Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for me, rehab farm mgr, and a new 24-year-old volunteer, Logan, who will volunteer 4 days a week indefinitely. He appears to be searching for YHWH and wants to learn about Torah. Having consistent farm help will be a blessing to our 501c3, and consistency will go a long way to lower my stress. Please pray that YHWH will speak through me when I interact with him. Pray for protection against hasatan, Logan is trying to get free from addiction. Sandy
  • Thank you for your prayers for this rehab farm in New York State. Two days before our board meeting to discuss having to sell the animals and shut down the nonprofit and farm, a $5,000 check arrived meaning we can make it through another winter. Bless you all and bless YHWH our strength and our shield. Sandy
  • Please pray for my husband Rich. 4th stage prostate cancer. In much pain. Has entered bones in chest and hip/back area. Been in treatment for a few years. Options are up on how they can help. Rich believes in healing and is fighting hard. Thank you for your prayers. Cate
  • Praise the Lord, thank you for coming into agreement for my healing, in YAHUSHA's mighty name amen. God bless you and your ministry!
  • Pray for me pastor and prayer team for 6 months and include me in the prayer chain and add me to the list. Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw stroke from pain and suffering, heal center of consciousness, heal mental illness, needs help talking to herself after suffering a brain aneurysm, heal emotional trauma and depression, loss, and split personality disorder and sleep disorder, and heal my broken nose yes, heal Akashic records, they need clearing, send millions of angels and archangel
  • We are selling the home my 13 year old and I share with my parents. They need thier equity out of it. They have a place, my son and I do not. Please pray that YHVH will lead us to the location and home He has for us.. We have no fellowhip here. My company was acquired and friends were laid off. I'm thankful my position is still there For how long I don't know. Please pray that YHVH reveals other income streams to me that keep me home.
  • I am asking for continous prayer that YeHoVaH mightily helps me to quickly and swiftly pay off all of my debts as quickly as possible....
  • Urgent prayer request for Petyer Dziuk who may be charged unjustly for a crime he did not commit. Today he may face PRISON I assured him that JESUS will help deliver him. Thank-you for your anointed Prayer at this terrible time.
  • I’m going to be focusing on the red letters of Yeshua. That’s all I’m focusing on right now. Nothing else. I want to start a class focusing on this because it’s the one thing I believe the 501 (c) 3 churches are missing. I know there will be resistance from the self-righteous and religious, but I want to make people free as Jesus says with His words (John 8:32). When you pray, pray for the success of this message. Amen.
  • Shalom, I am taking a step of faith and I feel like God is calling me to make major changes and leave my career. I am a cloud infrastructure support team manager at a $40B global consulting firm called Deloitte. I feel lead to apologetics or something with reaching men. I feel like my sons (15,20) are part of the last generation. Please pray for clear guidance and that I am ready for His cup for me!. Praise God for your ministry and looking forward to the Feast of Trumpets! Shalom
  • -Please join me in prayer for our family as we journey through many changes in our household, adoptions, home studies, fingerprinting, court cases, fighting for granddaughters who live in sexual abuse, our Rebecca is the recent victim from bio mom and step-dad and yet nothing is being done by either Florida law enforcement or Louisiana, bio mom has moved these children to Michigan to avoid law enforcement to take children, another family member not in our home is in a horrible relationship
  • I'm asking for God to touch my family, open their eyes and ears to the Truth, and that they will be protected. Pray that they are healed from the jabs they took, the garbage that they've been listening to and receiving from the liberal media/friends be cast out and sent to the bottom of the sea!! Pray that I will have my daughter and grandchildren back that have been estranged from me. Pray that my daughter be rid of the drugs once and for all! Pray my lawsuit be won, that I'll be compensated.

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