Jake Hilton Blog

Read The Rood Blog
Jake Hilton

Sticks and Stones

Words wield immense power. We’ve been taught they can’t hurt, but that’s a dangerous myth. This post explores the biblical truth about the destructive potential of the tongue, challenging the popular saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Discover how words can shape lives, cultures, and even history.

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Jake Hilton

It’s Perfectly OK to Say ‘Jesus’

The name of our Lord in the Greek language is “Iésous” (Ἰησοῦς), and his Greek name has absolutely nothing to do with the name of the pagan god Zeus. These two names may sound similar, but they are entirely different. It’s like the English words ‘to, two, and too,’ or ‘there, their, and they’re’—sets of three words that all sound the same, but they are spelled differently and mean entirely different things.

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Jake Hilton

A Wise and Discerning Heart

Solomon did not ask for money, or power, or health. Instead, he asked for a ‘discerning heart to govern [God’s] people and to distinguish between right and wrong’ (1 Kings 3:9). YeHoVaH was pleased with Solomon’s request. ‘God said to him, ‘Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be’” (1 Kings 3:11-12).

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Jake Hilton

Paul: The Brilliant & Misinterpreted Apostle

Paul’s writings are often misunderstood, leading many astray. While his epistles are valuable, they should be studied after a solid foundation in the Torah and the words of Jesus. Approaching Paul’s letters with wisdom and discernment is crucial to avoid misinterpretation and its harmful consequences.

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Jake Hilton

The Partaking of Pride

Pride, the original sin, leads to destruction. From the Garden of Eden to historical figures like Nebuchadnezzar, pride’s consequences are severe. God opposes pride but favors humility. Choose life by choosing humility and obedience to God, rather than the destructive path of pride.

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Jake Hilton

Honoring God’s Memorial

This Memorial Day, we honor the sacrifices of our nation’s heroes. Similarly, we must remember the importance of honoring God’s name. Just as we cherish the memory of fallen soldiers, we must also cherish the eternal memorial of God, His name Yehovah. In doing so, we join a long line of believers who have fought to preserve God’s glory throughout history.

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