On June 30, 2024, our board of directors is having a very important meeting to discuss the future of this nonprofit, the beautiful land He has blessed us with, and the incredible animals, plants, and supporters we have been blessed with.  He promised that

– “Truly I say to you, whatever things you may bind (ask) on earth will be things already bound in heaven, and whatever things you may loosen on earth, will be things already loosened in heaven.  Again, I tell you truly, if two of you on earth agree concerning anything of importance that they should request, it will take place for them on account of my Father in heaven.  For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.”

Please pray this request as often as you can prior to June 30, and especially on June 29.  Thank you all for your years of support for this nonprofit and farm.  Pray for guidance to either (a) continue on faith or (b) to close it down.  Whatever is HIS will is.  (This is only Sandy speaking right now) because it is SO difficult to find physical help.  Every time I get discouraged and plan to give up, MATERIAL help comes just in time (for which I am deeply grateful).  Therefore, I am inclined to believe that this mission is being truly blessed.  But provide the physical help for this far because the stress and physical pain is almost more than I can bare.  Please help me to ENDURE.  Please help my unbelief.

– “Loving, Father, please grant the board of directors wisdom prior to and during June 30.  Please grant us peace with our decisions and, if it be Your will, that You provide the means to continue this mission and/or this farm to be a light on the side of the hill when “things go south”.  Give us and all supporters and workers (and our beloved animals) strength, courage, and protection, during the hardships that are coming.  Please help us to feed our neighbors and teach them to survive when the grid down down and wars and terror increase.  Teach us to be content in all circumstances and to provide help, sustenance, peace, encouragement, and laughter even during times when we think that all is lost.
– If you decide to allow us to continue, please provide two, long term interns (preferable veterans) by no later than August 31 for us to get through the next winter.  We will have to start neccessary plans by September 1 if we can’t get the physical help we need.
– In Yeshua Messiah’s/Jesus Christ’s name we pray.  So be it.”

Thank you, Sandy

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