Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • First, I want to give praise, honor and glory to the LORD and his son Jesus. Please urgently pray that God will heal my mother and I from our diseases.Thank you.
  • I need prayer for my moms healthcare at the nursing home rehab facility She s not getting the care that was ordered for her As we all know these type of facilities have had a running record of bad experiences with people’s loved ones Thus is nothing new, it’s a awful shame but it’s a fact. I pray that Yahs loving and caring spirit supplies all the care and love through the nurses and aides to get the best healing and nurturing care to recover from the terrible care of the last one Amein Yahushua
  • Hi my name is Barbara I would like prayer the doctor said I have an autoimmune disease I know that with God all things are possible he is my great physician and Jesus is My healer please pray in agreement that healing is coming from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet I thank God for what he is about to do in my life I will be a living testimony and glorify him like never before thank you for the prayers
  • URGENT Please pray we are in trouble. Feel no safety with what is going on as family was so separated. Please pray for my Salvation Covered in the blood. I really think I am very in serious situation
  • Please pray for me to successfully complete the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at Neumann University and to become a physical therapist.
  • Please pray for my brother Bill McCarty. He is in the ICU unit with low blood pressure. Has had blood in the stomach, urine and constipation. He is 80 years old and he is a minister. Thank you for your prayers.
  • Today I am crying out to Yah for my wife. She needs healing from Yah. Her eyes, back, shoulder, just the whole body really. I could use a touch too. I'm tired. I groan of this life sometimes. I'm grieved over so many things. The world in general, My beautiful wife who has always given of herself her whole life and is my best friend, who now needs a miracle and in my opinion deserves it. She is a stable rock for Yah and always has been. My own broken down body, but mostly having worked hard my whole life and have little to show for it and to even care properly for my wife. It makes me weary. Perhaps one day Yah will remember us. Remember me. I've tried to always do what is right. However most of what I remember is all the times I failed. I feel like a failure even now. I keep looking for that day when Yah will make an obvious distinction for us. I know I am not worthy but I have no one else to turn to but Him. He is all I have ever had. I but could you please keep us in your prayers. Especially Kayla. Seems funny that she's the one with all the physical stuff yet she has more peace. I am the basket case emotionally. I wrestle with what I did or didn't do to cause all this to happen to her. Shalom Todd
  • Praying for my sisters to reconcile their relationship and praying for my sisters children, praying for the right job and asking for wisdom in making the right decisions for work,praying for a prudent wife/relationship/praying for all of my family members and also praying for discernment on taking medicine or not. Praying for wisdom and healing in my life as well.
  • Praying for my sisters to reconcile their relationship and praying for my sisters children, praying for the right job and asking for wisdom in making the right decisions for work,praying for a prudent wife/relationship/praying for all of my family members and also praying for discernment on taking medicine or not. Praying for wisdom and healing in my life as well.
  • Prayers to prevent my sister Valerie from spreading vicious lies and gossip about various family members and causing division and chaos in the family. She said she is not only going to spread the sins and mistakes of family members but also expose them to the children and grandchildren. Moreover, she said she is making an lawsuit against family members for not doing enough to save our 95 year old father who died yesterday. She has always shown hatred towards me and other family members.
  • Prayers to prevent my sister Valerie from spreading vicious lies and gossip about various family members and causing division and chaos in the family. She said she is not only going to spread the sins and mistakes of family members but also expose them to the children and grandchildren. Moreover, she said she is making an lawsuit against family members for not doing enough to save our 95 year old father who died yesterday. She has always shown hatred towards me and other family members.
  • Please join me in prayer, Father YeHoVaH, needs to intercept our letter and making sure it indeed reaches our Governor and changes are made freeing us to be able to minister to children in crisis. Have Governor speak and call so we can share the truth of our community.. PLEASE pray for my daughter as she goes away to college that her mind will remain with Christ/Yeshua. Please do not stop praying for our letter to Governor for true justice for my husband and our household of believers of YeHoVaH

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