Exploring the tapestry

Diverse insights into biblical wisdom

Tzvi ben Daniel

How to Escape the System of the Beast

With regulations and government restrictions on the world’s population, increasingly resembling George Orwell’s dystopian nightmare of 1984, it’s hard to have hope that things will

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Tzvi ben Daniel


The “waters” (mayim) were created in Genesis 1:1, when the Creator created the “heavens” (shamayim). In the beginning, God created the shamayim and the earth.

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Tedd Clayton

Understanding the Fall Feasts

By observing the Fall Feasts, we progress through repentance and redemption in order to experience His joy. Leviticus 23 reveals God’s plan to meet with

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Why the Mustard Seed?

I try my best not to question the Word, but often I come across imagery that just doesn’t translate into something meaningful to me. That

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Tedd Clayton

Problem of the Heart

In recent days we have seen horrific crimes committed against our fellow man. People gunned down with little to no reason. Shooters with no more

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The Breath of Life

I love how descriptive the Word of Yehovah is. We are often given metaphorical imagery to help us understand spiritual concepts. These comparisons not only

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Tedd Clayton

Choosing Faith or Fear

My father-in-law taught me something a long time ago.  He said, “Tedd, you can either live in faith or fear, but you can’t live in

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Tzvi ben Daniel

What Does Shavuot Mean?

The word bikurim was popularized in the Messianic movement in the wake of, “Yom haBikurim,” the day ‘after Shabbat’  The word, or rather the words, for “first

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