms of a member of a family that we don’t belong to.

Rodney Thompson helps us grasp what it means to be grafted in by sharing his own story of being forgiven and brought into the family of YeHoVaH.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section, and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 14:00) How can the prophecy in Malachi 4:4 be viewed as a relevant, if not ominous, warning to both believers and skeptics in our contemporary world? Are there any legitimate latter-day Elijahs who have provided us with convincing evidence from scripture that anticipates our need for urgent repentance and reform before we invoke the wrath of YeHoVaH?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 18:00) Similarly, why is the imperative construction of this verse – “Remember the Law of Moses” – particularly applicable to both the faithful and the lukewarm in light of today’s culture of death and the material avarice which sustains it? Is it fair to state that our world has reached a point of spiritual ignorance that is more dangerous than forgetfulness or outright rejection?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 22:00) How can the current state of affairs regarding faith and spirituality in a hostile world be viewed as a result of the refusal to recognize the continuity between the narratives of Moses and Yeshua as a standard that must be followed? How do many current pop hymns like those of Marty Haugen or Dan Schutte express an egalitarianism that essentially rejects the notion of “following the rules of the house” with regard to sin? 
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 26:00) While controversies over the “true meaning of Christmas” are likely to continue between secular materialists and believers, Easter has seemingly taken on a more threatening aspect for the forces of agnosticism and unbelief in our Western world.  Why has this holiday been so aggressively criticized over the past decade by advocates of atheism and even vulgarized toward children by powerful commercial interests?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 30:00) Similarly, how has our society become decadent by failing to recognize the notion of adoption as a valid social practice that ultimately derives from the divine premise of the faithful as YeHoVaH’s children? Why has the evil practice of abortion become so insistently promoted as the sole alternative to unwanted pregnancy?  And how does this represent Satan’s campaign of destruction toward the intact family?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 35:00) What are some examples of a latter-day recognition and rejection of syncretism throughout the Christian world? How does this coincide with revelations of financial and sexual corruption among many clergy or denominational figureheads?  Is this likely to remain a short-lived, reactionary phenomenon, or is this a manifestation of a genuine and widespread search for truth among seekers of salvation?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 38:00) Similarly, how does syncretism reflect our fallen human weakness for pagan influence in worship and belief? How can the practices described here be tenably viewed as our own unwitting attempt to unify and reconcile large groups of antithetical forms of worship in our evangelism rather than to demarcate and adhere to a formidable standard that challenges the vague conceit of a diverse and permissive religion for all peoples?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 42:00) What are some typical examples of the “Jonah Complex” in the experiences of many believers who face stubborn dilemmas in their evangelism and faith lives? How does YeHoVaH often challenge us with unexpected evil that we must confront, or compel us to recognize our own failures of discernment with his seeming silence?  How has Jonah become an enduring exemplar of the renewal of faith following persecution?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 46:00) How do the closing verses of Galatians 5 constitute a similar challenge to all who accept and profess the truth of Yeshua, especially in a world that is increasingly fraught with narcissism, division, and threats to personal freedom? How is the cultivation of self-control a particularly significant virtue as part of an apostolate?  How does its absence serve to exemplify a failure to “walk in the Spirit” rather than pay mere lip service?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE: 50:00) What are some contemporary examples within both faith communities and the greater world of the remnant influence of the Law of Moses, even among those citizens and subjects who profess no ethnic, cultural, or spiritual affinity with the Hebrews?  How does this suggest a yearning, however inarticulate, for a transcendent standard amid a global environment that is increasingly hostile to the notion of such intangible concerns as spirituality?