The Truth In Fiction, Ep 1

Yeshua’s parables explained deep, biblical truths through the use of simple, fictional stories. Can we do the same to help people understand events of The Revelation? Dr. Doug Hamp explains his effort to do just that.

ENG- Parashá Noach cabecera

Parashah Noach (Noah)

The story of Noah is one of the most mythical in the entire Torah. Noah was the tenth since Adam and the world had already become corrupt and forgotten its purpose. All of Creation would be destroyed, return to a state of purity and experience a new beginning through Noah and his descendants.

The story of the Flood, and the answer to whether or not it really happened, is one of the main markers separating those who believe in biblical history from those who believe in the theory of evolution.

Although not everyone agrees with the conclusions of Ron Wyatt and the Turkish authorities, there is no doubt that this discovery served as a trigger to get us, believers and non-believers alike, thinking about the veracity of the biblical stories and how they may have unfolded.

I encourage you to supplement your biblical studies with the historical context of each era, archaeological discoveries and extra-biblical material in order to gain a more comprehensive perspective of the stories that constitute our faith.