Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • I need help. Live alone. need prayer. had a stroke May 1. alone and have animals and farm. YHWH blessing me. Need some one to takr of sheep.
  • Dawn is trying to establish guardianship over her two little grand girls. She is living amongst the "den of theives" so to speak. Pray she gets guardianship and is able to move away to raise these two precious souls in the Love of Yahovah. Currently mormanism is present and trying to sway the girls.
  • Please pray for my son Joshua and his family. He needs YEHOVAH to set him free from anger, mental and violent behavior. For I know whom the Lord sets free is free indeed. Please pray for My Granddaughters who are affected by their Dad’s behavior. Please pray for my daughter in law Elisha who also is effected by this and the behavior of her mother who is disabled & can be very vile who lives with them &refuses any help they try to get for her. This is causing a lot of pressure within the family.
  • I need help. Live alone. need prayer. had a stroke May 1. alone and have animals and farm. YHWH blessing me. Need some one to takr of sheep.
  • I need help. Live alone. need prayer. had a stroke May 1. alone and have animals and farm. YHWH blessing me. Need some one to takr of sheep.
  • Dawn is trying to establish guardianship over her two little grand girls. She is living amongst the "den of theives" so to speak. Pray she gets guardianship and is able to move away to raise these two precious souls in the Love of Yahovah. Currently mormanism is present and trying to sway the girls.
  • Last June, Dr's gave Becky a year to live. Yahovah provided wisdom for healing helps. Recently, the Dr's have confirm no more cancer. Becky has been getting closer to the Father through this period. Pray she continues to lean on the Father and not the enemy who tries to scare her or sway her to not believing in the Father's healing of her.
  • We have been praying for direction for my son and his future occupation. The Father has opened the doors for flying. This week he will get an answer to selling his small computer company. Please pray IT IS SOLD!!!! (long time in coming) Pray he receives the amount requested so he can survive the couple months needed to pass the rest of his certifications for flying.
  • My son, who loves Yashua, is being attacked with lies about his small plane not being currently airworthy. This week the garage does the annual maintenance on his plane. Pray it is revealed there was no issue (he had another garage confirm no issues for flying before he flew.) I Pray Psalms 35, these gossipers could affect his future occupation - instead those spreading lies fall into "their" pit (vs 7-8). These lies are affecting his relationships at this small airport and elsewhere.
  • Please pray for Us We Need A Financial Miracle to pay for our Bills and Everyday Living Expenses Also We rely on the Food Bank to Feed our Family Thank-you Michael and Family
  • My Brother in law is going in for another surgery. The goal is to see if his heart will work on his own. The hope is for him to get off of the ECMO machine & transition to a new ECMO only for the lungs. Lungs will take a lot longer to clear up. Please pray throughout this evening - that YHWH grants the doctors nurses a clear view of what is happening with his body. And that YHWH miraculously heals his - that his heart work magnificently on its own, that the new valve will do its job!
  • My Brother is going in for another surgery. The goal is to see if his heart will work on his own. The hope is for him to get off of the ECMO machine and transition to a new ECMO only for the lungs. Lungs will take a lot longer to clear up. Please pray throughout this afternoon - that God grants the doctors and nurses a clear view of what is happening with my dad’s body. And that God miraculously heals him - that his heart will work magnificently on its own, that the new valve will do its job

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