Charting The End, Episode 1

EPISODE 1 of 5: Context Is Everything

This week (April 12) on Shabbat Night Live, numbered sound bites (i.e. stand-alone Bible verses) can’t tell the story of the Scriptures. Picking and choosing verses out of context is how centuries of Christianity have created a persona of the Messiah that is far from reality.

In this inaugural episode, Michael Rood sheds light on how we got here, and how we can unravel history to get back to the truth.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 15:09) In the context of Revelation chapter 10 verse 8, how does the act of eating the ‘little book’ symbolize the experience of receiving and internalizing a prophetic message, and what implications does this have for understanding the broader narrative of the Book of Revelation?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 21:37) Considering the assertion that the Book of Revelation was written by Yeshua for His servants, how does the imagery of the ‘mighty angel’ and the ‘little scroll’ in Revelation chapter 10 contribute to the understanding that this book is intended for those who are deeply committed to the ministry and not merely for casual interpretation?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 22:11) How does the directive given to Yochanan by Yeshua, to withhold writing certain revelations from the scroll, align with the concept that the full understanding of the Book of Revelation requires a comprehensive knowledge of the entire biblical narrative?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 26:03) How does the concept of synchronizing the events of the Gospels, like the feeding of the five thousand, help to create a harmonious ‘symphony’ that reveals the full narrative of Yeshua’s ministry, and how does this approach affect our understanding of the ‘fifth gospel’ presented in the Book of Revelation?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 29:40) Why did Yeshua instruct His disciples to keep His identity as the Messiah secret, and how does this relate to His mission as described in the prophecy of Moses and the events of Shavuot (Pentecost)?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 35:25) How does the distinction between Yeshua’s roles as the prophesied Messiah and the prophet ‘who we are required to hear and obey’ shape the understanding of His teachings and the fulfillment of biblical prophecies?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 38:12) How does the concept of resurrection as presented in the Book of Revelation serve as a source of comfort and hope for believers, and what role does the rejection of ‘fairy tale’ comforts play in reinforcing the authenticity of biblical promises?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 44:47) How does the reordering of the Book of Revelation to align with modern literary conventions enhance our understanding of its message, and what significance does the discovery of its Hebrew version hold for interpreting the ‘good news’ of Yeshua Messiah?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 48:00) How does the recognition of Yeshua as the ‘great prophet’ prophesied by Moses influence the mission and teachings he imparted to his apostles, and what implications does this have for the understanding of ecclesia in the context of early Christian gatherings?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 54:51) What is the significance of the evolution of the name ‘Yehoshua’ to ‘Yeshua’ in the context of the early Christian congregations, and how does this relate to the theological distinction between being ‘begotten again’ and ‘born again’ as it pertains to the resurrection and the kingdom of heaven?

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