How to Avoid Disease

Is there truly an escape route that enables you to sidestep the disease statistics of the modern world?

Indeed there is, and it’s simpler than you might think. In fact, I’ve met hundreds of people who have seen the symptoms of their life-threatening diseases simply disappear after making a simple diet change.

In some cases, it took a year or more; in others, less than a month.

I’ve seen diabetics reverse the symptoms of their condition in as little as two weeks, and I interviewed a woman a few years ago who reversed all symptoms of an egg-sized breast cancer in just three months.

One interview I’ll never forget was with a worship pastor who had lost his ability to play the piano because of multiple sclerosis. He had an MRI at the time of his diagnosis that showed lesions on his brain, confirming that his symptoms were due to MS.

He decided to forgo modern medical treatments and adopt the diet discussed in my book, Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness.

One year later, having refused any medical treatments, he had another MRI. The lesions were gone and so were his symptoms. The doctor in charge of his care told him plainly, “You could quit your job right now and make a living going with me to every medical conference in the world to show them your before and after MRIs, because you have the proof that diet change alone can reverse symptoms of MS. Doctors have never seen that before.”

I’ve seen symptom reversal from several diseases in my own family. Because of the diet discussed in Escape Root, I no longer have acid reflux or heart palpitations. My wife has been able to bring hypothyroidism, or Hashimoto’s Disease, under control. My parents, who both had colon cancer within three years of each other, have had perfectly clear colonoscopies since adopting the diet change — in their 70s! And my children, who both had asthma, no longer have any symptoms; all signs disappeared less than a month after giving up foods that were causing the problems.

How can a diet change do all of this? Don’t you need a special diet for this and a special diet for that? No!

The truth is that all disease is the same thing; it’s just different manifestations. All disease is simply malfunctioning cells. And the best way to ensure that cells function properly, especially after they have malfunctioned is with a plant-based diet.


But you can read it ALL right now in my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at

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