Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Prayer Requests

  • -Please join me in prayer, Father YeHoVaH, needs to intercept our letter and making sure it indeed reaches our Governor and changes are made freeing us to be able to minister to children in crisis. Have Governor speak and call so we can share the truth of our community.. PLEASE pray for my daughter as she goes away to college that her mind will remain with Christ/Yeshua. Please do not stop praying for our letter to Governor for true justice for my husband and our household of believers of YeHoVa
  • I’m feeling oppressed, I’m sick, I have concerns with my gallbladder, hemorrhoids, suicidal thoughts with no intent, I have guilt and shame, I haven’t grieved over my fathers passing and I feel a root of bitterness taking hold.
  • This year has been a sojourn though a crisis of faith. I am praying that I am on the right path after 72 years of living. I pray I am finally on the right path to find my answers and I pray for my children too. They have all been brainwashed by the liberal education system and it makes me so sad. I need the knowledge and the confidence to show them a different way. Telling is not going to help. I think I need to be the example and right now I am like an infant with new eyes. I pray for wisdom.
  • Dear Family and Friends,  Warm greetings from Nazareth!  We want to thank you all for praying for us and for Israel in this difficult time. We know there is power in prayer! We are sending out this urgent letter, as we want to ask you to please stand with us in prayer and fasting from the 13th till the 19th of May against an event called "The Magic Conference," which is scheduled to take place from the 16th to the 18th of May, the days around Pentecost, in southern Israel. Many witches and wizards will be coming to Israel these days in order to participate in this occult conference. This is really dangerous, as it will be opening a doorway of evil again here in the land, so we need to cover the land in prayer. Let us pray that the Lord will stop them, that the event will be prevented from taking place in the south, and that they will be coming to bring healing instead of a curse upon the land. Rania
  • Prayers are needed for Israel and the ministries that are there.
  • Praying for protection,Praying For Michael and Dewayne, Cory, Brian, Jeff, Kelly, Jessica, Mark. Praying for all the Saints in this world, and praying for help for my family and friends to come to the full knowledge of the Messiah, Praying for all of our fish and wildlife that our Heavenly Father would protect it and only allow what is necessary to use to be taken. Praying for healing. Praying help to advance the kingdom.
  • Pray so that I can find blessings and favors in my life. I am suffering I have a lot of debts I can't even pay for the school fees for my kids, I am in financial difficulties pray for me so that I can clear all the debts even I don't know where I can get the money but in Jesus's name I know I will get help or assistance in any way. Please for the sake of my kids to go to school I beg you to pray for me I need money to clear debts and to pay for my kids school fees. stay blessed.
  • I want my check this coming week and a safe journey back to Seattle WA and help me get into senior housing,keep me safe while waiting here at Las Vegas NV thank you.
  • Please pray for our friend Luke he had a stroke and needs total healing. Thank you for your prayers
  • First, I want to give praise, honor and glory to the LORD and his son Jesus. Please urgently pray that God will heal my mother and I from our diseases.Thank you.
  • I need prayer for my moms healthcare at the nursing home rehab facility She s not getting the care that was ordered for her As we all know these type of facilities have had a running record of bad experiences with people’s loved ones Thus is nothing new, it’s a awful shame but it’s a fact. I pray that Yahs loving and caring spirit supplies all the care and love through the nurses and aides to get the best healing and nurturing care to recover from the terrible care of the last one Amein Yahushua
  • Hi my name is Barbara I would like prayer the doctor said I have an autoimmune disease I know that with God all things are possible he is my great physician and Jesus is My healer please pray in agreement that healing is coming from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet I thank God for what he is about to do in my life I will be a living testimony and glorify him like never before thank you for the prayers

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