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Parashah Ki Tisa

Our portion for this week begins with instructions regarding the census. This fact has an important significance because it allows us to see the equality of all souls before our Creator and Father: there is no difference in terms of economic status, ancestry, education, appearance, training, connections or experience.
The census was taken to determine the potential of the nations to go to war; and this offering or tax was no guarantee of their lives or that they would be successful in battle. Whether they won or lost, Yehovah decreed that Israel should pay a ransom for their own souls during the census, thus showing the seriousness with which Yehovah regarded the loss of human life.
The payment was to be made annually, and was practiced until the time of the Babylonian exile under Nebuchadnezzar, when it was suspended. It was later re-established by Nehemiah when they returned from exile, but Hadrian, the Roman emperor, prohibited it in 135 CE. Now that Yisrael has returned to its land, this practice was re-established on March 23, 1997.


Despite having made the decision to follow Yeshua, we still retain within us the impulse to do what seems good in our own eyes, something we have been accustomed to doing for so many years, and we easily tend to reject the guidelines provided by our Father Yehovah in an almost natural way.

We fill ourselves with reasoning and act exactly as Eve did in Eden: “we see things, they seem good to us, we find them pleasant, and we proceed to act” without giving much importance to our actions and much less to their consequences.

Such was the case of Aaron. Fortunately he repented in time and the forgiveness for him and his family was so complete that he was kept in the position he had received of being second only to Moses and, even more, he was appointed High Priest in the service of Yehovah!

When there is true repentance and actions that demonstrate it, Yehovah forgives and moves forward with His plan for us. This is wonderful grace.

But let’s not forget the lesson: A serious commitment to obedience is required of us; it is what our Father expects. In the process of obeying, there will always be a multitude of rationalizations such as: “It seems that I am the only one who is into this, because most people do something else”; or … “I feel weird acting this way”, etc. But Yehovah hopes that our will controls such impulses and thoughts and that we intelligently decide to follow his instructions, commandments, laws, decrees, statutes, testimonies and so on. By acting in this way, we will be showing him that we trust in his words, that we consider ourselves his people and above all that we really love him.

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Parashah Mishpatim

Yehováh delivered the Royal Law on Mount Sinai. It is very important to understand that when we use the expression “The Royal Law”, it is because we are referring to the Law of the King or of the Kingdom, that is to say that it belongs to the Royalty of Yehováh; that is why it is of an unparalleled category.
Later in these chapters, Yehovah, the King, begins to hand down more detailed ordinances through Moses, which have to do with the new condition of a people who until now did not know what it was to be free. No. It is not the total absence of an authority that makes us free, but obedience to the laws established by that Supreme Authority.

The instructions we receive from Yehováh our Father encourage us to look out for the needs of others, rather than protecting our own. This philosophy clashes with that of the present world, where the permanent emphasis is on demanding respect for “our rights” to the point of totally ignoring our duties or obligations.

As we progress through the Torah, you will notice that nowhere does Yehovah, our Father, instruct us to adopt such a position; on the contrary, he will always be reminding us of the importance of taking care of those around us: parents, family, friends, etc., who may be in need.

The best role model for us is Yeshua, who modeled a role of servant or caretaker not only with his disciples but with all his contemporaries, when he healed them, provided them with food, instructed them and prayed for them, even to the point of death. Think about it: If Yeshua had demanded his rights, where would you and I be?

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Parashah Bo – Go

The Exodus is an event in the history of the world that demonstrates Yehovah‘s control over the nations. It is a great lesson in how our Father is not only the Creator but also the day-to-day Governor of the Universe, even in things that we might consider irrelevant to Him. This event shows us that Yehovah can intervene in the most powerful realms, demonstrating that He Was, Is and Will Be.

The Commandment of Yehováh leaves no room for doubt. Pesach (Passover) is a celebration that we must observe if we consider ourselves part of His people.

Like the observance of Shabbat, which it is a sign that we are His children, the commemoration of Pesach is another credential that identifies us as those rescued by Him. Yehovah Elohim gives us clear instructions regarding this, and even if we find ourselves in the diaspora—outside the land of Israel—we must make our best effort to obey or at least demonstrate our desire to do so.

In fact, no one can truly celebrate Pesach today due to the absence of the House of Yehovah (the Temple). However, what we can do is remember this celebration, as it serves as an educational way to teach new generations about the great works of our Creator and Father, Yehovah.

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Parashah vaYeji – He lived

We are about to finish reading the book of the Beginning: Genesis. Being already in the last moments of his life, Jacob gave clear instructions to his sons regarding his burial. His body was to be taken to Canaan to be placed in the cave of Machpelah that his grandfather Avraham had acquired years before.

