Unmistakable Signs of the End of the Age

“Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.  Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Luke 17:28-30).

Repeatedly, Yeshua declared that, prior to his return, the times would be similar to those before the flood and the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah.  And what was happening then?  Nothing more nor less than what we are witnessing in our own day and age.  


Abortion – literal child sacrifices offered to demons, despising the life given by the Creator. 

Greed – The insatiable desire to obtain material things. At present, almost all activities in life have to do with the purchase and sale of a product. Human beings are “materialized” and not ashamed of it.

Free unions – Fornication and adultery. Relationships have been degraded to mere physical contact and marriage to little more than a social activity, without any commitment.

Excesses in food and drink – Today, the proliferation of exotic and unclean foods leads to gluttony, dependence, and even addiction.  Something similar occurs with drinks of all kinds, and poor health is often the consequence of such indulgence.

Industrial food production – Using genetically engineered plants, a select few companies produce food for the entire world because most people are housed in cities, disconnected from Creation and their Creator.

Unprecedented scale of buildings and construction – A response to the needs of crowds seeking life in urban centers.

Hence, you don’t need to be a scientist or a prophet to recognize these current conditions. Just open your eyes and look around you. Of course, we have not mentioned all the other situations that are already too familiar: frequent earthquakes, diseases spread by people who blindly continue to trust the official health systems, and the contamination of our planet’s resources, creating a dangerous imbalance of the delicate system created by YeHoVaH.

So, ask yourself if you really think this state of affairs is going to improve, thanks to a political party or an idealistic leader. If your answer is negative, ask yourself another question: How long is this situation going to last?  It would be ludicrous to claim that political figures will somehow find the solution to all this chaos.  No, the situation is going to get worse because that’s how it has been planned.

Yeshua warned us in advance that all of this would happen.  And what’s more, he encouraged us to be attentive, because when his prophecies are being fulfilled, it means that our redemption is near.  He is planning these things to occur before he returns to establish a kingdom of royal justice and peace.

Yet there is no place for fear in this scenario, because we have placed our hope in the promises of YeHoVaH, our eternal father who will intervene in time to rescue his faithful remnant who remain separated from the world’s corruption, and who have placed their trust in him.  It is time to align your daily life with his commandments.  

And if you haven’t done it yet… what are you waiting for?

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Unmistakable Signs of the End of the Age

“Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.  Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Luke 17:28-30).

Repeatedly, Yeshua declared that, prior to his return, the times would be similar to those before the flood and the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah.  And what was happening then?  Nothing more nor less than what we are witnessing in our own day and age.  


Abortion – literal child sacrifices offered to demons, despising the life given by the Creator. 

Greed – The insatiable desire to obtain material things. At present, almost all activities in life have to do with the purchase and sale of a product. Human beings are “materialized” and not ashamed of it.

Free unions – Fornication and adultery. Relationships have been degraded to mere physical contact and marriage to little more than a social activity, without any commitment.

Excesses in food and drink – Today, the proliferation of exotic and unclean foods leads to gluttony, dependence, and even addiction.  Something similar occurs with drinks of all kinds, and poor health is often the consequence of such indulgence.

Industrial food production – Using genetically engineered plants, a select few companies produce food for the entire world because most people are housed in cities, disconnected from Creation and their Creator.

Unprecedented scale of buildings and construction – A response to the needs of crowds seeking life in urban centers.

Hence, you don’t need to be a scientist or a prophet to recognize these current conditions. Just open your eyes and look around you. Of course, we have not mentioned all the other situations that are already too familiar: frequent earthquakes, diseases spread by people who blindly continue to trust the official health systems, and the contamination of our planet’s resources, creating a dangerous imbalance of the delicate system created by YeHoVaH.

So, ask yourself if you really think this state of affairs is going to improve, thanks to a political party or an idealistic leader. If your answer is negative, ask yourself another question: How long is this situation going to last?  It would be ludicrous to claim that political figures will somehow find the solution to all this chaos.  No, the situation is going to get worse because that’s how it has been planned.

Yeshua warned us in advance that all of this would happen.  And what’s more, he encouraged us to be attentive, because when his prophecies are being fulfilled, it means that our redemption is near.  He is planning these things to occur before he returns to establish a kingdom of royal justice and peace.

Yet there is no place for fear in this scenario, because we have placed our hope in the promises of YeHoVaH, our eternal father who will intervene in time to rescue his faithful remnant who remain separated from the world’s corruption, and who have placed their trust in him.  It is time to align your daily life with his commandments.  

And if you haven’t done it yet… what are you waiting for?

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