Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Prayer For the Second Coming of Jesus - I pray that Jesus Christ returns to Earth soon, to bring the eternal love and peace of the Kingdom of God to all who believe in Him, and for every knee to bow to Him, and for every tongue to confess that Jesus is Lord at His return. Amen.
  • Prayer is needed, we have an assistant at our company and she has been falsifying her timesheets. I am concerned that she is embezzling, please pray that Yah exposes any stealing or embezzling....
  • I am asking for continous prayer that YeHoVaH mightily helps me to quickly and swiftly pay off all of my debts as quickly as possible....
  • Please pray for the enemies to be shut out and up in my life and those effected may my house be reconciled and restored to grace and my hope in the Lord never rebutled, I pray for my family and those who need God and grace, mercy kindness and peace. I pray for peace for the lost and broken and the one stolen from the Lord and that all be restored as should be.
  • A very dear friend of mine was recently diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer. She has chosen to do the treatment suggested to gain a few months of life. She is in extreme pain and the tumors are pressing on her voicebox so she can only whisper. She and her hubby are scared yet they know the Father will be with them. Please join us in lifting Cindy up for comfort and peace.
  • -Please join me in prayer for our family as we journey through many changes in our household, adoptions, home studies, fingerprinting, court cases, fighting for granddaughters who live in sexual abuse, our Rebecca is the recent victim from bio mom and step-dad and yet nothing is being done by either Florida law enforcement or Louisiana, bio mom has moved these children to Michigan to avoid law enforcement to take children into safety, the family not in our household that is in a relationship.
  • Please pray for our family, we are going through many changes, some positive blessed by His Majesty Blood, but the enemy is angry and is sending many challenges to weaken our Faith. Pray for me as a grandmother who is bringing to truth concerning how crooked is the county of residence, we put pedophiles out in the streets to hurt children. And allow people in our state system Florida, Okaloosa county to cover for these evil people.
  • Prayer for Cathy that God would heal her and restore her to complete healing.
  • Please pray for my son nathaniel. He is sick and not feeling well, we leave for vacation tomorrow and I want my family to be healthy so we can have a great family vacation. Pray that God touches his body and restores him back to complete health. Thank you
  • Alanna is having neck surgery, pray that all goes well no complications and that it's a speedy recovery and total healing.
  • Thank you to everyone who prayed for my husband to get a job. My husband received a job offer! Praise Yah!! Please pray for energy and strength for our family as we continue to pack up the whole house to move. Pray for traveling mercies as we drive across several states to our new location. Pray our land sells. Thank you and shalom.
  • Prayer for Lisa grunty. She's a 50 something year old woman who's had lung cancer and was in remission. They said I guess it came back. She's got pneumonia. She's in an induced coma. She's only given 24 to 48 hours to live. Just praying for a miracle so that their family would all come to a saving knowledge of Yeshua

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