Today I am crying out to Yah for my wife. She needs healing from Yah.
Her eyes, back, shoulder, just the whole body really.

I could use a touch too. I’m tired. I groan of this life sometimes. I’m grieved over so many things. The world in general, My beautiful wife who has always given of herself her whole life and is my best friend, who now needs a miracle and in my opinion deserves it. She is a stable rock for Yah and always has been. My own broken down body, but mostly having worked hard my whole life and have little to show for it and to even care properly for my wife.
It makes me weary. Perhaps one day Yah will remember us. Remember me. I’ve tried to always do what is right. However most of what I remember is all the times I failed. I feel like a failure even now.

I keep looking for that day when Yah will make an obvious distinction for us. I know I am not worthy but I have no one else to turn to but Him. He is all I have ever had.

I but could you please keep us in your prayers. Especially Kayla.
Seems funny that she’s the one with all the physical stuff yet she has more peace. I am the basket case emotionally. I wrestle with what I did or didn’t do to cause all this to happen to her.

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