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To every one of Satan’s temptations Yeshua replied “it is written”. Taking his authority from the Torah and taking us all directly back to the Torah for the foundation of all truth. Deuteronomy 16:1 (KJV) says to “observe the month of Abib.” However, the Hebrew states very clearly to guard or “shamar” the month of THE Aviv.
We are told in Exodus 34:18 that we came out of Egypt in the month of THE Aviv. In fact, this was the very incident during which hail destroyed the barley crop because it was Aviv.
The scribes translated the word Aviv as “in the ear”, which makes no sense. We have to remember that the translators were not experts in the field of agriculture. They did not know that Aviv was literally an ancient Hebrew agricultural term that applies only to the ripening stage of the barley; they translated it differently and renamed the term Aviv to the Month Abib as the actual name of the month.