Dear Sir or Ma’am, Grandmama fell and broke her hip last month. They put a rod in. Her surgery went fine. The same thing happened to Grandmama. They put a rod in. Her surgery went fine. She’s in rehab at Still Hopes right now. Grandmama had a setback. She has a DVT in her right leg. The nurses dropped her clot medicine twice. Grandmama’s prone to blood clots. Her leg will be in ace wrap bandages for two weeks. Grandmama has a port to stop clots from going to her lungs. The port was damaged. The clot might get stuck in her lugs. Will y’all please pray for Grandmama? Her name is Jean Latimer. Grandmama’s 98. She’ll be 99 in November. We’re already planning her 100th birthday. So far Grandmama’s managed to outlive three son-in-laws, two nieces, two nephews, a great niece, a great nephew, her younger brother, a niece-in-law, and a granddaughter. How did she do that? My cousin had MS. The bad kind. Sincerely, Cayce

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