Parasha Shemot – Names

After a time of prosperity and enjoyment under Joseph’s rule, the children of Israel suddenly found themselves confronted with a challenge: slavery imposed by a new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph’s history, much less appreciate what he had brought to Egypt. This period of oppression becomes a dark chapter for the Israelites, as they were subjected to forced labor in very cruel and difficult conditions.
However, in the midst of this adversity, an outstanding figure emerges: Moses, designated by Yehovah as the deliverer of the people. Moses will become a divine instrument for the deliverance of the children of Israel. Through a series of miraculous events and confrontations with Pharaoh; he will lead the people to freedom, beginning an epic journey known as: The Exodus.

At the end of this portion, Moses meets with his brother Aharon and together they appear before Pharaoh, asking him to let the Israelites go out to serve Yehovah. Pharaoh refuses and hardens his heart, increasing the workload of the slaves. It is then that Yehovah promises Moses that he will show his power and glory, and that he will bring out his people with a mighty hand.

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Parasha Shemot – Names

After a time of prosperity and enjoyment under Joseph’s rule, the children of Israel suddenly found themselves confronted with a challenge: slavery imposed by a new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph’s history, much less appreciate what he had brought to Egypt. This period of oppression becomes a dark chapter for the Israelites, as they were subjected to forced labor in very cruel and difficult conditions.
However, in the midst of this adversity, an outstanding figure emerges: Moses, designated by Yehovah as the deliverer of the people. Moses will become a divine instrument for the deliverance of the children of Israel. Through a series of miraculous events and confrontations with Pharaoh; he will lead the people to freedom, beginning an epic journey known as: The Exodus.

At the end of this portion, Moses meets with his brother Aharon and together they appear before Pharaoh, asking him to let the Israelites go out to serve Yehovah. Pharaoh refuses and hardens his heart, increasing the workload of the slaves. It is then that Yehovah promises Moses that he will show his power and glory, and that he will bring out his people with a mighty hand.

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