Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • We have just moved to a new location and we do not know anybody, please pray that we find like-minded fellowship and community. Thank you.
  • Asking that God please bless my path and open doors of provision, love, and friendships. I have tons of problems with family members who intend on keeping my inheritance.. please pray God deliver me.
  • This is an odd request, but please pray for my cousin's cat. Her name is June and she has been having seizures. She is very important to us. Please ask that God continues to interviene and heal her completely. Thank you all and may God bless you!
  • Please join us in the journey of truth concerning our household. MY 11 and 12 year old foster children both female lied and accused us foster parents of abusing them. Their brother is suffering because he wanted so much for adoption, we have appealed. Pray we are allowed to adopt all 3 and truth to be known.We can foster others in crisis. In Yeshua name! Amen!
  • For the deliverance and salvation of my sons Jactniel and gGrson and for them to come back to Yeshua .again.
  • Asking that God please bless my path and open doors of provision, love, and friendships. I have tons of problems with family members who intend on keeping my inheritance.. please pray God deliver me.
  • Please please pray for my 7 year old Nathaniel. I don't know if he has croup or rsv but he is sick with a bad cough and wheezing and doesn't feel good. Pray for strength for my husband and I we are both exhausted. Also please pray for my mom fani who is recovering from not feeling well
  • Dear friends in Christ, please pray for me and my mother Nancy
  • Please pray for Dana and Renne Israelis who fled from Israel to The Netherlands because of the war with Hamas. That they may receive healing, shalom and God's guidance. That they may get the courage to live in Israel if that's His plan? Because they cannot handle the tension in Israel anymore. They are waiting at the moment for a Romanian or American visa, please pray that Jahweh may speed up their application (God willing). Above all they may accept Yeshua as Lord and Savoir! Toda rabah🙏
  • For physical healing autoimmune disease where Dr cannot prescribe meds because it makes other medical conditions worse. Symptoms getting worse..diagnosed as child no cure, no meds, need to work physical job; For physical healing of hashimoto thyroid.  I have infections. Pls pray God will take away my attachment to foods, objects. Pray favor with supervisor to get remaining 2023 vacation .
  • Please pray for YHVHs will. My house burned down and I lost everything. Also, I need deliverance from serious health issues. Thank you in advance.
  • I am asking for continous prayer that YeHoVaH mightily helps me to swiftly and quickly pay off all of my debts as quickly and possible.....and that I start searching for another job....

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