Parashah Vayak’hel

Since ancient times, Yehovah has shown a great desire to be close to his people, Israel. When the Israelites wandered through the desert after being freed from Egypt, the Most High gave them detailed instructions for building a special place where He could dwell among them. This place was the Tabernacle, a kind of portable sanctuary, symbolizing the continuous presence of God among his people. The idea was that, despite being on a long and difficult journey, the children of Israel would always have the Almighty close by, guiding, protecting and blessing them.
The Tabernacle was more than a structure; it was a tangible sign of our Father’s desire to live among his people, to be accessible to them. This desire extended beyond simply being worshipped from afar; it involved a close and constant relationship with Israel.
Even centuries later, this divine desire for closeness was reiterated through the words of the prophet Ezekiel. In chapter 37, Yehovah promises that he will establish his sanctuary among his people forever, saying:

My sanctuary will be among them; I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

This promise was a powerful affirmation of the Almighty’s eternal commitment to Israel. Through Ezekiel, God was reminding His people that, regardless of time or circumstance, His desire to live among them would never change.

Both in this section of the book of Exodus and in the Gospels, the importance of generosity and community collaboration is emphasized. In this parashah, we see how the people of Israel come together in the same spirit to carry out this project: The Tabernacle. This goes hand in hand with the teachings of Yeshua during his ministry related to instructing the people about the importance of sharing with others, especially those most in need.

A figure of the Messiah: This portion also reminds us that the Tabernacle is a type of Yeshua since it was the place where the presence of the Most High was manifested to his people Israel. In the same way, the Father manifested his divine Presence when…

“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only begotten son), full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

Furthermore, the promise that we find in the book of Ezekiel not only reaffirms the special relationship between Yehovah and Israel, but also points towards a future where the presence of the Almighty will be even more direct and personal for all generations to come through the figure of the heir to the throne: Yeshua the Messiah.

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Parashah Vayak’hel

Since ancient times, Yehovah has shown a great desire to be close to his people, Israel. When the Israelites wandered through the desert after being freed from Egypt, the Most High gave them detailed instructions for building a special place where He could dwell among them. This place was the Tabernacle, a kind of portable sanctuary, symbolizing the continuous presence of God among his people. The idea was that, despite being on a long and difficult journey, the children of Israel would always have the Almighty close by, guiding, protecting and blessing them.
The Tabernacle was more than a structure; it was a tangible sign of our Father’s desire to live among his people, to be accessible to them. This desire extended beyond simply being worshipped from afar; it involved a close and constant relationship with Israel.
Even centuries later, this divine desire for closeness was reiterated through the words of the prophet Ezekiel. In chapter 37, Yehovah promises that he will establish his sanctuary among his people forever, saying:

My sanctuary will be among them; I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

This promise was a powerful affirmation of the Almighty’s eternal commitment to Israel. Through Ezekiel, God was reminding His people that, regardless of time or circumstance, His desire to live among them would never change.

Both in this section of the book of Exodus and in the Gospels, the importance of generosity and community collaboration is emphasized. In this parashah, we see how the people of Israel come together in the same spirit to carry out this project: The Tabernacle. This goes hand in hand with the teachings of Yeshua during his ministry related to instructing the people about the importance of sharing with others, especially those most in need.

A figure of the Messiah: This portion also reminds us that the Tabernacle is a type of Yeshua since it was the place where the presence of the Most High was manifested to his people Israel. In the same way, the Father manifested his divine Presence when…

“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only begotten son), full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

Furthermore, the promise that we find in the book of Ezekiel not only reaffirms the special relationship between Yehovah and Israel, but also points towards a future where the presence of the Almighty will be even more direct and personal for all generations to come through the figure of the heir to the throne: Yeshua the Messiah.

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