Prayer Requests

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:19-20

Click and Pray for the United States... Matt 18:20

YeHoVaH, forgive our sins, heal our land. As we turn back to you, we ask that you reestablish the righteous foundations of our country, and raise up a leader who fears you.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Kim and grace that they may find a place to live that is reasonable as they are not in a very good place right now to live Kim is a single mom and works every day pray Yehova blesses this young lady real soon in Yeshua name thank you
  • Please join us in the journey of truth concerning our household. my 11 and 12 year old foster children both females lied and accused us foster parents of abusing them. Their brother is suffering because he wanted so much for adoption, we have appealed. Home study is today for ADOPTION.Pray we are allowed to adopt all 3 and truth to be known.We can foster others in crisis. In Yeshua name! Amen
  • I am asking for continous prayer that YeHoVaH mightily helps me to quickly and swiftly pay off all of my debts as quickly as possible, your prayers are needed...
  • Please pray for God to deliver the Beach area I'm on today from evil. For Him to bless it with every spiritual/physical blessing He desires. God bless!!!
  • Please pray that the surgery my friend, Melinda, is having is successful and that she be restored to full health. Thank you.
  • Please pray that the surgery my friend, Melinda, is having is successful and that she be restored to full health. Thank you.
  • Total breakthrough in all my prayer requests in Yeshua’s name
  • Sick kitten no smell due to respiratory infection no drinking or eating, liquid stools asked 4 help but was rejected by no-kill animal shelter.. Stop blaming me for all sickness with wild feral cats by the no-kill cat shelter with $750,000 budget to help wild cats She wants me to pay to get the kitten looked by a vet..all I did was ask if they could help sick kittens with respiratory infections, liquid stools, stop cleaning itself too sick, no smell..stop eating. they previously brought cat with pneumonia, broken leg.
  • I am being targeted to be made an example of. But God is good please pray for me
  • I am being targeted to be made an example of. But God is good please pray for me
  • Pray for Kim and grace that they may find a place to live that is reasonable as they are not in a very good place right now to live Kim is a single mom and works every day pray Yehovah blesses this young lady real soon in Yeshua name thank you
  • Please pray for Jenna that Yehova grants her a car that she is able to go to work with ! Thank you

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