The Scriptures record three properties that the Israelites acquired for money from the Canaanites: the first, the burial cave purchased by Abraham from Ephron the Hittite; the second, that acquired by Jacob from Hamor; and the third one acquired by King David, the threshing floor of Araunah as recorded in 2Samuel 24. 24; these three places testify to the legal ownership of the land by the people of Israel and their right to possess it, although it is much more conclusive that it was Yehovah who promised it to them as an inheritance.

Let us pay special attention to the blessing on Joseph, for we are living in the most exciting time in history, witnessing the fulfillment of many prophecies; so that what was foreseen to happen, has almost been fulfilled.

Yehovah, our Father, is about to finish his plan to achieve his goal: The restoration of all things to their original order. Yes, all this history leads to the restoration of His sovereignty and authority throughout the Universe.

In these days Yehovah is awakening all of us who are descendants of the lost tribes and He is also beginning to awaken Yahudah, whom we know as: the Jews. They are our brothers and one day we will finally be together, as foreseen in Ezekiel 37 and in many other parts of Scripture.

We need to learn from them what so many centuries of maintaining their identity have taught them; but they also need to learn from us who is the true Messiah: Yeshua, to whom we too must return. I am not talking about the westernized Jesus, but the authentic Messiah, the Yahudite, the one with Hebrew roots, the one who modeled keeping the Torah without abolishing it, the one who kept the Shabbat and the Feasts of Yehovah, the one who came to seek and save what was lost.

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Parashah Vayeshev – He continued living

As we delve into this portion, we embark on one of the most captivating stories, showcasing how Yehovah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, exercises absolute control over every detail of human life. It also provides us with an intimate view of the profound transformation in the character of those who choose to remain faithful to Him and demonstrate integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities.

The account of Judah’s life appears as a parenthesis within the larger narrative of Joseph, yet these two stories are intricately parallel. While Joseph was being prepared to ascend as governor—a journey spanning 13 years—and another 8 years passed before his first encounter with his brothers, making a total of 21 years, everything recounted about Judah unfolded during this same period. This parallel narrative reveals the interconnectedness of their paths and the divine orchestration behind their stories.

This passage of Scripture reminds us that through faithfulness and dedication, we can achieve significant goals, even in the face of challenging circumstances. It highlights the importance of recognizing God’s presence in our lives and trusting His plan, even when the path before us is unclear. Vayeshev emphasizes that faith and perseverance not only guide us through adversity but also lead to profound personal transformation and the fulfillment of a greater purpose in life.

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Parashah Tol’dot – Generations

The animosity that we are witnessing between the people of Israel and their Arab neighbors dates back to the time of the patriarchs. When Rebecca (Rivka) gave birth to Esau (Esav) and Jacob (Ya’akov), problems and rivalries began. Esau wanted to kill Jacob; and such an attitude was seen multiple times throughout the history of Israel. When the House of Judah was taken into captivity, Esau’s descendants not only mocked, but those who tried to escape were captured in order to kill them or hand them over to the enemies, as it is related in the book of the prophet Obadiah 1:11-14.

We often say that history is cyclical, that is, it repeats itself over and over again. When we read carefully the stories that our Father Yehovah wanted us to know, we realize that what happened to the patriarchs, are shadows of what would happen to the rest of Yehovah’s people; in this way He is letting us know the end, from the beginning.

When reading these portions we need to do so by giving flight to our imagination in order to recreate each circumstance and to be able to dimension the transcendence of each event. In doing so, we will find “hidden pearls” that will enrich our lives and motivate us to remain faithful to the covenant we have made with our Father Yehovah and with Yeshua our Messiah.

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Parashah Lech Lecha

The story of Abram begins when he lived in the land of the Chaldeans. From there he was called by Yehovah to go out after Him, to a land that would be shown to him. However, it was his father Terah who took the initiative to set out on this journey, taking with him Abram, his wife and Lot who was the son of Haran, who died at an early age in Ur. Their first station was in a place called Haran and Terah stayed there until the day of his death, but Abram continued his journey to reach the land of Canaan.

This portion (Parashah) of Scripture allows us to take a glimpse of the pilgrimage of our father Abram, for whom it was not easy to leave behind the stability that represented remaining settled in one place surrounded by his entire family.

At the conclusion of this reading, we find Abram – exalted father, transformed into Abraham – father of multitudes. As we read carefully, we will discover the changes in Abraham’s character throughout his journey.

