What is Shabbat Night Live?
It’s the end of the sixth day, the sun has set, and this is Shabbat Night Live! Every Friday night, Michael Rood and friends bring you 60 minutes of late night-style talk show and teaching featuring special guests from around the world! Get your shabbat started with intriguing topics you won’t hear anywhere else and touchy subjects no one else dares to discuss!

NEW SERIES: The Truth In Fiction
with Dr. Doug Hamp
Friday, November 1, 8:00PM ET
Yeshua’s parables explained deep, biblical truths through the use of simple, fictional stories.
Can we do the same to help people understand events of The Revelation?
Dr. Doug Hamp explains his effort to do just that.
FREE QUIZ COMING SOON! Watch this week’s episode for the answers.
EPISODE 3: "Crossing Over"
After 40 years, Joshua finally leads the people of Israel over the Jordan River to the promised land.
But their first order of business there is not what you’d think.
Jake Hilton shares a beautiful shadow picture of what YeHoVaH commanded the Israelites to do, and what it shows us about crossing over to eternal life.
FREE QUIZ COMING SOON! Watch this week’s episode for the answers.
Pre-order Now: Ships November 4
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NOW PLAYING on Shabbat Night Live
Since the Israelites wandered the wilderness, the Fall Feasts of the LORD have been the prophetic script for the Return of The King, Yeshua the risen Messiah.
But is the world ready for the iron rod of His righteous judgment?
Using the books of Joshua and The Revelation to reveal both the letter and spirit of the end of days, Jake Hilton lays out the hidden truth of YeHoVaH’s final timeline in glorious detail.
Casual believers beware — only those who are ready to see and hear with spiritual senses will be ready for what’s coming!