Rood Blog
Exploring the tapestry
Diverse insights into biblical wisdom
Bikkurim – Yeshua Presents the First Fruits
Could Yeshua enter the Heavenly Sanctuary saying, “Here I am; I am the First Fruits”? This clearly makes no sense… Traditionally, we pay a lot
Unmistakable Signs of the End of the Age
“Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the
How to Identify a True Prophet?
Yeshua comes to the Temple to teach, and some of the chief priests and elders of the town question the provenance of his expertise: “By
Yeshua Heals a Leper – and Leaves us a Great TEACHING
Levi, son of Alphaeus – better known as Matthew the Levite – tells us at a certain point in his gospel narrative about how Yeshua
The Confession
Many people do not refrain from doing evil to others in order to achieve their personal goals… When YeHoVaH created us, we were endowed with
The Potter and the Vessel
The way the Creator helps us grow spiritually is through the suffering of the flesh. Isaiah 64:8 tells us: “Yet you, Lord, are our Father.
Four Keys to Discovering Your Purpose
YeHoVaH will never do what you can do, but he will be there to help you achieve the things that are beyond your limits when
Our Hebrew Identity
The sheep of the house of Israel were rejected by YeHoVaH but He himself promised that this would not be forever… While it is true
The Kingdom of Heaven – Maljut haShamaim
Just as there are kingdoms and empires in this world which are born, expand, and ultimately pass away, there is also in contrast a kingdom
Israel’s Biblical Diet
Many people believe that the instructions regarding food appeared when Moshe received the Torah at Mount Sinai, but actually, this is not true. Every living
What is an Omer?
Shalom Torah fans. Many of you may have heard the term Omer but perhaps have no idea what it means. Others know that it is
Mitzraim – The meaning of slavery in Egypt
We understand reality through polar opposites. We can say that something is bad because we compare it to the concept of what is good, we