Abraham was the first Hebrew (Hebrew word that comes from: heber and means: to cross over to the other side), a figure that becomes for us a model. Those of us who know Yehovah and his Torah, are called to “cross over to the other side”, that is to say, to leave the system of the world to enter the Kingdom of Heaven governed by Him.

Abraham’s determined and diligent obedience is challenging, because as soon as he received the command of circumcision as a sign of the covenant, he carried it out that very day: Genesis 17:23.

This is the kind of obedience we are called to live: with decision, diligence and firm will in spite of how difficult this may be; for taking this last sign of the covenant as an example, it would be one thing to circumcise boys on the 8th day; and quite another (and painful by the way), to circumcise adult men and older men.

Yeshúa cenando con sus discípulos

The Jewishness of Yeshua

After Yeshua’s departure and as the years went by, many non-Jewish people of multiple backgrounds entered the community of his followers, whose influence, little by little, began to distance themselves from the Jewish community…

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a few kilometers from Jerusalem. His parents were from the tribe of Judah. He was circumcised on the eighth day, according to the Law of Moses. He was raised and educated in Nazareth. At the age of 13, he visited the Temple to enter into his adult life, doing his bar mitzvah. Every year, he went up to Jerusalem at least three times for the Feasts of Yehovah: Passover (Pesach), Pentecost (Shavuot), and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), as commanded by the Scriptures. His disciples were all Jews. He attended the synagogue on Shabbat (Saturday). As a member of the Jewish community, he kept the biblical diet. All his teachings were based on what we know as the Old Testament, primarily the Pentateuch or Torah. With all these backgrounds, don’t you wonder: Why then does he have a name that is not Hebrew?

At the time Jesus lived, there was much discontent because their land was occupied by the Romans. The Romans wanted to impose worship of the empire and its rulers as if they were gods, which conflicted with the Jewish faith, leading to frequent riots and uprisings against the Romans, who eventually destroyed the Temple in 68 AD.

By then, the community of Jesus’ followers began to be harassed by both the Romans and the Temple leaders, who were a corrupt caste, as Jesus had denounced.

(Let’s take a brief pause to clarify that Jesus’ original name was Yehoshua, although according to the custom of the time, the shorter name Yeshua was used. We will use this name to refer to our Lord from now on).

After Yeshua’s departure and over the years, many non-Jewish people from various backgrounds joined the community of his followers. Their influence gradually led to a separation from the Jewish community that did not accept them, which was continuously confronting the Romans due to their faith. History tells us that those of the Way, as the followers of Yeshua called themselves at the beginning, ended up being victims of the Romans as well.

It becomes evident that when they copied the gospels and other documents of the New Testament to make them available to the multiple groups that were emerging, they found an easy way to make adjustments to the names of people and places, thus disconnecting all the protagonists of the stories narrated there from their origins..

Thus, Yeshua became: Iesous in Greek, and eventually Jesus in English. A similar transformation occurred with all the other characters: Shimon became Peter; Yohanan, John; Mattityahu, Matthew; etc. This also happened with Old Testament characters: Yesha’yahu – Isaiah; Yirmeyahu, Jeremiah; Yehezkel, Ezekiel, to name a few. Places and city names were not exempt: Beit-Lehem (house of bread) became Bethlehem; Beit-Anyah (house of poverty) became Bethany; etc.

While we do not claim this diminishes the credibility of the Scriptures, it does disconnect the narratives from their cultural background; we cannot deny that when reading about a character named Peter or John, we think of people we know, and such names do not evoke images of people from another culture. It is curious that almost none of these transliterated or translated names relate to the original culture.

Why is the Jewishness of Yeshua important?

When we open our eyes to this reality, we realize that Yeshua is part of God’s plan with the people of Israel. Yeshua did not come to establish a community separate from Israel but to continue the Abrahamic faith, of which we are a part, restoring obedience to God’s revelation without disconnecting from its cultural roots.

At this point, it is important to see the effect of Yeshua and his teachings on his immediate followers. Did they abandon their culture and beliefs? No. On the contrary, they affirmed them. Did they renounce their Jewish identity? Not at all; the book of Acts testifies to their zeal and faithfulness in obeying Yehovah’s Word (Torah).

What is certain is that Yeshua restored obedience to the instructions (Torah) given by God to His people, teaching and modeling them with his own life, thus opening the doors of the Kingdom for anyone who wishes to enter.

This is what our work at A Rood Awakening is about: providing you with videos, topics, Bible studies, and everything you need to immerse yourself in Yeshua’s (Jesus’) cultural dimension and that of other characters, which will open your eyes to a surprising understanding of the message that our Father Yehovah has brought to you.

If you have any questions or need guidance, please do not hesitate to write to us using the Comment section below.

