Kindgom Killers, Episode 3

EPSODE 3 of 4: Who’s In Control?

This week (June 7) on Shabbat Night Live: When things don’t go our way, we say it’s an attack of the enemy — but is that true? Are we being attacked or are we being tested by a loving Father?

Dr. Gail Davis brings us back to the Garden of Eden to redefine obedience and consequences when given the choice to follow or reject YeHoVaH’s commandments.

Watch the episode — included on this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 6:20) Considering that Yehovah is in control and allows challenges to test decision-making, how can we discern between acts of disobedience and obedience?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 9:20) How does the belief in Yeshua as the tree of life influence one’s perspective on overcoming challenges and their focus in life?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 12:38) How can the repetitive messaging of mainstream media impact our beliefs and decisions, and how can we critically assess the information presented to us to avoid manipulation?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 17:26) How do technology and food industry practices reflect on societal behaviors and the potential consequences for personal health and autonomy?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 20:45) What is the primary concern regarding food products from corporations like Kraft and Subway?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 24:03) How does the process of apoptosis contribute to preventing cancer cell accumulation, and what role does fasting play in enhancing this process?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 27:33) What is the significance of seeds in the Bible, and how do they relate to Yehovah’s design for creation?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 31:45) How does the concept of seed diversity relate to the principles of agriculture mentioned in Deuteronomy, and what are the potential consequences of manipulating this diversity as described in the Green Revolution?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 36:06) How can individuals and communities navigate the challenges posed by corporate control of food sources and the potential ethical implications of genetic manipulation in agriculture?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 40:16) Considering the potential risks and ethical concerns, how should global food policies evolve to address the introduction and regulation of genetically modified crops?

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