Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray that my Husband is able to get a good job very soon, something that allows him to stay home for Sabbaths and not work on that day. He was laid off from his job about three months ago and it's been a massive struggle for us without that job. We've got two kids and one on the way this December and we are close to losing our vehicle and keeping food on the table has become difficult. Please just pray that everything will be okay and he'll be able to get a good job quickly. Thank you.
  • Hi. Please pray for my healing. Thank you. Darko Irgolič
  • My 19 yo son has been told by Drs he has classic Hodgkin lymphoma he has loads of tumors chest & neck he had his first chemo last Friday. He’s never been sick and had 4 shots of the Covid vaccine, I asked him not too …take it - he has been indoctrinated please pray 🙏 for his healing and for him to wake up to the truth Gods Love ❤️ for Us & by His Stripes he is healed! Amen Shabbat Shalom
  • Hi. Please pray for my healing. Thank you. Darko Irgolič
  • For young Musa, age 24, who loves the Lord so much and who takes care of orphans in Pakistan, for all sadness, heaviness, and anxiety to leave him, and for the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit to fill him, as he loves to bring families who live near him to faith in Jesus. For him to be mightily encouraged and strengthened in his inner being, and for a special blessing of love on his marriage with Kiran, who is 19 and expecting a baby very soon.
  • Please pray for the foster children in our household, they have experienced much trauma, pray for the 12-year-old who mentally is more like a 5-year-old. She is extremely jealous of other siblings. She is very destructive but I cannot give up on her, her own aunts and uncles did not want her, which is why her siblings are in our care. Please her initial, we call her Princess "J". Also, pray home study for adoption moves quickly, we are adopting, pray for the therapist working with children.
  • Please pray for the foster children in our household, they have experience many truama, pray the 12 year old who mentally is more like a 5-year-old. She is extremely jealous of other siblings. She is very destructive but I cannot give up on her, her own aunts and uncles did not want her, reason her and siblings are in our care. Please her initial, we call her Princess "J". Also pray home study for adoption moves quickly, we arevadopting, pray for the therapist working with children.
  • A wild 2 yr old cat with leg injuries ran out of the cat carrier by putting it in the car. Pray neighbors who regularly feeds cat will be able to catch them in a carrier. Pray for the cat to live needs miracle bleeding diarrhea, and labored breathing. My loving cat was traumatized by me because I wrapped it in a towel and put it in the car he never was put in a carrier or in a car. Pls pray the cat does not die from infection, lack of water, or lack of being able to keep down food. Pray the cat can be saved to make someone a loving pet..not put to sleep.
  • Would you PRAY YAHOVAH are ELOHIM for me for more love &faith & to put complete TRUST IN IN HIM forever and to make me however HE would like me ti be. PS. and let me rest until the KINGDOM. I thank you O soon very Much.
  • I am asking for continuous prayer that YeHoVaH mightily helps me to quickly and swiftly pay off all of my debts as quickly as possible...
  • I start a new job tomorrow and applied for a fellowship in Social Work at the University of Michigan. I need my days to go well. I dedicated my social work career to God. I need his help. My daughter needs $4500 paid off to start school again. I need a miracle for that also. I also don’t like how I look in pictures- it bothers me. I need God to restore my beauty in all ways after a terrible relationship. Miracles, favor, blessings for me and my kids and dog all the seconds of our lives in Yeshua
  • 1.) Please pray for my little cousin Tyler Chaump. Tyler and his older brother Josh both have a number of health issues, and their sister Abbie died soon after she was born. Tyler, age 12, has some sort of mysterious illness that has local doctors stumped, and they are taking him to Philadelphia next week for additional testing. 2.) My cousin Matt’s father-in-law Jack Bestwick is also in his way to Philadelphia. His doctor suspects that he may have cancer again.

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