After being sold into slavery, Joseph proved to be a faithful and competent servant. However, he faced several trials when he was accused of a crime he did not commit and was imprisoned. Despite this, Joseph demonstrated a unique gift for interpreting dreams. With this ability and with Yehovah’s help, he was appointed governor of Egypt, becoming second after Pharaoh. His story is a testimony to divine provision and God’s ability to transform adverse situations into instruments for good.

The Parashah Miketz leaves us a great teaching, revealing the change of attitude of Joseph’s brothers, especially Judah, who offers to stay as a slave instead of Benjamin, Jacob’s favorite son. This contrasts with what they had done with Joseph, when they sold him into slavery out of jealousy. Now Joseph’s brothers show remorse and repentance, as well as compassion for their father and for their younger brother. These are attitudes and values that we can well develop in our own lives.