Is Breakfast Cereal Healthy?

Breakfast cereals, especially ones marketed to children, often claim that the cereal contains “A good source of calcium and vitamin D.” At face value, the claim is essentially true.

Calcium and vitamin D will indeed help children grow up strong IF, that is, these nutrients are derived from plant-based, whole food sources, which contain all of the naturally-occurring co-factors present in their natural state.

Of course, in the case of refined, boxed breakfast cereal, this is not the case.

The amount of sugar and refined grains in breakfast cereal completely nullify the amount of calcium and vitamin D that may be added to it, not to mention that the calcium and vitamin D had to be artificially inserted into the cereal to make the claim.

These nutrients are “isolated” nutrients, meaning they have been extracted from their natural state and separated from countless, complementary, naturally-occurring nutrients that help it carry out its expected benefits in the human body.

Not to mention, the refined sugar in the cereal — regardless of how many “vitamins and minerals” are added:

  • suppresses the immune system
  • upsets the mineral relationships in the body
  • causes blood proteins to function less effectively
  • produces a significant rise in triglycerides
  • can contribute to juvenile delinquency and obesity
  • contributes to premature aging
  • aggravates arthritis, and
  • is associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease.

Speaking of disease, we spend all kinds of time and money on disease research and therapeutic solutions, but cutting disease out or poisoning it or, more accurately, its symptoms, into submission is not the answer.

We need to focus on examining the fuel that made the body break down in the first place and using better fuel to reverse the damage.

As we have already established, that “breakdown” called disease, no matter what form it takes, is simply malfunctioning cells.

NEXT TIME… we’ll get into the secret to keeping your cells functioning at their maximum potential.

But you can read it ALL right now in my latest book, “Escape Root: The Secret Passage to Lifelong Wellness” available at