Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • I start a new job tomorrow and applied for a fellowship in Social Work at the University of Michigan. I need my days to go well. I dedicated my social work career to God. I need his help. My daughter needs $4500 paid off to start school again. I need a miracle for that also. I also don’t like how I look in pictures- it bothers me. I need God to restore my beauty in all ways after a terrible relationship. Miracles, favor, blessings for me and my kids and dog all the seconds of our lives in Yeshua
  • 1.) Please pray for my little cousin Tyler Chaump. Tyler and his older brother Josh both have a number of health issues, and their sister Abbie died soon after she was born. Tyler, age 12, has some sort of mysterious illness that has local doctors stumped, and they are taking him to Philadelphia next week for additional testing. 2.) My cousin Matt’s father-in-law Jack Bestwick is also in his way to Philadelphia. His doctor suspects that he may have cancer again.
  • -Please join me in prayer for our family as we journey through many changes in our household, adoptions, home studies, fingerprinting, court cases, fighting for granddaughters who live in sexual abuse, our Rebecca is the recent victim from bio mom and step-dad and yet nothing is being done by either Florida law enforcement or Louisiana, bio mom has moved these children to Michigan to avoid law enforcement to take children, another family member not in our home is in a horrible relationship.
  • Loving, YHWH. Please be with the board members of this rehab farm on July 23rd. Grant us wisdom, discernment, and hope. We need a major influx of money and more volunteers to lighten the load. If we don't get help by September 1 showing we can pay for the food for the livestock and heat for the living quarters, etc., we will have to dissolve. The dream of having a Torah keeping community running this farm on the side of the hill for a light during the dark days coming will die.
  • Please pray for God’s justice, mercy, love, healing and freedom, that I would be free indeed. Pray God provide wonderfully for all of my mom’s and my family’s needs and the deepest longings and desires of our hearts so that we would no longer despair of life. Pray God touch us, heal us, wonderfully and beautifully sustain and bless us, and love us. Pray for honor in place of shame, disgrace and despair, that God restore our souls, bodies, and our coverings.
  • I have repented of sins of everl… destr… Mt19:18, and avoid any sin Your Law says the culprit should perish for Lk13:5/Dt8:19. When we repent You repent the harm You had planned for us Jer26:3,Eze18:21, and that if the enemy does ask perm… You only give as required, to perfect Job01:12 Mt10:29. Moses & Jesus have prescribed Your ways of healing rather than going to physicians (else You would have helped the phys… discover simple things like antibiotics with M/J) 2Ch16:12,Dt28:27,Ex15:26,Mt12:43
  • Please pray for Joanne Her kidneys are failing. She's at number three and has the beginnings of throat cancer on the left side of her throat is a gland lymph gland and it looks like there's a black spot next to it. She goes for a car scan on her head on Wednesday
  • Please pray for my grandmother who has a blockage in her heart they are going to perform surgery on her tomorrow through her wrist. Please pray that it goes well and she is okay and quick recovery
  • Please keep my grandmother Jean in your prayers she is going into surgery for calcium build up in her heart. They have to go through her wrist. The doctor said the build up is hard like stone so pray that the doctor will be able to get through it.
  • I am going to have surgery on the 17 for a colostomy reversal surgery it's been 4 years living with this. I was healed of diabetes and ulcerative colitis and my blood work and EKG also was perfect I am 58 and have a wife and 2 children of 7 at home one is 14 one is 11 they need prayer for protection while I am in the hospital plus we need prayer for traveling we have a 2 and a half hour drive 1 way to have the surgery done.
  • Please pray for my grandmother who has a blockage in her heart they are going to perform surgery on her tomorrow through her wrist. Please pray that it goes well and she is okay and quick recovery
  • Please pray for the vega and henthorn families while they are going to amusement parks this week, the temperatures are very high, pray that God cools down the weather and keeps us all safe.

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