Fighting Cancer With Plants

Silymarin consists of flavonoids found in the milk thistle plant.

What if there was a natural way to fight both breast cancer and prostate cancer? And what if you could do it without side effects and increase the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatments while you’re at it?

The Creator of the universe is way ahead of us. Such a compound has always existed in the milk thistle plant: Silymarin.

I first learned about the power of silymarin in The Blaylock Wellness Report, written by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon. Silymarin consists of flavonoids found in the milk thistle plant. Silymarin has long been heralded for its antioxidant and liver-protective qualities and is now being researched for its anticancer attributes in both breast and colon cancers.

In breast cancer, it works by interfering with cancer growth. It binds to estrogen receptors, essentially putting up the “no vacancy” sign to cancer, preventing tumor growth.[i]

Amazingly, it goes exactly where it is needed, accumulating its cancer-fighting power in breast tumor tissue.[ii]

Equally remarkable, silymarin does the opposite to help men deal with prostate cancer. Instead of “putting up the no vacancy sign”, it opens a door.

Aggressive types of prostate cancer are typically unresponsive to conventional radiation treatment, but silymarin helps by being a “radiosensitizing” agent; it opens the door of cancer cells, putting out the “welcome mat” for radiation therapy to do its thing far more effectively.

In fact, one study in 2015 showed that use of silymarin in conjunction with radiation therapy resulted in 10 times better kill rate of prostate cancer cells. Even better, the silymarin only helped to kill the cancer cells and actually protected normal cells that would typically experience radiation poisoning and injury.[iii]

Silymarin also beats cancer at its own game in the colon.

As a survival mechanism, colon cancer cells will suppress their vitamin D receptors in an effort to protect themselves from vitamin D’s cancer-fighting effects. Silymarin reverses the effect, allowing vitamin D to break into the cancer cells and do what it does best: stop the cells’ proliferation and spread.

I’LL HAVE MORE TO SHARE NEXT TIME… but in the meantime, you can read about this and a lot more my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at

[i] Agarwal R, Agarwal C, Ichikawa H, Singh RP, Aggarwal BB. Anticancer potential
of silymarin: from bench to bed side. Anticancer Res. 2006

[ii] Lazzeroni M, Guerrieri-Gonzaga A, Gandini S, Johansson H, Serrano D, Cazzaniga
M, Aristarco V, Puccio A, Mora S, Caldarella P, Pagani G, Pruneri G, Riva A,
Petrangolini G, Morazzoni P, DeCensi A, Bonanni B. A Presurgical Study of Oral
Silybin-Phosphatidylcholine in Patients with Early Breast Cancer. Cancer Prev Res
(Phila). 2016 Jan;9(1):89-95.

[iii] Nambiar DK, Rajamani P, Deep G, Jain AK, Agarwal R, Singh RP. Silibinin
Preferentially Radiosensitizes Prostate Cancer by Inhibiting DNA Repair
Signaling. Mol Cancer Ther. 2015 Dec;14(12):2722-34.

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