michael rood yom teruah


September 10-11, 2021

Yom Teruah (Michael Rood Yom Teruah) 2021 is a FREE ONLINE EVENT—but you must register to watch it LIVE!

Check your registration confirmation email for the watch page link!

Join us Friday and Saturday, September 10-11, 2021 as we “sound the alarm” to prepare for the end times and Yeshua’s return!

Yom Teruah is a rehearsal of the moment that “the temple, the trumpet, and the end time tribulation” collide — the moment of which no man knows the day or the hour! It’s a call to worship and spiritual warfare as we remember the Torah that was shouted down on Mount Sinai and look forward to the Living Torah who will come down in a cloud!

yom teruah

Yom Teruah Resources

Get it All — FREE of Charge

Joel Richardson

The Future of The Middle East

with Joel Richardson

Chaos rules the day, but YeHoVaH rules the chaos! Joel Richardson gives us an exclusive update on happenings in the Middle East, what it means for our future, which prophecies are happening before our eyes, and why YeHoVaH is allowing it to happen. From Afghanistan to Neom, the beast system to the Ark of the Covenant, Joel covers it all!

Carl Gallups

The Summoning

with Pastor Carl Gallups

Can YeHoVaH appoint us for his purposes — and we don’t even know it? Pastor Carl Gallups is living proof! He shares an inspiring story of writing a book that turned into prophecy, a bizarre vision that connected people on two continents, and how the Almighty is summoning his believers in this moment to prepare for the coming days of Noah!

Nehemia Gordon & Keith Johnson

The Trumpet

with Nehemia Gordon & Keith Johnson

Yom Teruah is a significant event in the Fall Feasts of the LORD, but what is it really all about? Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson give a biblical basis for the sounding of the shofar, where it comes from, why it is used, and what the sounding of the shofar means for believers in these end times!

Keith Johnson

Israel Update: Shalom Jerusalem

with Keith Johnson and Yehuda and Hadass Glick

Yehuda and Hadass Glick share their breathtaking story of walking in prophecy and standing up for the Word and the Temple Mount, despite attempted assassination. Plus, they share a divinely-inspired concept of bringing widows and orphans together to support each other — a concept that is about to sweep the world!

Nehemia & Frankie.jpg

Temples Unearthed

with Nehemia Gordon and Frankie Snyder

We are told that the Western Wall is the only remaining piece of the Second Temple, but is that true? Assembling a historical puzzle of the Temple Mount, Frankie Snyder shares amazing historical information and recent discoveries that not only reveal more of the Second Temple but even evidence of the First Temple!

Michael Rood TV

The Best of Michael Rood: Yom Teruah

There’s nothing like celebrating Yom Teruah with Michael Rood and hundreds of like-minded believers in a hotel banquet room — but Michael’s recovery is not yet complete and the world is still in pandemic mode! So, we’ve searched the video archives for Michael’s BEST YOM TERUAH TEACHING so you can join us from home!

Vladimir Zelenko


with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Why are COVID patients being denied safe, effective medications? Are there other options? And what can we do to reduce our risk? Co-developer of the HCQ, zinc, azithromycin protocol and the physician to more than 6,000 affected patients, Dr. Zelenko has the controversial answers. 

(This session will not be broadcast. It is available for viewing only on the MichaelRood.tv app.)

Tentative Schedule

Friday, September 10

  • 8:00pm – Shabbat Night Live with Yom Teruah 2021 Guests

Saturday, September 11

  • 10:00am – Joel Richardson
  • 11:00am – Pastor Carl Gallups
  • 12:00pm – Break for lunch
  • 1:00pm – Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson
  • 2:00pm – Keith Johnson with Yehuda and Hadass Glick
  • 3:00pm-  Nehemia Gordon with Frankie Snyder
  • 4:00pm – Yom Teruah Round Table
  • 7:00pm – The Best of Michael Rood: Yom Teruah

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