Kingdom Killers, Episode 2

EPSODE 2 of 4: False Evidence Appearing Real

This week (May 31) on Shabbat Night Live: YeHoVaH has not given us a spirit of fear — so why do we give in to it?

In this episode, Dr. Gail Davis explains why fear is the genesis of all negativity in our lives and encourages us to stop thinking of fear as a threat and start thinking of it as an acronym that exposes it for what it really is: False Evidence Appearing Real.

Watch the episode — included in this blog post.

While you watch, consider the questions below. The timeline for each discussion topic in the video is noted on each question. Post your answers in the comments section and let’s get some discussion going!

  1. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 5:18) How do emotions like anger and resentment specifically affect the liver in the context of Chinese medicine?
  2. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 12:14) How does the concept of ‘connecting the dots’ relate to the discussion of fear and doubt in the context of health and spirituality?
  3. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 14:21) How does the concept of ‘do not fear’ as a commandment relate to the physiological responses in the body and overall health?
  4. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 19:56) How does the ‘fear based emotion of hate’ demand more space in the brain, and what are the implications of this on one’s thought life and health?
  5. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 21:56) How does the process of taking ‘every thought captive’ relate to the concept of love overcoming negative emotions?
  6. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 24:32) How does the Hallelujah Diet propose to impact the outcomes of individuals with cancer, and what role does emotional state play?
  7. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 27:34) Considering the significant influence of emotions on health, how might the current medical education system be improved to incorporate a more holistic understanding of health and wellness?
  8. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 32:11) How does the parable of the farmer in Matthew 13:20-23 relate to the concept of spiritual growth and the challenges of maintaining faith amidst life’s distractions and temptations?
  9. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 35:18) How does the concept of ‘renewing the mind’ relate to the idea of brain detoxification, and what role does personal choice play in the effectiveness of such a process?
  10. (VIDEO TIMELINE – 39:10) How does faith and personal belief influence the process of overcoming challenges and negative thoughts?