Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for me, that I do God's will, that I'm filled with the holy spirit, and an given a pure heart and given a wise and sound mind. Please pray for Rachel Burns, Loran Logie, Erica Ciraldi, Hannah McKay, Michael Izakov, Erica Nestle, Austin Snyder, Jessica Gold, David Kemnitz, Julian Morales, and Brandon Hale who aren't heaven bound.
  • We close on our home and will be moving about 700 miles away where at this time we do not know anybody. Please pray for safe travel for my son and I, no car trouble or incidences. Pray we find good fellowhip quickly. We get this house packed and what we have left will fit in the trailer. Strength and renewing physically and spiritually. Thank you.
  • Request: .High cholesterol caused by Hashimoto's thyroid, hyperlipid fat in blood (genetic) osteoporosis need to work to get social security in a physical job. No thyroid meds are prescribed because make osteoporosis worse.Pls, pray can keep my physical job....
  • Would greatly appreciate any and all prayers you could offer up to our Father for my grandmother Geraldine, her husband, and his grandchildren. She learned just the other day that the state is giving them custody of the children because of a lot of terrible things going on. For six weeks at the least. She really needs strength to get through this. The poor children need stability and to know the love of God...and their parents need to repent and get straightened up! Thanks and Yah bless.
  • Please pray that the lies communicated about my husband and YeHoVaH Rapha destroy me and we will be able to foster children in crisis yes, adoption is granted to us, and home study will go smoothly and we can have our 3 children back. Pray the soon 11-year-old will finally be caught lying but most especially stealing so she can get the rehabilitation, and therapy needed and the 12-year-old will get the anger management needed for healing, yes these are the babies i want to adopt for Yeshu
  • My mother had an MRI with an unknown spot on her head. Please pray the unknown spot disappears. Thank you
  • Please pray for Pastor Joseph Webb and his wife that they will operate in Gods anointing and direction and would be Healed from any sickness or plague. Thank-you!
  • Please pray that the lies communicated about my husband and I are destroy by YeHoVaH Rapha and we will be able to foster children in crisis and yes, adoption is granted to us and home study to go smoothly and we can have our 3 children back. Pray the soon 11 year old will finally be caught lying but most especially stealing so she can get the rehabilitation, and therapy needed and the 12 year old will get the anger management needed for healing, yes this are the babies i want to adopt for Yeshu
  • Thank you all for praying for our land. All violations have been cleared. Please continue to pray that it sells. Blessings and shalom. Halleluyah.
  • I ask this one request that I will start to gain more weight. No more muscle wasting in Jesus name. Pray that I will stay on the road to recovery and healing of my liver. Thank-you!
  • Please pray that I don’t have Cachexia! And if I do that I will be completely healed of it.
  • That my husband and I can find out way to please the Father and Yeshua. Also to praise Yeshua for healing my husband's cancer. His scans are clear.

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