While the Torah was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Yeshua. John 1:17
So, let’s ask ourselves: If grace and truth came through Yeshua, are today’s believers under the law (Torah)? And what does it mean to live under grace and live under law? What did Yeshua say about the law? What do Paul and the other writers of the Renewed Covenant say about law and grace? These and other questions are discussed in this “Law and Grace” study.
6 Responses
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much.
I have a ton of questions; I must say I am confused now and don’t know what to think. If a Christian is supposed to keep all the 613 commandments then how are we going to go about doing this, today? I looked up a web page that lists them, and one of them is “To be with those who only worship Him.” (Deuteronomy 10:20)
So I should divorce my unbelieving husband? And where should I work? Most of my Scandinavian country consists of unbelievers. I get exhausted by just trying to read the list. By 200-and something I feel like crying. How am I ever going to be able to live in a sukkah for seven days or clean out all of the unleavened bread from my house when the rest of the family doesn’t believe? What about the clothing? I am not allowed to wear men’s clothes? Does that mean “no trousers for women”? It’s quite cold up here in January… 🙁
I am NOT mocking, I am quite sincere with these questions.
Hej! Fick du inget svar på din långa och ärligt ställda fråga… det tycker jag var snålt.
Mitt svar är det här när solen snart går ner den 6:e dagen och Sabbaten snart börjar.
Du ska inte skilja dig från din “i nuläget ej omvända” man Om det talar Paulus i något av breven. Jag har i snart 20 års tid försökt hålla Lövhyddohögtiden efter bästa förmåga (dvs tält och sista åren i hängmatta) men inte för att vara en självplågare utan mysfaktorn kan bli ganska hög där och då. Våra kära Nysvennarinnor från Afrika går i långkjol med täckbyxor under…
Många som kompromissar med Guds lagar kan sen utan att tänka på det taktlösa i att sedan be till denna Gud om både det ena och det andra…
En fridsam SABBAT önskar jag er!
Do the best you can. You already follow many more than these for your local, state and federal governments rules of men (not to mention any local “churches” rules)
Jesus says “my yoke is easy and my burden is light” We have been keeping the sabbath and doing what we can of keeping the Torah (God’s good instructions for men) for 40+ years since I was 5 years old. Continually adding to what we did as we could apply it to our daily lives and had the understanding to do so. It was only a few years ago we even began keeping the feast days… I would encourage anyone to start by keeping the seventh day holy to the point you can – use Isaiah 58:13 as a guide. This is truly a wonderful day of rest, enjoyment and reflection – an appointed time with the Creator and appreciation of the blessings he has given you. A little obedience done in love will be led into more understanding and truth. If He can make a way through the depths of the sea He can certainly make it possible for you to follow Him in OBEDIANCE which is not for HIS SAKE but for OUR SAKES. Every Statute, Command and Precept is designed to benefit us, just as every rule we make for our children (if we are loving parents) is for the sake of our children! Think of how we love our young ones on earth – how much more would the Father who created us and everything in the world then put that under our dominon (in Genesis) love us and give us a wise and insightful “instruction manual.”
Whatever you do though, do not do so rashly, but study the concepts and scriptures then spend some time writing the key scriptural points which convict you of the decision in your own words and thoughts. Then you will be able to stand firm and not be tossed like a ship on the waves and “have an answer for them who ask of the hope that is within you.” Where it conflicts with your husband you must follow his leadership – but by your conviction you can hope and work to win his heart to the truth – especially by your loving devotion and submission to him as the head of the home just as Messiah is the head of the believers!
May Yehovah bless you and keep you
May Yehovah make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you
May Yehovah lift up his countenance upon you and give you Shalom (= peace in a covenant relationship with him!)
Continue your blog. Thanks for ✍️