Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please join in praying for truth to be revealed and our family will be able to foster children in crisis and yes please pray we can adopt the three children we tried adopting since 2022. Pray for my 18 year old eyes to open to Yeshua and she sees truth about the young man, initials C.W.
  • I would like to ask that you pray with me that my daughter is healed from her traumatic past and grow she and my relationship. Also that she be healed from her childhood upbringing not being raised by me so that she can be more receptive to Yah's truths. In the meantime, she be sheltered from all fictional propaganda of the media and social media. Also, let's agree that Israel will be empowered by the Almighty to have victory over their enemies inside and out so that the soldiers may have rest.
  • Dealing with harassment in this city, Pineville Louisiana. They're making duplicates of this address on Google Maps. They set the duplicate at 101 Gordon St, Pineville, La 71360. Tired of this harassment.
  • Please pray for Pastor Joseph Webb and his wife that they will operate in God's anointing and direction and will be Healed from any sickness or plague. Thank you!
  • I need prayer for chronic back pain and fibromyalgia. Also for and opening to share my testimony. Shalom Keren
  • I am asking for prayer that YeHoVaH cleanses His people from any and all of the materials of the Covid-19 shots, ... thank you
  • God's blessings to all, I am asking for a prayer 🙏 for my daughter Gabriela. She has tough school exams to pass it. She managed the stress and gave herself to Jesus Christ .🙏
  • Please pray for me and my children Lola and Emmett and our dog Archie. Satan tries to come at us. We need lives of peace and abundance and shalom shalom. Perfect peace. I am in a relationship with a surgeon name Richard. He gets quiet and ignores me periodically and then says he wants to be with me all the time but has backed off in many ways. I don’t want to guess or beg or fret. I want peace in my life. I want to say the right things and do the right things.
  • Bob healing of cancer and heart issues
  • -Please join me in prayer for our family as we journey through many changes in our household, adoptions, home studies, fingerprinting, court cases, fighting for granddaughters who live in sexual abuse, our Rebecca is the recent victim from bio mom and step-dad and yet nothing is being done by either Florida law enforcement or Louisiana, bio mom has moved these children to Michigan to avoid law enforcement to take children, another family member not in our home is in a horrible relationship
  • Please pray we have our first home study, August 17th, day of my birthday, this is the first step in the adoption of my foster children in our home. We have sent all information required, pray this journey goes smoothly. Children still want to be adopted. Pray for the 12-year-old, she is lost not understanding why her biological parents could not cooperate with the state and get well from drugs. She has been a challenge. Pray she and her biological siblings will connect to a therapist and start healing.

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