Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Father, thank you for helping Rood ministries to restore this prayer site. Please protect it from all attacks in the future. Please bless the Rood Crew with an abundance of financial help, an abundance of spiritual help, and an abundance of physical help. We all depend on you each and every day to provide what we need to stay close to you. In Yehsua's name, we pray.
  • Please join me in prayer for our family as we journey through many changes in our household, adoptions, home studies, fingerprinting, court cases, fighting for granddaughters who live in sexual abuse from bio mom and step-dad, homosexuality among other members of the family not in our household and yes freedom for poverty.
  • YHWH is moving in this nonprofit rehab farm. Please pray for the board of directors that He gives us wisdom, discernment, and strength to continue. Please ask YHWH for protection from lies and deception. He graciously protected us against the Communist government from obtaining our farm through the supposed "Christian" family trying to escape from China. I am old, disabled, and holding on by my fingernails. Please pray that Torah keeping, ham radio operating, and veterans are drawn to this farm to take over so that this farm can be a light on the side of the hill during the dark days coming. And THANK YOU, YHWH, for helping Rood ministries tech people for restoring this prayer wall. Bless you all. Sandy
  • Pray as our family journeys through many changes, we went to court for foster children in our care, and pray now that the adoption, will come and finalize quickly, and pray that our granddaughters who have been sexually abused will finally see freedom from bio mom and perpetrator, pray my family will be able to be blessed with a larger home to house my adopted children and my granddaughters as YeHoVaH returns the granddaughters to us, pray my husband will indeed receive a new heart, pray relief of knee pains for me. But most especially pray for our nation to return to HIS MAJESTY'S grace and will. Pray for my new granddaughter and her amazing parents, yes, this is my other son who is an amazing earthly dad, his brother who is daddy to my other granddaughters has chosen a life of drugs and lies. Thank you so much for joining me in this season of trials.
  • for Jerusalem to be a praise in the earth
  • Emergency prayers needed for Paul W., he passed yesterday and I am hoping and praying Yah let him into the Kingdom......
  • A prayer of thanksgiving to my father in heaven for the blessings he has given us and those still coming our way.
  • YHVH, Father, in the name of Yehoshua the Messiah; Thank you so much for your Peace and your Loving Kindness. I'm being spiritually attacked by my youngest daughter and her new "friend" that she meet in High School. Father, Thank you for Healing me and Spiritually fighting for me. Whenever, they speak to me, a real cold freeze comes over me, and I can't seem to get any warmth, in my body. So, I know this is a spiritual attack on my life. Thank you for healing me.
  • Please pray for my husband to be a good provider for our family. Pray that he will not give into the idea of moving our family to a cult like community where you are basically their slave. All because he wants to avoid his responsibility as a man/husband to provide for his family. Thank you and shalom.
  • Passover 2023 was a moving experience, BLESSED be YEHOVAH for bringing just the right people to celebrate the Passover, again with Michael! AMEN
  • Shalom beloved, First and for most thank you very much for everything. My testimony is long, so I will keep it short. My journey began in November 2012, and I came to truth in November 2014. I started out with some of your videos such as “truth or tradition”; from here I searched for more understanding which took me through much ups and downs. I did have some sort of fellowship with my daughters and a friend I met through the church I was going to, whom I was fortunate enough to walk out of that church with and never went back. After 7 years of being in this walk, I found myself at a bolder in the road stuck. During the lock down fellowshipping became challenging – I felt that most of the ministries I came across where putting fear into the people. I was one of those people that fell into that trap, as it is a struggle for me; I am doing much better, but still have a way to go. I would have to say the most difficult part of my journey was falling out of fellowship with the other individual my daughters and I fellowshipped with; during the fall feast of 2021 I was accused of leading the individual astray due to my calculations for the feast days. This was a struggle for me every year, because I wanted to make sure I had the right dates. It was this situation that would give me a wake up call. At this point I knew that my girls and I needed a change away from the hateful Hebrew roots movement (well the toxic ones); when hateful comments are made about a group of people or person is usually an indicator for me to run the other way. My background is Jamaican, that is my place of origin, growing up in Jamaica race is not an issue at least it wasn’t to me – I can’t speak for every Jamaican. I knew nothing of racism until I moved to this country in 1997 at the age of 9. At the end of 2021 is when I came upon the contents of Michael Rood again and began binge watching practically almost everything. I do believe this to be the hand of the Father, because it felt like home. Michael is not afraid to speak the truth, and speak about the hard topics. My girls and I enjoy your teachings, and the teachings of the speakers that has been on Shabbat Night Live while Michael recovers. I will say I have learned more within 2yrs, than I did in 7yrs. Love Always Kimberly
  • Please pray for my Family to be restore, my husband is currently in prison and there are probabilities for him to be out early, unfortunately his curiosity and weakess of the flesh let him to make mistakes that got him into this situation, I pray the Holy Spirit falls upon him and protects him, May Hashem extend his hand and provide a miracle for us .

Submit a Prayer Request

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