Delve Into Weekly Torah Portions
Deepen your understanding of the Scriptures! Uncover the historical and spiritual significance of the stories, and connect these narratives to faith, perseverance, and the plan of YeHoVaH.

Parashah T’rumah
The Hebrew word “terumah” means “offering”. In this context, it refers to the voluntary contributions that the Israelites were to make for the construction of

Parashah Mishpatim
Yehováh delivered the Royal Law on Mount Sinai. It is very important to understand that when we use the expression “The Royal Law”, it is

Parashah Yitro
At this point in the Exodus narrative we find Moses taking on the monumental task of judging the people of Israel. Sitting from morning to

Parashah B’shalaj
Parashah Beshalach narrates one of the most outstanding episodes in the history of the people of Israel: the liberation from slavery in Egypt and the

Parashah Bo – Go
The Exodus is an event in the history of the world that demonstrates Yehovah‘s control over the nations. It is a great lesson in how our

Parashah va’Era – I appeared
The God who appeared to Abraham and made a covenant with him is the same God who appeared to Moses in the bush. Curiously, this

Parashah Shemot – Names
After a time of prosperity and enjoyment under Joseph’s rule, the children of Israel suddenly found themselves confronted with a challenge: slavery imposed by a

Parashah vaYeji – He lived
We are about to finish reading the book of the Beginning: Genesis. Being already in the last moments of his life, Jacob gave clear instructions

Parashah vaYgash – He approached
From the earliest childhood Yosef, son of Ya’akov, was considered a special person. Having been born of the one who was “the woman he loved”,

Parasha Miketz – At the end
After being sold into slavery, Joseph proved to be a faithful and competent servant. However, he faced several trials when he was accused of a

Parashah Vayeshev – He continued living
As we delve into this portion, we embark on one of the most captivating stories, showcasing how Yehovah, the Creator of the heavens and the

Parashah Vayshlach – The meaning of Israel
The name Israel appears for the first time in this section of the Torah. Jacob is named after the mysterious being with whom he wrestled