Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for YHVHs will. My house burned down and I lost everything. Also, I need deliverance from serious health issues. Thank you in advance.
  • I am asking for continous prayer that YeHoVaH mightily helps me to swiftly and quickly pay off all of my debts as quickly and possible.....and that I start searching for another job....
  • Our 42-year-old daughter fell through the ceiling 16 feet, she was unresponsive,, and she is in surgical ICU, with a brain bleed, ribs broken on the right side, discs in the back, broken collar bone! Friday at 1:15 pm. She needs prayers. She can move her legs and feet, doctors said the discs will heal themself, brain bleed is stable which is great, we need it to shrink. Very confused…pray for our daughter and 4 children. They all love us.
  • Please pray for me, that I do God's will, that I'm filled with the holy spirit, and given a pure heart and a wise and sound mind. Please pray for Rachel Burns, Loran Logie, Erica Ciraldi, Hannah McKay, Michael Izakov, Erica Nestle, Austin Snyder, Jessica Gold, David Kemnitz, Julian Morales, and Brandon Hale who aren't heaven-bound.
  • Please pray for donations sufficient enough to pay for the bills, the livestock food, and repair of the vehicle. Please pray for the safety of all of the animals on this rehab farm. Thank you. Sandy
  • I am requesting prayer for a full recovery from a stroke that I had. I also need prayer for a financial miracle because I live on government assistance and it is not enough and unsustainable for lifes everyday needs. And finally please pray that I can have my own home, my own space and not have to live with relatives because I am so poor. I appreciate them and love them to bits but I need a place to call my own. Thank you very much.
  • Please pray that the lies communicated about my husband and I are destroy by YeHoVaH Rapha and we will be able to foster children in crisis and yes, adoption is granted to us and home study to go smoothly and we can have our 3 children back. Pray the soon 11 year old will finally be caught lying but most especially stealing so she can get the rehabilitation, and therapy needed and the 12 year old will get the anger management needed for healing, yes this are the babies i want to adopt for Yeshu
  • Please pray for me for a career/income. My parents helped my sister (older) and brother (younger) to go to university, but when it was my turn there were no funds. I married young and supported my husband through 4 jobs and him starting 3 businesses. We made sure our sons got an education and paid for it. They both have 2 Commercial Aviation licenses. At 49, I feel like everyone got a chance to live their best life but me. My whole life I longed for a fruitful, satisfying career that honors God.
  • Please pray with me for my husband and both our sons to be born again and become the godly men God originally created them to be.
  • Please, pray for my 8-year-old son. He has recently been diagnosed with ADHD and has been struggling in school since kindergarten, he’s been also struggling in every area of his life, affecting his behavior towards his parents, grandparents, and every person in his life. Please pray that his defiant and disrespectful ways be no more! And that his brain can process things the way YEHOVAH created it to do! That he may be a faithful servant of Elohim and shema HIS commandments! Thank you!!!
  • First, I want to thank everyone for caring enough to call upon YAH for the benefit of others. HALLELUYAH!!!!!!!! My son is struggling with alcoholism. My heart mourns for his complete Release, Salvation, and Future wife after YAHS HEART. Again, Thank you, and my prayer is that HIS blessings will overtake you abundantly.
  • Request: I ask for prayer for the reconciliation of my family and for second chances. And for strength, vision, patience, and wisdom is this time of trials. Thank you

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