Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • My sister in law is going to surgery this Tuesday. She is pregnant and has a mass in her womb. Pray for healing ❤️‍🩹 and restoration. Thank you.
  • That the Gospel of the Kingdom, of Yahshua, will accompany our son and his wife and two children as they travel from Pennsylvania into Thailand next week for 3 weeks to visit relatives there, with total provision and safety in all ways for them. "Prepare ye the way of YHWH; make His agols straight!" Forward Advance into Thailand, YHWH! AMEN
  • Please pray for God to purify the World from sin infection and to replace it with His Presence and all He desires. God bless!!!
  • Please pray for God to help me clothe myself in His spiritual armor. God bless!!!
  • My Prayer 🙏 Request(s) URGENT!! PLEASE HELP US: It is confirmed that a witch and her SORCERY friends have been cursing me now for the last 2 years now. My finances have been attacked even though I pay tithes at my local church and to my Pastor. He is not really a deliverance Pastor. You must understand. Every Art Project deal I have gotten a chance to get and even website work and money matters for me and my Son Aaron and even my Daughter Danii have SUFFERED GREAT LOSSES FINANCIALLY. Please PRAY
  • URGENT!! PLEASE HELP US: It is confirmed that a witch and her SORCERY friends have been cursing me now for the last 2 years now. My finances have been attacked even though I pay tithes at my local church and to my Pastor. He is not really a deliverance Pastor. You must understand. Every Art Project deal I have gotten a chance to get and even website work and money matters for me and my Son Aaron and even my Daughter Danii have SUFFERED GREAT LOSSES FINANCIALLY. Please PRAY FOR US THAT THESE WITC
  • I am asking that we prayer for the salvation of the people of Bangladesh.....
  • Now this is the fourth time I've tried to post this request, I'm getting frustrated.
    Prayers requested for my wife Kayla.
    Some at ARA know the whole story, but here is the cliff notes version. It's been a difficult year but each time Yah has brought us through. So we are hoping and expecting Yah to continue to show Himself mighty on our behalf.
    Her recent follow up with the eye doctor after cataract surgery shows "diabetic retinopathy" or swollen retinas with some micro bleeding. A trip to the retina specialist was yesterday which confirmed the eye doctors concerns. Initially it seemed to be ok, with no surgery needed. The only treatment option was a course of injections to reduce the swelling.
    Initially we were agreed to the treatment, as we believe it is from her body's trauma from last fall, having a system wide staph infection that had affected her pancreas. Thanks to YeHoVah's hand and the counsel from Dr. Scott. She has been eight months normal in blood glucose levels with out any medications or insulin.
    However, there was a snafu with the insurance and they wouldn't authorize the same day treatment. So, the next time the doctor will be in the office in our area, and our schedule to make the appointment is six weeks away. The doctor was far too concerned for it to wait that long. The wheels started to come off the visit when Kayla asked about side effects from the injections. It just got worse from there with the scheduling issue and insurance delay. Well, I called my Ins, and got right through but they hadn't any request for pre-authorization from the Dr. So, something doesn't smell right.
    The attitude went from being light, to dramatically dire if we didn't get back for the shots in a week or two. It was punctuated with, "well, it's your vision, if you don't get these, it'll only get worse".
    My later response on the issue as we were driving home was, " It obviously isn't so dire to forgot profit and help someone who "desperately needs" this treatment. ( not to mention, I inquired of the price of the shots if it were to be paid out of pocket, the reply was thousands of dollars PER shot )
    So in review of the day, we are leaving this in the hands of YaHoVah, as He had healed Kayla so far and in doing so completely confounded man's "wisdom" and the arrogance of doctors. For that I cheer HIM on in what HE alone can do. I was reminded of what the prophet said to one of the kings of Israel, that to rely on man is to lean on a stick that will break and pierce your hand. Especially when those men give no glory to GOD, and serve only their own ego, pharmakia, or money.
    I have been putting on Scripture when we go to bed and let it play. Last night I had it start in Mark. Later on I was awakened by our dog to go out, so when I returned, John chapter 7 was playing. Hearing the discourse between the Messiah and the Prushim, HE punctuates His authority with John 9, HEALING OF THE MAN BORN BLIND. So we are rejoicing that Yah has heard our prayers and are looking for complete healing of Kayla's eyes. For HIS glory, Her wholeness and as a testimony to men.
    Thank you Todd
  • Please pray that my husband gets a job. Thank you and shalom.
  • Prayer for George Gadacy His mother Lynn says he needs a miracle. He has a water cyst on his brain. They're going to do surgery on the 24th of May. They told her he could die on the table. He could have a stroke. It's a very hard procedure but he has two of the best neurosurgeons. He's only in his early 30s. Believing that God is going to spare his life and he's going to be okay. He had a car accident and he was okay from the car accident but that's how they found out that he had a water cyst on his brain.
  • Pray for financial provision.
  • healing of gallstones, ty

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