Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray that the lies communicated about my husband and YeHoVaH Rapha destroy me and we will be able to foster children in crisis yes, adoption is granted to us, and home study will go smoothly and we can have our 3 children back. Pray the soon 11-year-old will finally be caught lying but most especially stealing so she can get the rehabilitation, and therapy needed and the 12-year-old will get the anger management needed for healing, yes these are the babies i want to adopt for Yeshu
  • My mother had an MRI with an unknown spot on her head. Please pray the unknown spot disappears. Thank you
  • Please pray for Pastor Joseph Webb and his wife that they will operate in Gods anointing and direction and would be Healed from any sickness or plague. Thank-you!
  • Please pray that the lies communicated about my husband and I are destroy by YeHoVaH Rapha and we will be able to foster children in crisis and yes, adoption is granted to us and home study to go smoothly and we can have our 3 children back. Pray the soon 11 year old will finally be caught lying but most especially stealing so she can get the rehabilitation, and therapy needed and the 12 year old will get the anger management needed for healing, yes this are the babies i want to adopt for Yeshu
  • Thank you all for praying for our land. All violations have been cleared. Please continue to pray that it sells. Blessings and shalom. Halleluyah.
  • I ask this one request that I will start to gain more weight. No more muscle wasting in Jesus name. Pray that I will stay on the road to recovery and healing of my liver. Thank-you!
  • Please pray that I don’t have Cachexia! And if I do that I will be completely healed of it.
  • That my husband and I can find out way to please the Father and Yeshua. Also to praise Yeshua for healing my husband's cancer. His scans are clear.
  • Thank you all for praying for our land. All violations have been cleared. Please continue to pray that it sells. Blessings and shalom. Halleluyah.
  • The $5,000 check given to this rehab farm didn't go as far as we had hoped. It was used up mostly with the repair of our only vehicle, did not provide enough money for the hay needs for this winter, did not provide the ram and buck we need for meat income in 2024, did not repair the furnace and I will have to heat with wood (which doesn't get the house above the mid 50's. Please pray that I can be strong enough to do what needs to be done. Please pray for donations to feed the animals. Sandy
  • I’d like to ask for prayer for my brother in Yeshua for healing and complete recovery from prostate cancer. He hasn’t had treatment yet, so the healing hand of Yah can be used for his own glory and total healing. Also, I pray for his daughter, Kayla, who is having psychological and emotional problems, that whatever has come against these two females is removed from them and replaced with the awesomeness of our creator and a wonderful son Yeshua always glory of our father. Yahovah. And also for myself
  • Please join in praying for truth to be revealed and our family will be able to foster children in crisis and yes please pray we can adopt the three children we tried adopting since 2022. Pray for my 18 year old eyes to open to Yeshua and she sees truth about the young man, initials C.W.

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