Parashah Bo – Go

The Exodus is an event in the history of the world that demonstrates Yehovah‘s control over the nations. It is a great lesson in how our Father is not only the Creator but also the day-to-day Governor of the Universe, even in things that we might consider irrelevant to Him. This event shows us that Yehovah can intervene in the most powerful realms, demonstrating that He Was, Is and Will Be.

The Commandment of Yehováh leaves no room for doubt. Pesach (Passover) is a celebration that we must observe if we consider ourselves part of His people.

Like the observance of Shabbat, which it is a sign that we are His children, the commemoration of Pesach is another credential that identifies us as those rescued by Him. Yehovah Elohim gives us clear instructions regarding this, and even if we find ourselves in the diaspora—outside the land of Israel—we must make our best effort to obey or at least demonstrate our desire to do so.

In fact, no one can truly celebrate Pesach today due to the absence of the House of Yehovah (the Temple). However, what we can do is remember this celebration, as it serves as an educational way to teach new generations about the great works of our Creator and Father, Yehovah.

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Parashah Bo – Go

The Exodus is an event in the history of the world that demonstrates Yehovah‘s control over the nations. It is a great lesson in how our Father is not only the Creator but also the day-to-day Governor of the Universe, even in things that we might consider irrelevant to Him. This event shows us that Yehovah can intervene in the most powerful realms, demonstrating that He Was, Is and Will Be.

The Commandment of Yehováh leaves no room for doubt. Pesach (Passover) is a celebration that we must observe if we consider ourselves part of His people.

Like the observance of Shabbat, which it is a sign that we are His children, the commemoration of Pesach is another credential that identifies us as those rescued by Him. Yehovah Elohim gives us clear instructions regarding this, and even if we find ourselves in the diaspora—outside the land of Israel—we must make our best effort to obey or at least demonstrate our desire to do so.

In fact, no one can truly celebrate Pesach today due to the absence of the House of Yehovah (the Temple). However, what we can do is remember this celebration, as it serves as an educational way to teach new generations about the great works of our Creator and Father, Yehovah.

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