Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please join me in prayer, Father YeHoVaH, needs to intercept our letter and making sure it indeed reaches our Governor and changes are made freeing us to be able to minister to children in crisis. Have Governor speak and call so we can share the truth of our community.. PLEASE
  • Please pray for my relationship with my girlfriend she doesn't feel ready for a serious relationship and that she needs a closer relationship with Yeshua. So she broke up with me, she has nothing negative to say about me. So please pray that we come back together and get married.
  • Father YeHoVaH, I ask that you bless that single mother that is seeking you for restoration, for the job in another department, grant her supernatural Favor. Also Daddy YeHoVaH, guide her to the dental doctor to help pro Bono. Nothing is impossible with you. In Yeshua Messiah Holy Spirit name. Amen!
  • Matt Dale Carter, a neighbor, of Pensacola Florida has a live in, non-Christian, son violently harassing and attacking neighbors requiring police intervention. Please pray for his salvation and God's invention!
  • Praying for knowledge for a test I’m about to take Praying for protection for family concerns Praying for my sisters and their relationship to be restored and praying for their children Praying for a prudent wife and praying for all the saints through out the world praying for health
  • My department is being eliminated, I have an interview in another department next week. I am a single mom. I pray my source of income be protected and for peace. Most of Yehovah's direction for me and my son. I am in a city alone and need a dental surgery. Please pray we find fellowship and support.
  • Pray for Eddie-brain tumor surgery Twyla’S sister and Uncle Jerry and wife. Jerry has Alzheimer’s
  • Pray for Eddie-brain tumor surgery Twyla’S sister and Uncle Jerry and wife. Jerry has Alzheimer’s
  • Pray for Eddie-brain tumor surgery Twyla’S sister and Uncle Jerry and wife. Jerry has Alzheimer’s
  • Hello, I am requesting prayer for help with our financhal situation as we are struggling really bad, asking for prayer for these severe attacks I have been under since pressing into our fathers word and trying to learn as much truth as possible to be protected, asking for prayer for those that are attacking me to please be blessed and be given the opportunity to come to learn about Yeshua please. Thank you
  • 8:30am April 28 I just had a stroke. Please YHWH help me. Please care of the animals.
  • Pray for my Mom 83 yrs old recent torn ligament on knee with small fracture incontinence and now very week so she cant even get up go to bathroom. or anything really shes in bad shape please Yahushua have mercy and heal, amen

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