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Unmistakable Signs of the End of the Age

It would take naivety and innocence to affirm that political leaders will somehow find answers to all this chaos.

Likewise, just as it happened in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed. Luke 17:28-30

On several occasions, Yeshua declared that prior to His return, the situation would be similar to the days preceding the Flood and the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah. And what were those conditions? Nothing more and nothing less than the ones we are witnessing. Let’s see:

  • Abortions – equivalent to the sacrifices of children offered to demons, disregarding the life given by the Creator.
  • Greed – Insatiable desire for material things. At present, almost all activities in life revolve around buying and selling some product. Humanity is insatiable and is not ashamed of it.
  • Unions outside of marriage – Fornication – Adultery. Relationships have been degraded to the purely physical level, and in the best cases, marriage is just a social activity without any commitment.
  • Excesses in food and drink – Today, the proliferation of exotic and unhealthy foods leads to gluttony and dependence on them; the same happens with drinks, and poor health is the consequence of these excesses.
  • Industrial food production – Through genetically manipulated seeds, a few companies produce food for humanity because most people are clustered in cities, disconnected from Creation and its Creator.
  • Unprecedented construction – as a response to the needs of the crowds crowded in urban centers.

Faced with all of the above, you don’t need to be a scientist or a prophet to identify the current conditions. Just open your eyes and look around. Of course, we haven’t mentioned all the other situations that are also already present: frequent earthquakes, diseases due to people’s blind trust in official health systems, pollution of our planet, complete imbalance in the delicate system created by YeHoVaH… etc.

So, ask yourself if you truly believe that this will improve through a political party or a human leader. If your answer is negative, ask yourself this other question: how long will this situation last? It would take naivety and innocence to affirm that political leaders will somehow find answers to all this chaos. No. The situation will worsen because it’s foreseen to.

Yeshua warned us in advance that this would happen; moreover, He encouraged us to lift our faces because when this is being fulfilled, it means our liberation is near. It is planned that these things will happen before His return to establish a real kingdom of justice and peace.

There’s no room for fear because we have hope in the promises of our Eternal Father YeHoVaH, who will intervene in due time to rescue His faithful remnant who have separated themselves from the contaminated system and placed their trust in Him. It’s time to align your daily life with His commandments. If you haven’t done so yet, what are you waiting for?


The Feasts of YeHoVaH

Modern lifestyle has disconnected us from nature – Yehovah’s Creation – and has connected us to an artificial life that prevents us from understanding the way God acts.

We were created to interact with Creation at all its levels. The original mandate was: “fill the earth and govern it.” Instead of that, we have grouped ourselves to live in paved cities, full of skyscrapers, highly polluted, and we have lost sight of the Garden in which we were originally placed.

Modern lifestyle has disconnected us from nature – Yehovah’s Creation – and has connected us to an artificial life that prevents us from understanding the way God acts.

In this condition, we do not know or understand the Festivals that were given to us, as they are linked to nature and the cycles of food cultivation.

Not only have we lost the opportunity to recognize the hand of our Father in nature, but we also ignore the meaning of the Appointed Times gave by Him. Yehovah our Father determined multiple celebrations throughout the year:

For the Spring season:

  • The Celebration of Pesach (Passover).
  • The Feast of Matzot (Unleavened Bread).
  • The celebration of Bikkurim (First Fruits).
  • The Feast of Shavuot (Weeks or Pentecost).

For the Fall season:

  • The celebration of Yom Teruah (Trumpets).
  • The celebration of Yom Kippurim (Day of Atonements).
  • The Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles).

We then have Four Celebrations and Three Festivals each year. But we also have at the beginning of each month, the celebration of Yom Kodesh or the beginning of the lunar month (see topic: Yehovah’s Calendar), and every week, we have the Shabbat, a gift from our Father so that we can suspend the routines that sometimes overwhelm us and take a break in His presence (see topic: Shabbath, the First Commandment).

In general, we can affirm that these Celebrations and Festivals have several purposes:

Setting aside time to be with Him, knowing Him, and thanking Him for His constant provision.
Keeping us alert to the development of His perfect Eternal Plan.
Identifying ourselves as His people by honoring Him.
Recreating and rejoicing in the proper and non-harmful manner.
When we practice these Celebrations and Festivals, we are acknowledging that Yehovah is the center of our existence, so we orbit around Him throughout the year, and in that way, we testify that He is the most important person in our lives. Additionally, these are opportunities to develop our interpersonal relationships and take time to rest and enjoy the things He provides for us.

Decide to participate in Yehovah’s Festivals because you will gain an understanding of His Word that is not possible to achieve otherwise.